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Page "Anishinaabe traditional beliefs" ¶ 3
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Some Related Sentences

Like and is
Like most major works of synthesis, The History Of England is informed by the positive views of a first-class mind, and this is surely a major work.
Like ours, the economy of the space merchants must constantly expand in order to survive, and, like ours, it is based on the principle of `` ever increasing everybody's work and profits in the circle of consumption ''.
Like everything else in Rome, ruins and monuments alike, that house is lived in.
Like the recent Scheherazade from London ( High Fidelity, Sept. 1961 ), it is successful because emphasis has been placed on good musical and engineering practices rather than on creating sensational effects.
Like primitive numbers in mathematics, the entire axiological framework is taken to rest upon its operational worth.
Like about half of the 1860 - 70 poems, it is a sonnet on a conventional theme -- the unhappiness of love.
Like Philadelphia's late Dr. Albert C. Barnes who kept his own great collection closed to the general public ( Time, Jan. 2 ), Thompson, at 61, is something of a legend in his own lifetime.
Like Mr. Loesser, Jerry Herman is both composer and lyriist for Milk And Honey ( R. C. A. Victor LOC 1065 ; ;
Like an alphabet the phonemes of syllable initials are represented by individual symbols, but like a syllabary the phonemes of the syllable finals are not ; rather, each possible final ( excluding the medial glide ) is represented by its own symbol.
Like his creation the Necronomicon, Alhazred is often referenced in works that are not generally considered part of the Cthulhu Mythos, either as a subtle nod to Lovecraft or to create a connection to his world.
Like Agatha Christie, she isn't overly fond of the detective she is most famous for creating – in Ariadne's case the Finnish sleuth Sven Hjerson.
Like Jehovah's Witnesses, Adventists use key phrases from the Bible, such as " For the living know that they shall die: but the dead know not any thing, neither have they any more a reward ; for the memory of them is forgotten " ( Eccl.
Like the earlier catalogs of Hipparchus and Ptolemy, Ulugh Beg's catalogue is estimated to have been precise to within approximately 20 minutes of arc.
Like an abbot, after being confirmed in her office by the Holy See, an abbess is solemnly admitted to her office by a formal blessing, conferred by the bishop in whose territory the monastery is located, or by an abbot or another bishop with appropriate permission.
Like all traits, there is variability in the intensity of fears of spiders, and those with more intense fears are classified as phobic.
Like most of the other Greek leaders, Ajax is alive and well as the Iliad comes to a close.
Like Achilles, he is represented ( although not by Homer ) as living after his death in the island of Leuke at the mouth of the Danube.
Like most dialects of English it is distinguished primarily by its vowel phonology.
Like the previous plan by Sensi, this new stadium is to be modeled after English stadiums.
Like in Hinduism, the aim is to prevent the accumulation of harmful karma.
Like the other atypical antipsychotics, it is believed to have antagonist activity at dopamine and serotonin receptors in the brain.
(" I'm Like the Bluebird ") All the money is in the hands of Cora Hoover Hooper, the stylish, ruthless mayoress and her cronies-Comptroller Schub, Treasurer Cooley, and Police Chief Magruder.
Like the F-5, the A-1 is under a MLU ( Mid Life Upgrade ) program as well, this upgrade giving a high commonality between the avionics of the A-1M ( MLU aircraft designation ), the F-5M and the newly introduced Embraer A / T-29.

Like and secretive
Like Bicknell's Thrush, they are very secretive during the nesting season.
Like its relatives, this secretive forest bird hunts birds, mammals and reptiles in woodland, relying on surprise as it flies from a perch to catch its prey unaware.

Like and animistic
Like most animistic elements, the Nāga is seen in both Buddhist and Hindu-influenced contexts, but worship of nagas predates Indian influence in the region, and are common in folktales of Laos and Isan.

Like and religion
Like many Jewish scholars and theologians, Bloom understands Judaism as fundamentally a religion of love.
Like many members of older established aristocratic families in England, Oxford flirted with Catholicism ; after his return from Italy he was reported to have embraced the religion.
Like Mark ( but unlike Matthew ), the intended audience is the Greek-speaking populations of the region ; it assures readers that Christianity is an international religion, not an exclusively Jewish sect.
Like Marx, the Young Hegelians were critical of Hegel's metaphysical assumptions, but still adopted his dialectical method in order to criticise established society, politics, and religion.
* Men Like Gods ( 1923 ) by H. G. Wells, men and women in an alternative universe live without world government in a perfected state of anarchy ; " Our education is our government ," a Utopian named Lion says ; sectarian religion, like politics, has died away, and advanced scientific research flourishes ; life is governed by " the Five Principles of Liberty ," which are privacy, free movement, unlimited knowledge, truthfulness, and free discussion and criticism.
Like Eastern Christianity, Western Christianity traces its roots, directly or indirectly, to the apostles and other early preachers of the religion.
Like organised religion in general, Nazism is regarded as authoritarian, collectivist, and a " herd mentality ".
Like most of the Titans he played no active part in Greek religion — he appears only in lists of Titans — but was primarily important for his descendants.
Like all religions, Ọdịnala is the vehicle used by its practitioners ( Dibias or priests ) and spiritual students ( followers of the religion ) to understand their World ( called " Uwa "), or more specifically, the part of the World that affects them — which is to say the dry land on which the people live and gather sustenance.
Like many suburban towns throughout the United States during the first half of the 20th century, Chevy Chase excluded individuals based on race and religion.
Like Al-Ghazali, Judah Ha-Levi attempted to liberate religion from the bondage of philosophical systems.
Like most of their culture, their religion is also based on the principles of capitalism: they offer prayers and monetary offerings to a " Blessed Exchequer " in hopes of entering the " Divine Treasury " upon death, and fear an afterlife spent in the " Vault of Eternal Destitution ".
Like his grandfather the 1st Duke, he was raised as a Protestant, unlike his extended family who held to the old religion.
Like Sue Bridehead, Hardy's first wife, Emma, went from being free-spirited and fairly indifferent to religion in her youth to becoming obsessively religious as she got older.
Like other holidays, this holiday was repackaged as a non-religious holiday for the sake of separation of religion and state in Japan's postwar constitution.
Like other Japanese holidays, this holiday was repackaged as a non-religious holiday for the sake of separation of religion and state in Japan's postwar constitution.
Like Vinet, he derived his philosophy of religion from a peculiarly deep experience of the Gospel of Christ as meeting the demands of the moral consciousness ; but he developed even further than Vinet the psychological analysis of conscience and the method of verifying every doctrine by direct reference to spiritual experience.
Like Phil Summers, he complimented the mature themes ( such as racism, religion, and politics ), calling the show " thought provoking and inspiring " with " an incredible amount of depth " in it.
Like Ghazali, Judah endeavored to liberate religion from the bondage of the various philosophical systems in which it had been held by his predecessors, Saadia, David ben Marwan al-Mekamez, Gabirol, and Bahya.
Like Junimism, Iorga's conservatism did not generally rely on religion.
Like many other aspects of Roman law and religion, the institution of the Robigalia was attributed to the Sabine Numa Pompilius, in the eleventh year of his reign as the second king of Rome.
Like Marion Zimmer Bradley in her novel The Mists of Avalon, Cornwell also presumes considerable friction still occurred between the old Druidic and other pagan religion and Christianity at this point in time ( as he admits in the afterword of the first book, this angle was determined more by personal preference rather than third-party historical assessments ).
Like Zurbarán, Victoria mixed the technical qualities of Italian art with the religion and culture of his native Spain.
Like mostly provinces and cities in Vietnam, Buddhism is the predominant religion.

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