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Jaspers and und
Karl Jaspers im Schnittpunkt von Zeitgeschichte, Psychopathologie, Literatur und Film.

Jaspers and der
Later recipients include Arthur Compton ( 1954 ), Hermann Hesse ( 1954 ), Albert Schweitzer ( 1954 ), Thomas Mann ( 1955 ), Oskar Kokoschka ( 1955 ), Carl Orff ( 1956 ), Erwin Schrödinger ( 1956 ), Thornton Wilder ( 1956 ), Karl Schmidt-Rottluff ( 1956 ), Werner Heisenberg ( 1957 ), Gerhard Ritter ( 1957 ), Ludwig Mies van der Rohe ( 1957 ), Percy Ernst Schramm ( 1958 ), Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker ( 1961 ), Karl Jaspers ( 1964 ), Otto Klemperer ( 1967 ), Carl Zuckmayer ( 1967 ), Henry Moore ( 1972 ), Raymond Aron ( 1973 ), George F. Kennan ( 1976 ), Friedrich Hayek ( 1977 ), Karl Popper ( 1980 ), Eugène Ionesco ( 1983 ), Hans Bethe ( 1984 ), Gordon A. Craig ( 1990 ), Rudolf Mößbauer ( 1996 ), Umberto Eco ( 1998 ), Hans Magnus Enzensberger ( 1999 ), and Wim Wenders ( 2005 ).

Jaspers and ),
During the summer semester of 1919, Fromm studied at the University of Heidelberg, where he switched from studying jurisprudence to sociology under Alfred Weber ( brother of the better known sociologist Max Weber ), the psychiatrist-philosopher Karl Jaspers, and Heinrich Rickert.
Meanwhile, he continued with his work on his thesis, spending much of his time devoted to his own research in the history of psychology and psychiatry, visiting the Bibliothèque Nationale every day to read the work of psychologists like Ivan Pavlov ( 1849 – 1936 ), Jean Piaget ( 1896 – 1980 ) and Karl Jaspers ( 1883 – 1969 ).

Jaspers and number
He then characterizes a number of philosophies that describe and attempt to deal with this feeling of the absurd, by Heidegger, Jaspers, Shestov, Kierkegaard, and Husserl.
In the final analysis Unamuno's significance is that he was one of a number of notable interwar intellectuals, along with luminaries such as Julien Benda, Karl Jaspers, Johan Huizinga and José Ortega y Gasset, who resisted the intrusion of ideology into western intellectual life.

Jaspers and Axial
Materialism developed, possibly independently, in several geographically separated regions of Eurasia during what Karl Jaspers termed the Axial Age ( approximately 800 to 200 BC ).
Jaspers argued that during the Axial Age " the spiritual foundations of humanity were laid simultaneously and independently in China, India, Persia, Judea, and Greece.
Jaspers argued that the Axial Age gave birth to philosophy as a discipline.
Jaspers described the Axial Age as " an interregnum between two ages of great empire, a pause for liberty, a deep breath bringing the most lucid consciousness ".
To the extent that the Axial Age represents an in-between period, a period where old certainties had lost their validity and where new ones were still not ready, it has also been suggested that the Axial Age can be considered a historically liminal period. Jaspers was particularly interested in the similarities in circumstance and thought of the Age's figures.

Jaspers and having
During this time Jaspers was a close friend of the Weber family ( Max Weber also having held a professorship at Heidelberg ).
Jaspers saw in these developments in religion and philosophy a striking parallel without any obvious direct transmission of ideas from one region to the other, having found no recorded proof of any extensive intercommunication between Ancient Greece, the Middle East, India, and China.

