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One and theory
One might use such findings to indicate the strength of informal primary associations in the factory, an interpretation which would run counter to Fromm's theory of alienation.
One theory holds that Agade was situated opposite Sippar on the left bank of the Euphrates, and was perhaps the oldest part of the city of Sippar.
One of the more dramatic successes of his theory was his prediction of the existence of secondary and tertiary alcohols, a conjecture that was soon confirmed by the synthesis of these substances.
One of his most celebrated achievements is the discovery of the first arithmetic Weil cohomology theory: the ℓ-adic étale cohomology.
One theory is that they or part of them dwelt or moved among other coastal people perhaps confederated up to the basin of the Saale ( in the neighbourhood of the ancient canton of Engilin ) on the Unstrut valleys below the Kyffhäuserkreis, from which region the Lex Angliorum et Werinorum hoc est Thuringorum is believed by many to have come.
One notable modification of oxygen theory was provided by Berzelius, who stated that acids are oxides of nonmetals while bases are oxides of metals.
One fringe theory, supported by paranormal investigator Jon-Erik Beckjord, theorizes that the lack of hard evidence supporting Bigfoot's existence may be due to the creature being an interdimensional being that slips in and out of dimensions.
One of the oldest and most accessible parts of combinatorics is graph theory, which also has numerous natural connections to other areas.
One was Lemaître's Big Bang theory, advocated and developed by George Gamow.
One theory is the origin of such terminology is from the Mayan temple Chichen Itza in the Yucatan Peninsula, a ruin of an ancient MesoAmerican civilization about 1, 500 years ago.
One etiological theory of depression is Aaron T. Beck's cognitive theory of depression.
One of the earliest justifications involved the theory of natural law.
One of the simplest models of reaction rate is the collision theory.
One Australian scholar argues, " For Edmund Burke and Australians of a like mind, the essence of conservatism lies not in a body of theory, but in the disposition to maintain those institutions seen as central to the beliefs and practices of society.
One theory is that it originally derives from the Latin word macula, meaning " spot " or “ opacity ” ( as in macula of retina ).
" Han independence " was therefore scrapped in favor of the Five Races Under One Union principle, which later developed into the theory of Zhonghua minzu.
One of the distinguishing characteristics of critical theory, as Adorno and Horkheimer elaborated in their Dialectic of Enlightenment ( 1947 ), is a certain ambivalence concerning the ultimate source or foundation of social domination, an ambivalence which gave rise to the “ pessimism ” of the new critical theory over the possibility of human emancipation and freedom.
One of the roles of computational complexity theory is to determine the practical limits on what computers can and cannot do.
One theory argues that coins originated ca.
One theory on the mechanism of dendritic arbor development is the synaptotropic hypothesis.
One theory is that smooth Dachshunds would occasionally produce puppies which had slightly longer hair than their parents.
One theory is that this was caused by a design fault in the ammunition loading system to the main gun turrets, so that an enemy hit on the turret set off an explosion in the magazine, thus sinking the ship.
One theory is the events are stored into memory before the conscious part of the brain even receives the information and processes it.

One and suggests
F.S.C. Northrop, in his discussion of The `` Functions And Future Of Poetry '', suggests this: `` One of the things which makes our lives drab and empty and which leaves us, at the end of the day, fatigued and deflated spiritually is the pressure of the taxing, practical, utilitarian concern of common-sense objects.
One account suggests that his writings are a prophecy written in about 615 BC, just before the downfall of Assyria, while another account suggests that he wrote this passage as liturgy just after its downfall in 612 BC.
One account suggests that his writings are a prophecy written in about 615 BC, just before the downfall of Assyria, while another account suggests that he wrote this passage as liturgy just after its downfall in 612 BC.
One of the reasons for using more HIV tests despite their expense is that, rather than overestimating AIDS as Duesberg suggests, the Bangui definition alone excluded nearly half of African AIDS patients.
One of the earliest objects made of smelted iron dates is a dagger dating to before 2000 BC, found in a context that suggests it was treated as an ornamental object of great value.
One author advises that " the knowledge gained from clinical research does not directly answer the primary clinical question of what is best for the patient at hand " and suggests that evidence-based medicine should not discount the value of clinical experience.
One would say that a person is " egoless " when he or she feels or acts in a way that suggests that the self is irrelevant ( regardless of whether the act or attitude had any benefit to self or others ).
One theory used to solve the mystery behind the authorship of 1 Peter, is the " secretarial hypothesis ", which suggests that 1 Peter was dictated by Peter and was written in Greek by his secretary, Silvanus ( 5: 12 ).
One, however – a stately goddess seated on a throne flanked by two female lions – was found in a grain bin, which Mellaart suggests might have been a means of ensuring the harvest or protecting the food supply.
One theme in research literature is to identify what the " hard " instances of the knapsack problem look like, or viewed another way, to identify what properties of instances in practice might make them more amenable than their worst-case NP-complete behaviour suggests.
One study published in 2008 questions the long-accepted Mustelinae subfamily, and suggests Mustelidae consists of four major clades and three much smaller lineages.
One of the myths of the origin of mahjong suggests that Confucius, the Chinese philosopher, developed the game in about 500 BC.
One study on genetic variations between different species of Drosophila suggests that if a mutation changes a protein produced by a gene, the result is likely to be harmful, with an estimated 70 percent of amino acid polymorphisms having damaging effects, and the remainder being either neutral or weakly beneficial.
One recent find suggests what is now the Sahara of northeast Niger was home to a succession of Holocene era societies.
' One view suggests this toponym might be an example of a tribal name used by resettling groups on their return from exile.
One account suggests that his writings are a prophecy written in about 615 BC, just before the downfall of Assyria, while another account suggests that he wrote this passage as liturgy just after its downfall in 612 BC.
One law school treatise from Israel, however, on the subject of " privacy in the digital environment ," suggests that the " right to privacy should be seen as an independent right that deserves legal protection in itself.
One modern academic theory of religion, social constructionism, says that religion is a modern concept that suggests all spiritual practice and worship follows a model similar to the Abrahamic religions as an orientation system that helps to interpret reality and define human beings, and thus religion, as a concept, has been applied inappropriately to non-Western cultures that are not based upon such systems, or in which these systems are a substantially simpler construct.
One view suggests that the motivation and purpose of the laws providing for the removal of Aboriginal children from their parents was child protection, with government policy makers and officials responding to an observed need to provide protection for neglected, abused or abandoned mixed-descent children.
One final poem is inserted by the author as a sort of epilogue which suggests that life itself is but a dream.
One estimate suggests that by 1850, 100, 000 slaves had escaped via the " Railroad ".
One optimistic estimate is that the world's population rose from approximately 170 to 300 million, but other estimates vary ; one estimate suggests that the world population actually declined from 400 million people to 250 million people.

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