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Page "Puritan" ¶ 24
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Some Related Sentences

same and way
If I could make myself feel the same way
`` Would you advise us to act the same way??
We are not now afraid of atomic bombs in the same way that people once feared comets.
We talk about national character in the same way that Copernicus talked of the compulsions of celestial bodies to move in circles.
In a certain perfectly definite way, the method and the theme of his stories are one and the same.
Robert Penn Warren puts it this way in `` Brother To Dragons '': `` The recognition of complicity is the beginning of innocence '', where innocence, I think, means about the same thing as redemption.
And it is clearly argued by Lord Percy of Newcastle, in his remarkable long essay, The Heresy Of Democracy, and in a more general way by Voegelin, in his New Science Of Politics, that this same Rousseauan idea, descending through European democracy, is the source of Marx's theory of the dictatorship of the proletariat.
In the same way he coupled Molesworth and Wharton in a letter to Archbishop King, and he had earlier described him as `` the worst of them '' in some `` Observations '' on the Irish Privy Council submitted to Oxford.
In much the same way, we recognize the importance of Shakespeare's familarity with Plutarch and Montaigne, of Shelley's study of Plato's dialogues, and of Coleridge's enthusiastic plundering of the writings of many philosophers and theologians from Plato to Schelling and William Godwin, through which so many abstract ideas were brought to the attention of English men of letters.
In addition to his experiments in reading poetry to jazz, Patchen is beginning to use the figure of the modern jazz musician as a myth hero in the same way he used the figure of the private detective a decade ago.
It could go either way, since the gains for both points of view were about the same.
The evening was not always spent in the same way.
In the past these same Southerners were inclined to look the other way.
if, as often happened, he had to repeat because he had spoken too softly, he would repeat his words in the same way, without emphasis or impatience, only a little louder.
Maybe he felt the same way.
Eileen seemed to feel the same way.
In the same way I like to think we owe our loyalty as legislators to our community, our district, our State.
Mr. Claude is a specialist in torso development and he has long favored the now-famous Weider Push-Pull Super-Set technique in which one exercise of the Super-Set is a pressing or `` pushing '' movement which accents one sector of a muscle group in a specific way, followed by a `` pulling '' exercise which works the opposing sector of the same muscle group.
It would be even more valuable because that same aircraft could immediately destroy any targets it discovered -- no need to wait for a missile to come all the way from the United States with the chance that the target, if it were mobile, would be gone.
Having a boat financed through a local bank is done much the same way as an automobile loan is extended.
Outboard motors, insurance, and boat repairs may also be financed in the same way as boats.
The chines go in the same way except that they are made of two pieces of two-inch wood for strength and easier bending.
We define these values as Af, and define g{t} in the same way for each T.
In a way, we may be witnessing the same thing in the sales of automobiles today as the public no longer is willing to purchase any car coming on the market but is more insistent on compact cars free of the frills which were accepted in the Fifties.
To derive Utopian communism from the Jerusalem Christian community of the apostolic age or from its medieval successors-in-spirit, the monastic communities, is with an appropriate shift of adjectives, misleading in the same way as to derive it from Plato's Republic: in the Republic we have to do with an elite of physical and intellectual athletes, in the apostolic and monastic communities with an elite of spiritual and religious athletes.

same and there
The same command is repeated as many times as there are levels in rank from general to corporal.
This was taken after I came to live in Springfield, and it was made under the guidance of the Reverend Raymond Beardslee, a young preacher who came to the Congregational Church there at about the same time that I moved from New York.
His father was a professor at Hartford Theological Seminary, and from him he acquired a conviction, which he passed along to me, that there is in the universe of persons a moral law, the law of love, which is a natural law in the same sense as is the physical law.
We were almost the same age, she was fifteen, I was twelve, and where I felt there was a life to look forward to Lilly felt she had had as much of it as was necessary.
After a pause, during which he studied Scotty's face as if Scotty were not there and could not study him too, Mr. McKinley would ask the same questions he had asked downstairs.
The curtains were of the same material, and there were some big oil paintings -- portraits in the style of Lancret and Boucher.
As long as there were two human beings working together on the same project, there would be competition and you could no more escape it than you could expect to escape the grave.
He could no longer build anything, whether a private residence in his Pennsylvania county or a church in Brazil, without it being obvious that he had done it, and while here and there he was taken to task for again developing the same airy technique, they were such fanciful and sometimes even playful buildings that the public felt assured by its sense of recognition after a time, a quality of authentic uniqueness about them, which, once established by an artist as his private vision, is no longer disputable as to its other values.
Alex told her that there was no hurry for their breakfasts, trying at the same time to effect a speedy separation of the persons before and behind him.
At the same time there has been an upgrading and expansion of municipal services as well.
But even if that other plant employs the same number of workers and makes the same product, there are other facts to consider.
In the household market, there are also low-sudsing detergent formulations based on nonionic actives with about the same amount of phosphate builder ; ;
This iodoprotein does not appear to be the same as what is normally present in the thyroid, and there is no evidence so far that thyroglobulin can be iodinated in vitro by cell-free systems.
On the other hand, there are a few antithyroid drugs of this same general type, such as resorcinol, possessing no reducing activity and possibly acting through formation of a complex with molecular iodine.
Often, therefore, there are a number of rules having the same effect, and commonly other sets of rules as well, having the opposite effect.
But there was no pressing need to maintain these same standards with regard to most of the rest of the world.
At the same time, there is a good deal of self-congratulation at attending a good college -- they are even inclined to exaggerate its not inconsiderable virtues -- and they express pleasure at the cozy in-group feeling that the college generates.
Questioned further, Morse said that there had been four or five priests riding on the same car with him.
The same taut-nerved relationship as there had been between the passengers on the plane now strained at the three of them here on the boat.
Take the same train Diana Beauclerk took and get there at the same time.
At the same time, there was increased reason for a quick meeting lest the Soviet leader, as a result of those episodes, come to a dangerously erroneous conclusion about the West's ability and determination to resist Communist pressure.
The same God who called this world into being when He said: `` Let there be light ''!!

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