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Most and Baptists
Most Baptists hold that no church or ecclesiastical organization has inherent authority over a Baptist church.
Most Baptists hold that no church or ecclesiastical organization has inherent authority over a Baptist church.
Most Regular Baptists merged with the Separate Baptists near the beginning of 19th century.
Most Old Regular Baptists can be traced back to the New Salem Association of United Baptists which originated in eastern Kentucky in 1825.
Most of Taylor's ministry preceded the controversy associated with the anti-missionary movement among Baptists, and he did not appear to have " divided " with his brethren over the issue.
Most Baptists not in the Union fellowship in the Brotherhood of Baptist Churches ( Broederschap van Baptistengemeenten ), formed in 1981.

Most and believe
Most of them sincerely believe that the Anglo-Saxon is the best race in the world and that it should remain pure.
Another teen-ager remarked: `` Most Jews don't believe in God, but they believe in people -- in helping people ''.
Most pastors and laymen, even though they believe it to be important, assume that the ecumenical movement lies outside the province of their parishes.
Most scholars believe that Amos gave his message in the autumn of 750 BC or 749 BC.
Most modern scholars believe it was written around 95 AD, with some believing it dates from around 70 AD.
Most anthropologists believe that cooking fires first developed around 250, 000 years ago.
Most anthropologists believe that cooking fires began only about 250, 000 years ago, when hearths started appearing.
Most in cognitive science, however, presumably do not believe their field is the study of anything as certain as the knowledge sought by Plato.
Most scholars believe that Cyril was born and brought up in Caesarea of Palestine but some say he may have been born in Jerusalem because of his early knowledge of the city's layout, but this could have been attributed to research or information he learned after moving there to become bishop.
Most Protestants believe this salvific grace comes about at the moment of personal decision to follow Jesus, and that baptism is a symbol of the grace already received.
Most Christians believe that the kosher food laws do not apply to them as they are no longer under the Law of Moses, and that, as Jesus taught in Mark 7: what you eat doesn't make you unclean but what comes out of a man's heart makes him unclean although Roman Catholicism and Eastern Orthodoxy have their own set of dietary observances.
Most Christians ( the exception is Full Preterism ) believe in the future Second Coming of Jesus, which includes the Resurrection of the Dead and the Last Judgment.
Most linguists today believe that stød is a development of the word accents, rather than the other way round.
Most experts believe that a prolonged fast can lead to muscle wasting although some dispute this.
Most historians believe that the word " Dagome " is a melding of two names: the Christian " Dago ," for " Dagobert " ( Mieszko's hypothetical baptismal name ), and the Slavic " Me ," for " Mieszko.
Most Christians believe that death and suffering will continue to exist until Christ's return.
Most Hindus believe that we are living in the Kali Yuga, the last of four periods ( Yuga ) that make up the current age.
Most Hindus believe that Shiva will destroy the world at the end of the kalpa.
Most churches in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, the largest Lutheran denomination in the United States, also practice their own form of open communion, provided those who receive are baptized and believe in the Real Presence.
Most New Testament scholars believe Paul of Tarsus wrote this letter from Corinth, although information appended to this work in many early manuscripts ( e. g., Codices Alexandrinus, Mosquensis, and Angelicus ) state that Paul wrote it in Athens after Timothy had returned from Macedonia with news of the state of the church in Thessalonica (; ).
Most scholars believe that the community at Qumran that allegedly produced the Dead Sea Scrolls was an offshoot of the Essenes ; however, this theory has been disputed by some, for example, by Norman Golb:
Most physicists today believe that quantum mechanics is correct, and that the EPR paradox is a " paradox " only because classical intuitions do not correspond to physical reality.
Most historians believe that the older name for Ghent, ' Ganda ', is derived from the Celtic word ' ganda ' which means confluence.
Most of the European rulers did not believe Henry would survive long, and were thus willing to shelter claimants against him.

