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Pro-Confederate and during
* Claiborne Fox Jackson, Pro-Confederate Missouri governor during the early part of the Civil War

Pro-Confederate and .
They also stole horses and mules from Pro-Confederate families just as the Home Guard stole from the Pro-Union families.
Pro-Confederate mobs attacked some of them on April 19.
Pro-Confederate Texas and Pro-Union Utah were important at this point, although California rapidly became the main western power.
John Jumper ( 1820-1896 ) was a Chief of the Pro-Confederate band of the Seminole.

during and American
In spite of the disaster, Wright completed during this period plans for the Lake Tahoe resort, in which he suggested the shapes of American Indian tepees -- a project of great and appropriate charm, that came to nothing.
In spite of this catastrophe the final mortality figure from disease in the American Army during World War 1, was 15 per 1,000 per year, contrasted with 110 per 1,000 per year in the Mexican War, and 65 in the American Civil War.
I pay my personal tribute to Sam Rayburn, stalwart Texan and great American, not only because today he establishes a record of having served as Speaker of the House of Representatives more than twice as long as Henry Clay, but because of the contributions he has made to the welfare of the people of the Nation during his almost half century of service as a Member of Congress.
Thus, although the agenda of external assistance in the economic sphere are cumulative, and many of the policies suggested for nations in the earlier stages remain relevant, the basic purpose of American economic policy during the later stages of development should be to assure that movement into a stage of self-sustaining growth is not prevented by lack of foreign exchange.
The trial will be held, probably the first week of March, in the famous Old Bailey central criminal court where Klaus Fuchs, the naturalized British German born scientist who succeeded in giving American and British atomic bomb secrets to Russia and thereby changed world history during the 1950s, was sentenced to 14 years in prison.
At the same time, David H. Price's work on American anthropology during the Cold War provides detailed accounts of the pursuit and dismissal of several anthropologists from their jobs for communist sympathies.
ASCII itself was first used commercially during 1963 as a seven-bit teleprinter code for American Telephone & Telegraph's TWX ( TeletypeWriter eXchange ) network.
* USS Little Ada ( 1864 ), steamer captured by the Union Navy during the American Civil War
He saw extensive combat during his military career, fighting actions in the Texas War of Independence, the Mexican-American War, the Utah War, and the American Civil War.
This refusal to accept any renunciation of allegiance to the Crown led to conflict with the United States over impressment, and then led to further conflicts even during the War of 1812, when thirteen Irish American prisoners of war were executed as traitors after the Battle of Queenston Heights ; Winfield Scott urged American reprisal, but none was carried out.
Seaborg leaked the synthesis of the elements 95 and 96 on the U. S. radio show for children, the Quiz Kids, five days before the official presentation at an American Chemical Society meeting on 11 November 1945, when one of the listeners asked whether any new transuranium element beside plutonium and neptunium had been discovered during the war.
* 1947 – A British South American Airways Avro Lancastrian airliner crashes into a mountain during a flight from Buenos Aires, Argentina to Santiago, Chile.
The most important Canadian theorist was an American immigrant, Henry Wise Wood, president of the United Farmers of Alberta ( UFA ) during that movement's time as the governing party of the province ( 1921 – 1935 ).
It was used as entrance music by various American sports teams, most notably by the Chicago Bulls during their 1990s NBA dynasty.
This became poignantly true during the most serious test of American cohesion in the U. S. Civil War ( 1861 – 1865 ).
* 1864 – Theta Xi fraternity is founded at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, the only fraternity to be founded during the American Civil War.
* 1862 – American Indian Wars: during an uprising in Minnesota, Lakota warriors decide not to attack heavily-defended Fort Ridgely and instead turn to the settlement of New Ulm, killing white settlers along the way.
The city was destroyed partially — and in some parts completely — during the fighting, mostly by American artillery fire and demolitions carried out by the Waffen-SS defenders.
Du Bois ' Black Reconstruction, first published in 1935, historians have noted African American contributions during Reconstruction to founding what were often the first systems of public education and welfare institutions in the South, gave muted praise for Republican efforts to extend suffrage and provide other social institutions, and excoriated Johnson for opposing the extension of basic rights to freedmen.
The American philosopher and educator John Dewey became impressed with the Alexander technique after his headaches, neck pains, blurred vision, and stress symptoms largely improved during the time he used Alexander's advice to change his posture.
image: Astronaut Harrison ' Jack ' Schmitt, American Flag, and Earth ( Apollo 17 EVA-1 ). jpg | Harrison Schmitt posed with the American flag and Earth in the background during Apollo 17's first EVA.
After the first battle between two ironclads took place in 1862 during the American Civil War, it became clear that the ironclad had replaced the unarmoured line-of-battle ship as the most powerful warship afloat.

