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Page "Jane Wilde" ¶ 6
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She and lived
She lived by the rules, never compromising, never blinded or diverted by circumstance.
She was Ellen Aldridge, a widow of good repute who was employed by Gorton's wife and lived with the family.
She and her husband had formerly lived in New York, where she had many friends, but Mr. Flannagan thought the country would be safer in case of war.
She lived in an ultra-modern house whose decoration, appointments, paint, and even pets were chosen to complement her coloring ; ;
She knew that I lived at a good address on the Gold Coast, that I had once been a medical student and was thinking of returning to the university to finish my medical studies.
She lived alone in the older part of the city, in one of those renovated houses whose brick facade some early settler had constructed.
She lived and was given a name.
She lived on the Palatine Hill in Rome.
She lived as a virtual prisoner at Durham House in London.
She gave birth to a daughter on 10 November, but the child was weak and lived either only a few hours or at most a week.
She lived in Rome until her death in 1380.
According to Rachael Hanel, " She lived off her savings, interest income from a trust, money from her parents, and selling her simple, Rubenesque line drawings.
She was born on 5 July 1996 and she lived until the age of six, at which point she died from a progressive lung disease.
She has lived in California since 1982.
She sends letters, in Ahab's name, to the elders and nobles who lived near Naboth.
She lived until 1880.
She lived there in the 1960s with her boyfriend Country Joe McDonald.
She lived separately from Philby, settling with their children in Crowborough while he lived first in London and later in Beirut.
She has lived much of her life under the alias Sara Jane Olson, which is now her legal name.
" She has undertaken a signature personal element of traveling around the country and talking to women at hospital and community events featuring the experiences of women who live, or had lived, with the condition.
She traveled many times to Africa to photograph the Nuba tribes in Sudan, with whom she sporadically lived, learning about their culture so she could photograph them more easily.
She spent her last years in a close personal and professional collaboration with anthropologist Rhoda Metraux, with whom she lived from 1955 until her death in 1978. Letters between the two published in 2006 with the permission of Mead's daughter clearly express a romantic relationship.
She lived exclusively in the company of her German ladies-in-waiting and had difficulty in adapting herself to the Swedish people, countryside and climate.
She lived much of her adult life in France, where she first befriended Edgar Degas and later exhibited among the Impressionists.

She and with
She helped him with the dishes, then he brought more water in from the spring before it got dark.
She wiped it off with the sleeve of her coat.
She remembered little of her previous journey there with Grace, and she could but hope that her dedication to her mission would enable her to accomplish it.
She regarded them as signs that she was nearing the glen she sought, and she was glad to at last be doing something positive in her unenunciated, undefined struggle with the mountain and its darkling inhabitants.
She was standing with her back to the glass door.
She raised a protesting hand with a startled air.
She had touched her face, truly a noble and pure face, only with a lip salve which made her lips glisten but no redder than usual.
She cackled with mirth, showing the stumps of betel-stained teeth.
She had driven up with her husband in a convertible with Eastern license plates, although the two drivers knew nothing at the moment about that.
She would look at Jack, with that hidden something in her eyes, and Jack would see the Woman and become breathless and a little sick.
She said, with the solicitude of a middle-aged woman for her only child.
She munched little ginger cakes called mulatto's belly and kept her green, somewhat hypnotic eyes fixed on a light-colored male who was prancing wildly with a 5-foot king snake wrapped around his bronze neck.
She said with intense feeling: `` Come near, let me feel your arms.
She daubed at her swimming eyes with a lacy handkerchief and said with obvious emotion: `` That poor boy!!
She, too, is concerned with `` the becoming, the process of realization '', but she does not think in terms of subtle variations of spatial or temporal patterns.
She has rarely been photographed with him and, except for Carl's seventy-fifth anniversary celebration in Chicago in 1953, she has not attended the dozens of banquets, functions, public appearances, and dinners honoring him -- all of this upon her insistence.
She opened the boxes with a tear in her eye and a sad smile on her face.
She ended her letter with the assurance that she considered his friendship for her daughter and herself to be an honor, from which she could not part `` without still more pain ''.
She had to clean the glass on the display cases in the butcher shop, help her brother scrub the cutting tables with wire brushes, mop the floors, put down new sawdust on the floors and help check the outgoing orders.
She had been picked up by the Russians, questioned in connection with some pamphlets, sentenced to life imprisonment for espionage.
She gave me the names of some people who would surely help pay for the flowers and might even march up to the monument with me.
She had, with her own work-weary hands, put seeds in the ground, watched them sprout, bud, blossom, and get ready to bear.

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