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is and dance
According to Katherine Litz, `` the becoming, the process of realization, is the dance ''.
The design is determined emotionally: `` I must reach into myself for the spring that will send me catapulting recklessly into the chaos of event with which the dance confronts me ''.
Though he is also concerned with freeing dance from pedestrian modes of activity, Merce Cunningham has selected a very different method for achieving his aim.
Thus, there is freshness not only in the individual movements of the dance but in the shape of their continuity as well.
The sequence of movements in a Cunningham dance is unlike any sequence to be seen in life.
The answers derived by these means may determine not only the temporal organization of the dance but also its spatial design, special slips designating the location on the stage where the movement is to be performed.
The singular uncompromising force of their revolt against the cult of restraint is illustrated by their refusal to dance in a public place.
The dance is but a disguised ritual for the expression of ungratified sexual desire.
Daughter of a gypsy mother who taught her to dance, she is one of the few really beautiful girls in the New York Casbah, with dark eyes and dark, waist-length hair, the face of an adolescent patrician and a lithe, glimmering body.
Marlene ( surname: Adamo ), 25, a Brazilian divorcee who learned the dance from Arabic friends in Paris, now lives on Manhattan's West Side, is about the best belly dancer working the Casbah, loves it so much that she dances on her day off.
His creative development of melodic designs of Slavic dance tunes and love songs is captivating: witty, clever, adroit, and subtle.
It is more than just lack of dance training that is our problem, for just as gymnastics can learn from dance, dance has some very important things to learn from gymnastics.
To be fit, one has to start early with young children, and today the only person who really reaches such children is the teacher of dance.
This is not unlike the order received by the sergeant of an army motor pool: `` Four trucks to Fort Mason gym, 7:30 tonight, for hauling girls to dance.
A crowd of 1,400 is expected for the ceremonies, which will be followed by the show in which the writers will lampoon baseball personalities in skit, dance and song.
Jean Fardulli's Blue Angel is the first top local club to import that crazy new dance, the Twist.
There is no use at all in trying to follow it dance by dance and title by title, for it has a kind of nonstop format, and moves along in an admirable continuity that demands no pauses for identification.
One thing is certain, however, and that is that he is far more slavish to the detailed accents, phrasings and contours of the music he deals with than a confident dance creator need be.

is and tells
A checklist in the Appendix ( ( page 30 ) tells what is needed.
and frightening, as when a wife tells the police that it is funny, but her husband hasn't been home for two days and nights ''.
Mr. Alexander H. Wheelan's Study Helps In Point And Figure Technique tells the readers: `` We assure you that the total number of people using this method of market analysis is a very small portion of the sum total of those operating in the securities and commodities markets ''.
The music becomes ethereal as he calls up a vision of her own sainthood: it is she, he tells her, who can bring the truth to Russia and convert the heretics.
It is only fairly recently, however, that linguists have developed a systematic way of charting voices on paper in a way that tells even more about the speakers and about the success or failure of human communication between two people.
But slowly they take over as Alain Delon ( Life, Sept. 15 ), playing a sometimes appealing but always criminal boy, casually tells a rich and foot-loose American that he is going to murder him, then does it even while the American is trying to puzzle out how Delon expects to profit from the act.
La Peste ) is a novel by Albert Camus, published in 1947, that tells the story of medical workers finding solidarity in their labour as the Algerian city of Oran is swept by a plague.
What interests him, he tells Rieux, is how to become a saint, even though he does not believe in God .</ br > Later in the novel, Tarrou tells Rieux, with whom he has become friends, the story of his life.
The Sultan is in the company of five other deposed European monarchs, and he tells Candide, who initially doubts his credentials:
This is unlikely as Bede tells us that they were all slaughtered by the Saxons under Cædwalla.
Through Amos, God tells the people that he is going to judge Israel for its sins, and it will be a foreign nation that will enact his judgment.
Plutarch tells a story that at Bactra, in 327 BC in a debate with Callisthenes, he advised all to worship Alexander as a god even during his lifetime, is with greater probability attributed to the Sicilian Cleon.
True to his empirical thesis, Hume tells the reader that, though testimony does have some force, it is never quite as powerful as the direct evidence of the senses.
Acting is the work of an actor or actress, which is a person in theatre, television, film, or any other storytelling medium who tells the story by portraying a character and, usually, speaking or singing the written text or play.
In the Iliad his father Zeus tells him that he is the god most hateful to him.
A contemporary report tells that Thorkell the Tall attempted to save Ælfheah from the mob about to kill him by offering them everything he owned except for his ship, in exchange for Ælfheah's life ; Thorkell's presence is not mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, however.
The scene where Obadiah Stane, the archrival of ' Tony ' Stark, the wealthy industrialist turned Ironman, tells Tony that he is being ousted from his company by the board, Obadiah plays the opening few bars of the Salieri concerto on a piano in Stark's suite.
Edited, with an Afterword, by Sharrar, Avery Hopwood's The Great Bordello, a Story of the Theatre, is a roman à clef that tells the story of Edwin Endsleigh — Hopwood ’ s fictional counterpart — who graduates from the University of Michigan and heads for Broadway to earn his fortune and the security to pursue his one true dream of writing the great American novel.
A lift will take visitors almost to the top – to the attic, where there is a small museum which contains large models of the Arc and tells its story from the time of its construction.
Polybius tells that 28 years after the expulsion of the last Persian king Xerxes crossed over to Greece, and that event is fixed to 478 BC by two solar eclipses.
He tells Cora that he is expecting a new assistant who might help them.

