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then and passes
`` They can be going along, doing little damage, then bang, bang -- they can hit a couple of passes on you for touchdowns and put you in trouble ''.
The Swiss commanders wired the infrastructure leading into the country, and threatening to destroy bridges, railway tunnels and passes in the event of a Nazi invasion, and then they retreated to the heart of the mountain peaks where conditions were harsher and a military invasion would involve difficult and protracted battles.
The Lesser Caucasus range extends through northern Armenia, runs southeast between Lake Sevan and Azerbaijan, then passes roughly along the Armenian-Azerbaijani border to Iran.
On flowing out of the lake it passes through Thun, and then flows through the city of Bern, passing beneath eighteen bridges and around the steeply-flanked peninsula on which the Old City is located.
It is often useful to render image elements in separate passes, and then combine the resulting multiple 2D images into a single, final image in a process called compositing.
By 1919, the SANNC was leading a campaign against passes but then became dormant in the mid-1920s.
The radiation then passes through a monochromator in order to separate the element-specific radiation from any other radiation emitted by the radiation source, which is finally measured by a detector.
Savoy would then serve as a gateway into France by way of the mountain passes or, alternatively, an invasion with naval support along the Mediterranean coast via Nice and Toulon in connection with redoubled Allied efforts in Spain.
If players cannot move either die in a roll, given the position of their checkers then that turn is over and the turn passes to the opponent.
The paper then passes over the print drum, at which time the image is immediately transferred, or transfixed, to the page.
Two chlorophyll molecules are then ionised, producing an excited electron, which then passes onto the photochemical reaction centre.
Romo then threw 3 touchdown passes to Miles Austin as the Cowboys rallied to send the game into overtime.
Three passes were required to translate source code to the " IT " language, then to compile the IT statements into SOAP assembly language, and finally to produce the object program, which could then be loaded into the machine to run the program ( using punched cards for data input, and outputting results onto punched cards ).
Her boyfriend Nicholas hangs his buttocks out of a window, hoping to trick Absolon into kissing his buttocks in turn and then passes gas in the face of his rival.
If a lock passes the requirements then it is said to be California Department of Justice ( CADOJ ) approved.
Solar radiation at the frequencies of visible light largely passes through the atmosphere to warm the planetary surface, which then emits this energy at the lower frequencies of infrared thermal radiation.
Each nerve cell in this path begins in the brainstem and passes down the neck along the vagus nerve, then branches off into the recurrent laryngeal nerve which passes back up the neck to the larynx.
As a ruminant, the giraffe first chews its food, then swallows it for processing and then visibly passes the half-digested cud up the neck and back into the mouth to chew again.
Passing first through Comayagua and then through narrow passes south of the city, the depression widens again as it runs along the border of El Salvador into the Gulf of Fonseca.
The roads are B 3, B 6 and B 65, called Westschnellweg ( B6 on the northern part, B3 on the southern part ), Messeschnellweg ( B3, becomes A37 near Burgdorf, crosses A2, becomes B3 again, changes to B6 at Seelhorster Kreuz, then passes the Hanover fairground as B6 and becomes A37 again before merging into A7 ) and Südschnellweg ( starts out as B65, becomes B3 / B6 / B65 upon crossing Westschnellweg, then becomes B65 again at Seelhorster Kreuz ).

then and under
Others, badly wounded, gripped hands in manes, knees in bellies, held on as long as possible and then, weak from ghastly wounds, slipped sideways, slowly, almost thoughtfully, to be broken under the slashing hoofs.
`` And the boy will be too much under his influence by then.
He held out a moment longer, then his nerve gave under the pressure.
Every so often the diminishing sound of a car came under the trailer as it slowed down for the wreck then speeded up again as it got clear.
For a brief period each year, the rays of the sun are warm enough to melt some of the snows piled a mile deep at the base of the headwalls, and then the pinnacles glisten in the daytime at high noon, and billions of gallons of water begin their slow seepage under the glaciers and across the rockstrewn hanging valleys on their long, meandering journey to the sea -- running east past the sky-carving massifs of Gurla Mandhata and Kemchenjunga, then turning south and curling down through the jungles of Assam, past the Khasi Hills, and into Bengal, past Sirinjani and Madaripur, until the hard water of the melting snows mingles with the soft drainage of fields and at length fans out to meld with the teeming salt depths of the Bay of Bengal.
But what you could not know, of course, was how smoothly the Victorian Fitzgerald was to lead into an American Fitzgerald of my own vintage under whose banner we adolescents were to come, if not of age, then into a bright, taut semblance of it.
Around that statue in the green park where children play and lovers walk in twos and there is a glowing view of the whole city, in that park are the rows of marble busts of Garibaldi's fallen men, the ones who one day rushed out of the Porta San Pancrazio and, under fire all the way, up the long, straight narrow lane to take, then lose the high ground of the Villa Doria Pamphili.
The head was then fixed on a pole at Westminster, and the rest of the body was buried under the gallows.
he rose at half-past six every morning, made himself some French coffee, had his corn flakes and more coffee, smoked four cigarettes while reading last Sunday's Herald Tribune and yesterday's Pittsburgh Gazette, then put on his high-topped farmer's shoes and walked under a vine bower to his workshop.
We will then occupy the new plant under lease, with an option to purchase.
The charged particles then repel each other and are also repelled from the charged surface, which almost invariably bears a negative charge under washing conditions.
The mixture was then extracted with alkali and with water following which the carbon tetrachloride was distilled on a Vigreux column, a 25% center cut being retained which was then degassed under vacuum in the presence of Af.
In criticism of the latter's views, his conclusions were based upon dog lung injection studies in which all of the vascular channels were first filled with a solution under pressure and then were injected with various sized colored particles designed to stop at the arteriolar level.
The sections were then thawed by placing a finger under the slide and dried under a fan for 30 minutes ; ;
If Af are the projections associated with the primary decomposition of T, then each Af is a polynomial in T, and accordingly if a linear operator U commutes with T then U commutes with each of the Af, i.e., each subspace Af is invariant under U.
Four subjects ( 10% ) did not change even then but needed the additional information that an arm-elevation under these circumstances was a perfectly normal reflex reaction which some people showed while others did not.
Or she might place cornstarch in the oven for a short time and then apply this under her breasts.
Another wart removal method was to rub each wart with a bean split open and then to bury the bean halves under the drip of the house for seven days.
Even then, as you go into the house oppressed by the knowledge that something is cooking and that your house has passed under this unaccountable, official control, could you go on forgetting that you still had that ridiculous hat on your head and you were still carrying that childish horn in your hand??
Skorich, who is 39 years old, played football at Cincinnati University and then had a three-year professional career as a lineman under Jock Sutherland with the Pittsburgh Steelers.
The expedition was under orders to make a swift survey of conditions and then to return to Earth.

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