during and Civil
A popular belief grew up after the war that the only time during the Civil War that Thomas ever put his horse to a gallop was when he went to hurry up Stanley for this assault.
At that time, during the Civil War, Union muskets were being manufactured in Providence and the drills to drill them were being hand-filed with rattail files.
Twice during the Civil War it was saved from destruction by the opposing armies by the pleas and prayers of a local minister.
They seem to feel that because they fought on the right side during the Civil War, and won, they have earned the right merely to deplore what is going on in the South, without taking any responsibility for it ; ;
Angola-South Africa relations are quite strong as the ruling parties in both nations, the African National Congress in South Africa and the MPLA in Angola, fought together during the Angolan Civil War and South African Border War.
Considered by Confederate President Jefferson Davis to be the finest general officer in the Confederacy before the emergence of Robert E. Lee, he was killed early in the Civil War at the Battle of Shiloh and was the highest-ranking officer, Union or Confederate, killed during the entire war.
* 1978 – 150 Palestinians in Beirut are killed in a terrorist attack during the second phase of the Lebanese Civil War.
The Doubleday Hill Monument, erected in Williamsport, Maryland to commemorate Doubleday's occupation of a hill there during the Civil War, claims he invented the game in 1835.
Baseball in Blue and Gray: The National Pastime during the Civil War.
The book, which fictionalized the Alcott family during the girls ' coming-of-age years, recast the father figure as a soldier, away from home while he fought in the Civil War.
Johnson was the only Southern senator who did not resign his seat during the Civil War ; he became the most prominent War Democrat from the South and supported Lincoln's military policies.
Armoured trains saw use during the 19th century in the American Civil War ( 1861 – 1865 ), the Franco-Prussian War ( 1870 – 1871 ), the First and Second Boer Wars ( 1880 – 81 and 1899 – 1902 ), the First ( 1914 – 1918 ) and Second World Wars ( 1939 – 1945 ) and the First Indochina War ( 1946 – 1954 ).
The most intensive use of armoured trains was during the Russian Civil War ( 1918 – 1920 ).
Some of the ethnic influences could be found in the nation from after the American Civil War and into the History of United States continental expansion during most of the 19th century.
* 1988 – Japanese American internment: U. S. President Ronald Reagan signs the Civil Liberties Act of 1988, providing $ 20, 000 payments to Japanese Americans who were either interned in or relocated by the United States during World War II.
In 1974, long-time mayor Lewis Easterlin and a group of concerned citizens decided to promote tourism in the town by turning the clock back and making Andersonville look much as it did during the American Civil War.
In late 2005, the FABF acquired two Mil Mi-35 ' Hind ' attack helicopters from Russia in apparent response by moves by neighbouring Côte d ' Ivoire to bolster its own air attack capabilities during the Ivorian Civil War.
Montgomery came to the conclusion that the conflict could not be won without harsh measures, and that self-government was the only feasible solution ; in 1923, after the establishment of the Irish Free State and during the Irish Civil War, Montgomery wrote to Colonel Arthur Percival of the Essex Regiment:
The Battles of Lostwithiel or Lostwithiel Campaign, took place near Lostwithiel and Fowey during the First English Civil War in 1644.

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