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was and later
He was a man, those neighbors testified later, who didn't have a friend in the world.
`` Fred was mighty crude about the way he took in cattle '' his own hired man, Andy Ross, mentioned later.
I seized the rack and made a western-style flying-mount just in time, one of my knees mercifully landing on my duffel bag -- and merely wrecking my camera, I was to discover later -- my other knee landing on the slivery truck floor boards and -- but this is no medical report.
Twenty minutes later she was at the desk of the Grafin's pension, her tears dried, signing a hotel form and asking for a bath.
( Her account was later confirmed by the Scobee-Frazier Expedition from the University of Manitoba in 1951.
To Tilghman the incident was just one of a long list of hair-raising, smash-'em-down adventures on the side of the law which started in 1872 when he was only eighteen years old, and did not end till fifty years later when he was shot dead after warning a drunk to be quiet.
he became Otto Klemperer's personal assistant at the Cologne Opera, and a year later was promoted to the position of regular conductor.
Seven years later he was asked to become director of the Pittsburgh Symphony.
The state's rights position was formulated by Jefferson and Madison in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolves, but in their later careers as heads of state the two proved themselves better Hamiltonians than Jeffersonians.
Whether in prose or poetry, all of Heidenstam's later work was concerned with Sweden.
and, `` I do think that families are the most beautiful things in all the world '', burst out Jo some five hundred pages later in that popular story of the March family, which had first appeared when Henrietta was eight ; ;
We were given a job and we carried it out, and later, his case was taken up by the Disciplinary Committee.
`` How about your press conference three days later -- what was the reason for that??
People think the dress in the picture was lengthened by an artist much later on.
Another Indiana observer later commented, `` Perhaps we shall never know how much was spent ( by Hearst ), but if as much money was expended elsewhere as in Indiana a liberal fortune was squandered ''.
A few weeks later the maps were being divided into squares and a position was described as being `` about lots 239, 247 and 272 with pickets forward as far as 196 ''.
At the trial which took place later, the Pomham matter was completely omitted.
it was demonstrated, many critics would later point out, in the length of his novels.
A few days later it was learned that General Howe was planning an attack upon the American camp.
Boniface was later to explain to the English that Robert of Burgundy and Guy De St.-Pol were easy enough to do business with ; ;

was and published
His revolutionary pamphlets, published when he was only 19, quickly brought him to the attention of the patriot leaders.
The first result of Heidenstam's long sojourn abroad was a volume of poems, Pilgrimage And Wander-Years ( Vallfart och Vandringsar ), published in 1888.
Dr. Isaacs was so pleased with the quality of her biographical study of Sara Sullam that he considered submitting it to the Century Magazine or Harper's but he decided that its Jewish subject probably would not interest them and published it in The Messenger, `` so our readers will be benefited instead ''.
The result was a collection of 280 songs, ballads, ditties, brought together from all regions of America, more than one hundred never before published: The American Songbag.
When they were first written, there was evidently no thought of their being published, and those which refer to the writer's love for Mrs. Meynell particularly have the ring of truth.
Pike was stunned by the first blast against his character, which was published in the March 4th issue of The Gazette under the name `` Vale ''.
After all, Pike was an established poet and his work had been published in the respectable periodicals of that center of American culture, Boston.
He telephoned L. M. Birkhead and asked him and his wife to come to Europe as his guests, but Birkhead declined on the grounds that one of them must be in the United States when Elmer Gantry was published.
The manuscript, presumably after being smuggled out of the country, was published in Switzerland in 1943.
I was surprised and sorry to find in your issue of March 4 a long and detailed attack upon a book that had not yet been published.
But I have compared its text with already published commentaries on the 1960 series of Godkin lectures at Harvard, from which the book was derived, and I can with confidence challenge the gist of C. P. Snow's incautious tale ''.
Alastor was published only to be savagely attacked, contemptuously ignored.
The same month that Alastor was published, Murray sold twenty thousand copies of The Siege Of Corinth, a slovenly bit of Byronism that even Shelley's generosity rebelled at.
In connection with this conference, a 64-page supplement was published in the October 2nd edition of The Providence Sunday Journal.
Under the sponsorship of the Office of Naval Research and the Advanced Research Projects Agency, a data center was established to gather and index all published information on atomic transition probabilities.
A set of tables containing spectral intensities for 39,000 lines of 70 elements, as observed in a copper matrix in a d-c arc, was completed and published.
In January, 1960, the first issue of The Carleton Miscellany, a quarterly literary magazine, was published by the College.
In Berlin he published his views of the chemical laws of nature in German and this was issued in French translation ( Paris, 1813 ) under the title Recherches Sur l'identite Des Forces chimiques et electriques, a work held in very high esteem by the new generation of research chemists.
Poems Of The Past And The Present and Time's Laughing Stocks, both published while Hardy was at work on The Dynasts, draw heavily on poems written before 1900.
Volume 1, containing Parts 1 and 2 was published in 1951 ; ;
Volume 1, was completed in 1941 and published in 1944.
The volume was completed in 1950 and published in 1951.
Volume 1 ( ( Af ) of the seventh edition of Dana's System Of Mineralogy was published in 1944 and Volume 2 ( ( Af ) in 1951 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y..
As a matter of fact, the incorrect classification, the result of many weeks of labor by Dr. Hilprecht, was about to be published by him the following day.

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