Most and Two
Most important of these heavens was Omeyocan ( Place of Two ).
The race is known in the United States as " The Most Exciting Two Minutes In Sports " or " The Fastest Two Minutes in Sports " for its approximate duration, and is also called " The Run for the Roses " for the blanket of roses draped over the winner.
Most of the ancients, including the first two just mentioned, refer to his work by his name: " Pytheas says ..." Two late writers give titles: the astronomical author Geminus of Rhodes mentions ( ta peri tou Okeanou ), literally " things about the Ocean ", sometimes translated as " Description of the Ocean ", " On the Ocean " or " Ocean ;" Marcianus, the scholiast on Apollonius of Rhodes, mentions a ( periodos gēs ), a " trip around the earth " or ( periplous ), " sail around.
Two test launches were recovered by the Allies: the Bäckebo rocket which landed in Sweden on 13 June 1944 and one recovered by the Polish resistance on 30 May 1944 from Blizna and transported to the UK during Operation Most III.
Two months later, a revised schedule featuring one new and one encore episode of COPS, and the revived America's Most Wanted: America Fights Back was launched.
Instead, there were two separate awards for production, the Most Artistic Quality of Production, won by Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans ( 1927 ) and the Most Outstanding Production, won by Wings as well as Best Effects, Engineering Effects for Roy Pomeroy.
Most of them are from France, though some come from other countries such as Brazil, Germany, and the Soviet Union, as well as axis and allied vehicles of World War Two.
Most of the birds remaining population is found in Two Peoples Bay Nature Reserve and Waychinicup National Park.
Most employed Two Rivers residents work in either Fairbanks or North Pole.
Most people who move to Two Rivers are attracted by the rural nature of the community and the extensive network of trails in the area.
Two weeks later, Morrison took part in the Western Olympic trials in Houston, Texas winning the Heavyweight Title and garnishing the " Most Outstanding Fighter " of the tournament.
Most of Wilkie's foreign subjects – the Pifferari, Princess Doria, the Maid of Saragossa, the Spanish Podado, a Guerilla Council of War, the Guerilla Taking Leave of his Family and the Guerilla's Return to his Family – passed into the English royal collection ; but the dramatic Two Spanish Monks of Toledo, also entitled the Confessor Confessing, became the property of the marquis of Lansdowne.
Most Americans were shocked to learn that even their enemies in World War Two had what the US Army referred to as shape charge warhead weapons.
Two of his albums, The Gambler and Kenny, are featured in the About. com poll of " The 200 Most Influential Country Albums Ever ".
* Most Football League goals in a season: 18, by Jack Midson during 2011 – 12 in Football League Two.
* Two " Most Influential Paper " awards International Conference on Software Engineering, 1991 and 1995
On April 1, 2007, the British television channel BBC Two broadcast Louis Theroux ' The Most Hated Family in America.
Most recently he has alternated recording and performances primarily between Pere Ubu, David Thomas and Two Pale Boys, and the reunited Rocket from the Tombs.
Two episodes at the turn of the calendar year are reserved for “ The McLaughlin Group 19XX / 20XX Year-End Awards .” Each panelist announces his or her choice for each category such as “ Biggest Winner of 2008 ,” ” Best Politician ,” “ Most Boring ,” “ Turncoat of the Year ,” “ Enough Already ,” “ Most Underrated ,” etc., followed by McLaughlin ’ s choice.
* Most points gained in a season – 82 2009 – 10 Football League Two
NASA Outstanding Leadership Medal, NASA Exceptional Achievement Medal, Two NASA Space Flight Medals, 1990 Congressional Hispanic Caucus Award, Awarded Aviation Week & Space Technology Aerospace Laureate in Space and Missiles for 1991, Hispanic Engineer magazine 1992 Hispanic Engineer of the Year National Achievement Award, Aviation Week and Space Technology Citation for Aerospace Laureate in Space and Missiles for 1994, 1994 selected by Hispanic Business magazine as one of the 100 Most Influential Hispanics, selected by Hispanic Magazine for the 1995 Hispanic Achievement Award in Science, 1995 inductee into the International Space Hall of Fame, Distinguished Graduate of the USAF Academy ; awarded the Defense Superior Service Medal, the Air Force Meritorious Service Medal, Air Force Commendation Medal with 1 Oak Leaf Cluster, National Defense Service Medal, and Air Training Command Master Instructor.

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