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is and home
`` His address '', Walter added, `` is that great foundling home, the American Express.
Steinberg spoke with warmth and enthusiasm about Italy: `` Rome is my second home.
The infant is discovered by a fisherman who brings him home to rear him.
Bertha Szold was more like Meg, the eldest March girl, who `` learned that a woman's happiest kingdom is home, her highest honor the art of ruling it, not as a queen, but a wise wife and mother ''.
And this is my own home ''.
The impression you get from Carl Sandburg's home is one of laughter and happiness ; ;
the atmosphere is that of an attractive private beach club at home.
It is doubtful if Morgan was able to take home much money to his wife and children, for his pay, as shown by the War Department Abstracts of early 1778 was $75 a month as a colonel, and that apt to be delayed.
The church truly is not a rest home for saints, but a hospital for sinners.
In designing his home fallout shelter there is nothing to prevent a man from planning to shelter that home's occupants, `` plus-one '' -- so he will be able to take in a stranger.
Maj. Anderson of Fort Sumter is home and recruiting volunteers for the U.S. Army.
There is no such thing as being diligent about national affairs but indifferent about home needs.
The shelter illustrated in figure 12 is based on such a room built in a new home in the Washington, D.C. area in the Spring of 1959.
The problem of efficient production in textiles is complicated by the fact that the industry serves large markets which shift quickly with changes of fashion in apparel or home decoration.
I therefore believe it is realistic to assume a modest drop in the total value of home entertainment electronics to about $1.8 million, slightly below 1960, but above 1959.
It is this sort of experience that makes the concept of high fidelity of real musical significance for the home music listener.
The home listener is overpowered, all right, but the experience is a far from pleasant one.
As an engineer approaches the plant the position of the home signal is seen in advance when he passes the `` distant '' signal located beyond the limits of the interlocking plant.
No matter what style your home is, ranch, two-story, Colonial or contemporary, central air conditioning is easily installed.
Stravinsky, nearing the age of eighty, is like a lost and frantic bird, flitting from one abandoned nest to another, searching for a home.
Home is the place to find the comforts of home.
He is usually conscious of the social pressures at home and outside ; ;
Sixty miles north of New York City where the wooded hills of Dutchess County meet the broad sweep of the Hudson River there is a new home development called `` Oakwood Heights ''.

is and national
-- liberal considers that the need for a national economy with controls that will assure his conception of social justice is so great that individual and local liberties as well as democratic processes may have to yield before it.
Internal national responsibility is a societal response to the impact of the Industrial Revolution.
Already accidental war is a silent guest at the discussions within the Kennedy Administration about the urgency of disarmament and nearly all other questions of national security.
It is well then that in this hour both of `` national peril '' and of `` national opportunity '' we can take counsel with the men who made the nation.
that is, about one-half of one per cent, which looks pretty `` tokenish '' to me, especially in an institution which professes to be `` national ''.
Each is still glorified as a national hero.
This is, however, symptomatic of our national malaise.
Hence government must establish greater controls upon corporations so that their activities promote what is deemed essential to the national interest.
At the national and international level, then, what is the highest kind of morality for the private citizen represents an instance of political immorality.
In this domain the simple fact of coexistence in the same local, national, and world community is enough to guarantee that we cannot refrain from having some effect, large or small, upon Gentile-Jewish relations.
If Jews are identified as a religious body in a controversy that comes before a national or international tribunal, it is obviously compatible with the goal of human dignity to protect freedom of worship.
This, it is urged, would relieve the national committee from the necessity of appealing to the trust magnates.
The alternative to this is that if a conservative candidate is nominated the national committee will have to appeal to the trusts for their campaign funds, and in doing this will incur obligations which would make a Democratic victory absolutely fruitless.
The national average is more than $4 and that figure is considered by experts in the mental health field to be too low.
This is the key fact emerging from Sunday's national election.
Engaged as it is in a battle for world trade as a condition of national survival, this country can have little patience with labor's family feuds.
The concept of labor as a special class is outmoded, and in the task confronting America as bastion of the free world, labor must learn to put the national interest first if it is itself to survive.
But competent observers believe he is making progress, particularly toward what Sen. Jackson lists as the primary need -- `` a clearer understanding of where our vital national interests lie and what we must do to promote them ''.
The move for establishment of a national seashore park on 30,000 acres of Cape Cod, from Provincetown to Chatham, is strengthened by President Kennedy's interest in that area.
Carbondale is in the Herrin-Murphysboro-West Frankfort labor market, where unemployment has been substantially higher than the national average.
In other words, the Secretary General is to be a nonpartisan, international servant, not a political, national one.

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