is and stories
The dramatic construction of his stories characteristically turns on a situation in which someone is simultaneously compelled and forbidden to love.
that is, he is suspect, guilty, punishable, as is anyone in Mann's stories who produces illusion, and this is true even though the constant elements of the artist-nature, technique, magic, guilt and suffering, are divided in this story between Jacoby and Lautner.
The basic premise of all mystery stories is that the distinction between good and bad coincides with the distinction between legal and illegal.
There is probably some significance in the fact that two of the best incest stories I have encountered in recent years are burlesques of the incest myth.
But The Holy Sinner is not simply a retelling of old stories for an old man's entertainment.
Not all recent science fiction, however, is dystopian, for the optimistic strain is still very much alive in Mission Of Gravity and Childhood's End, as we have seen, as well as in many other recent popular novels and stories like Fred Hoyle's The Black Cloud ( 1957 ) ; ;
Among the many stories about the late Speaker Rayburn is one from Rep. Dwyer, R-6th Dist..
The stories Everyone really knows what is happening there ''.
The argument against this last approach is comparable to that which rejects stories about hoop snakes, about snakes that break themselves into many pieces and join up again, or even of ghosts that chase people out of graveyards ; ;
I believe the situation is improving, but the success stories need to be heavily publicized.
Mr. Sansom is English, bearded, formidably cultivated, the versatile author of numerous volumes of short stories, of novels and of pieces that are neither short stories nor travel articles but something midway between.
The animistic idea as the representation of the imaginative reality, is sanctified in the Homeric poems and in Greek myths, in stories of the god Hephaestus ( Phaistos ) and the mythic Daedalus ( the builder of the labyrinth ) that made images which moved of their own accord.
The phrase " mad Arab ", sometimes with both words capitalized in Lovecraft's stories, is used so commonly before Alhazred's name that it almost constitutes a title.
In some stories the question of whether formal justice will be done is left unresolved, such as Five Little Pigs, and arguably Ordeal by Innocence.
Along with Miss Marple, Poirot is one of Christie's most famous and long-lived characters, appearing in 33 novels, one play, and more than 50 short stories published between 1920 and 1975 and set in the same era.
A more obvious influence on the early Poirot stories is that of Arthur Conan Doyle.
Japp is an Inspector from Scotland Yard and appears in many of the stories trying to solve the cases Poirot is working on.
Jane Marple, usually referred to as Miss Marple, is a fictional character appearing in twelve of Agatha Christie's crime novels and in twenty short stories.
While Miss Marple is described as ' an old lady ' in many of the stories, her age is mentioned in " At Bertram's Hotel ", where it is said she visited the hotel when she was 14 and almost 60 years have passed since then.

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