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Page "Neo-orthodoxy" ¶ 8
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Some Related Sentences

other and words
In other words, nationalism worked well enough when it had limited application, both as to geography and as to population ; ;
But because it is the function of the mind to turn the one into the other by means of the capacities with which words endow it, we do not unwisely examine the type of distinction, in the sphere of politics, on which decisions hang.
by this term he means to ridicule their professions of acting in the interest of the Church despite their own education and manner of life -- a gibe, in other words, at the `` Presbyterianism '' in Harley's family and at Bolingbroke's reputed impiety.
Once more, in other words, Steele is said to be indebted to Swift for his `` wit '' ; ;
In other words, as students go through college, those who are most successful academically tend to become more committed to a `` Bill of Rights '' orientation.
in other words its existence belongs to the period of Roman Britain.
The problem, in other words, is strictly a chronological one.
In other words, atrocities by savages wearing the uniform of the central government might be condoned, had the victims been serving the cause of dissident Katanga.
In other words, the Secretary General is to be a nonpartisan, international servant, not a political, national one.
In other words, the whole storage and pipeline system does not belong to the homeowners nor to the town but rather to Tri-State.
Poster Products Inc., Chicago, Ill.: a changeable copy and display sign which consists of an extruded impact styrene background in choice of colors, onto which are mounted snap-in letters, figures, or words screened on acetate or other types of sheet stock.
In other words, if an ideal gas is compressed and kept at constant temperature, the work done in compressing it is completely converted into heat and transferred to the surrounding heat sink.
In other words, the anastomoses between the bronchial artery and pulmonary artery should be considered as functional or demand shunts.
In other words, if F satisfies the differential equation Af, then F is uniquely expressible in the form Af where Af satisfies the differential equation Af.
In other words, these curves have only fixed intersections common to them all.
But if no two lines of the regulus of multiple secants of **zg can intersect, then the regulus must be quadratic, or in other words, **zg must be either a Af or a Af curve on a nonsingular quadric surface.
In the urban area, in other words, they, unlike some urban ethnic groups, do not concentrate in ghetto colonies.
In other words, the Soviet Union was determined to create a Poland so strong as to be a powerful bulwark against Germany and so closely tied to Russia that there would never be any question of her serving as a cordon sanitaire against the Soviets or posing as an independent, balancing power in between Russia and Germany.
In other words the burden of pleading clearly rested upon the pleader by state law.
It will not, however, be used for symbolic assignment until all other index words or electronic switches have been assigned for the first time.
In other words, like automation machines designed to work in tandem, they shared the same programming, a mutual understanding not only of English words, but of the four stresses, pitches, and junctures that can change their meaning from black to white.
Even less regard for mom and mom's apple pie goes with: Af In other words, the way the speaker relates to mother is clearly indicated.
In other words, the promulgators of the murder plan made clear that physically exterminating the Jews was but an extension of the anti-Semitic measures already operating in every phase of German life, and that the new conspiracy counted on the general anti-Semitism that had made those measures effective, as a readiness for murder.
Although it was at the Battle of The Little Horn, about which more words have been written than any other battle in American history, that the 7th Cavalry first made its mark in history, the regiment was ten years old by then.

other and might
Under her father's influence it did not occur to Henrietta that she might write on subjects outside the Jewish field, but she did begin writing for other Anglo-Jewish papers and thus increased her output and her audience.
`` I've served as a counsel for the U.N. for some years, specializing particularly in real estate matters or other problems that the regular U.N. legal staff might not be equipped to handle.
When he remembered that he might have not signed the check, Mercer made out another for the same amount, instructing the bank to destroy the other -- especially if he had happened to have absent-mindedly signed both of them.
Virginia and Rachel talked to each other quietly now, as allies who are political rather than natural might in a war atmosphere.
Lightning might strike the steeples of the other churches ; ;
But there are other contentions which might be considered more difficult.
It is a flavor that might take a little getting used to -- not because it is unpleasant, but because the flavor is hard to define in the light of our experience with other fruits.
For instance, a site adjoining other publicly owned lands, such as a national forest or a public road, may be desirable, whereas a site next to an industrial plant might not.
On the other hand, a similar attack might have been made on City B whose population was known to be lousy.
It might be pointed out that the integrating function of religion, for good or ill, has often supported or been identified with other groupings -- political, nationality, language, class, racial, sociability, even economic.
For no particular reason, other than that the writer felt it might -- just might -- encourage both mates to be in attendance.
While other conditions might be even more effective in bringing about a change from immobility to mobility in Kohnstamm reactivity, it is our hypothesis that all such conditions would have as a common factor the capacity to induce an attitude in the subject which enabled him to divorce himself temporarily from feelings of responsibility for his behavior.
No effort is made in the same studies to present information on regional or national demand trends in these skills or to consider whether regional or national demands for other skills might provide much better opportunities for the youth to be trained.
With respect to this type of item, one might properly apply the language of the Committee Report, quoted above, which cautions against using section 381 as a basis for treating other tax attributes not mentioned therein.
The first, or double-step, type might also be called the `` railroad type '' because of its application to railroads ( and other transportation agencies ) by the Cost Section of the Interstate Commerce Commission.
No soap or other cleaning agent was used that might bring in unwanted chemical reactions.
When I speculated on one such occasion that the new growth, like other mutations, might be unable to propagate, I was immediately accused of preaching racial prejudice.
Starting from other value premises than Fromm's, some analysts might conclude that the percentages really tell us very little at all, while others might even conclude that the figures are remarkably low.
Today it espouses certain ideas in its curriculum that other institutions might consider somewhat breathtaking.
Not only should this provision be enforced but other economic and political actions might be taken which, this author believes, `` must surely be supported by every American who values the freedom that has been won for him and whose conscience is not so dominated by the lines in his account books that he can willingly and knowingly contribute to the enslavement of another nation ''.
Although the primary mathematical properties of the middle number at the center of the Lo Shu, and the interrelation of all the other numbers to it, might seem enough to account for the deep fascination which the Lo Shu held for the Old Chinese philosophers, this was actually only a beginning of wonders.
The world might ring with the struggle, if we devoted ourselves exclusively to belaboring each other ''.

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