Jaspers and had
Philosopher Karl Jaspers, who had taken up residency in Switzerland, surrendered his German passport in protest.
Weber's friend, the psychiatrist and existentialist philosopher Karl Jaspers, described him " the greatest German of our era " and his untimely death felt to Jaspers " as if the German world had lost its heart.
Adorno's critique of the dominant climate of post-war Germany was also directed against the pathos that had grown up around Heideggerianism, as practiced by writers like Karl Jaspers and Otto Friedrich Bollow, and which had subsequently seeped into public discourse.
The Marvel UK line has long had multiverse stories including the Jaspers ' Warp storyline of Captain Britain's first series ( it was here that the designation Earth-616 was first applied to the mainstream Marvel Universe ).
Karl Theodor Jaspers ( 23 February 1883 – 26 February 1969 ) was a German psychiatrist and philosopher who had a strong influence on modern theology, psychiatry and philosophy.
Jaspers graduated from medical school in 1909 and began work at a psychiatric hospital in Heidelberg where Emil Kraepelin had worked some years earlier.
At the age of 40 Jaspers turned from psychology to philosophy, expanding on themes he had developed in his psychiatric works.
And even as Kant " had to do away with knowledge to make room for faith ," Jaspers values Nietzsche in large measure because he thinks that Nietzsche did away with knowledge, thus making room for Jaspers ' philosophic faith "...
However, the Fury was programmed not to kill Jaspers, who himself had the ability to warp reality to his will at the cost of his own sanity.
After a reality-warping battle, The Fury managed to kill him by teleporting the pair outside of the universe, where Jaspers had no reality to control and was thus powerless.
College basketball and football teams whose games Schuman had been known to attend and promote include the Manhattan College Jaspers, the Fordham University Rams and Lady Rams, the Columbia University Lions, the Princeton University Tigers, and the Cornell University Big Red.

Jaspers and influence
On the influence personality, it has been said: " Jaspers considered there is a subtle change in personality due to the illness itself ; and this creates the condition for the development of the delusional atmosphere in which the delusional intuition arises.
The two major proponents of phenomenological hermeneutics, namely Paul Ricoeur ( a student of Jaspers ) and Hans-Georg Gadamer ( Jaspers's successor at Heidelberg ), both display Jaspers's influence in their works.
During this time he read Karl Jaspers, who was to have a great influence on him.
Jaspers ' axial shifts included the rise of Platonism, which would later become a major influence on the Western world through both Christianity and secular thought throughout the Middle Ages and into the Renaissance.

Jaspers and on
Heidegger's former lover Hannah Arendt spoke on his behalf at this hearing, while Jaspers spoke against him.
In the wake of one of their breakups, Arendt moved to Heidelberg, where she wrote her dissertation, under the existentialist philosopher-psychologist Karl Jaspers, on the concept of love in the thought of Saint Augustine.
Jaspers studied several patients in detail, giving biographical information on the people concerned as well as providing notes on how the patients themselves felt about their symptoms.
Jaspers set about writing his views on mental illness in a book which he published in 1913 as General Psychopathology.
Jaspers wrote extensively on the threat to human freedom posed by modern science and modern economic and political institutions.
* Current scholarly research on Jaspers ( in English ) is organized by the Karl Jaspers Society of North America and published in Existenz.
Like Karl Jaspers, he particularly championed diagnoses based on the form, rather than the content of a sign or symptom.
Here he followed the advice of his teacher Karl Jaspers to graduate in philosophy on the one hand, and to study history and Latin with the prospect of becoming a schoolteacher on the other.
He completed his Ph. D., on the Russian religious philosopher Vladimir Soloviev's views on the union of God and man in Christ under the direction of Karl Jaspers.
' In a letter to the German philosopher Karl Jaspers, Arendt went on to write that:
Jaspers was a British member of Parliament with a mutated brain that enabled him to alter reality ; an unfortunate side effect of this power was that it quickly drove him mad once he began to use it on a larger scale.
Jaspers later won a landslide general election victory on his anti-superhero platform and became Prime Minister.
The Fury arrived on Earth-616 and attacked Jaspers after recognising that this Jaspers was not the same man it was forbidden to kill.
Some years later, a large-scale reality warp originating on Earth-616 resulted in the recreation of the exterminated Earth-616 Jaspers and Fury as a single combined being.

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