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Page "Chicken" ¶ 50
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Some Related Sentences

Some and have
Some painters have less interest in the experience of the moment, with its attendant urgencies and ambiguities, than in looking beyond the flux of particular impressions to a higher, more serene level of truth.
Some of the earlier episodes have touches of the supernatural, as suited to the legendary background.
Some historians have found his point of view not to their taste, others have complained that he makes the Tory tradition appear `` contemptible rather than intelligible '', while a sympathetic critic has remarked that the `` intricate interplay of social dynamics and political activity of which, at times, politicians are the ignorant marionettes is not a field for the exercise of his talents ''.
Some of these thoughts -- not all of them -- have taken organized form in later years.
He said, `` Some have criticized your book as being neither literary criticism nor history.
Some have felt that Washington Irving comes out rather slimly, but let them look at the title of the book ''.
Some of us have imagination and sensibility too.
Some of former President Truman's off-the-cuff discourses have been in that vein.
Some of the stumps are as much as three feet long, but most of them have been flattened by the pressure of the overlying sediments.
Some memorable plays have been drawn from books, notably Life With Father and Diary Of Anne Frank.
Some families already have held weekend rehearsals in their home shelters to learn the problems and to determine for themselves what supplies they would need.
Some special health requirements might have to be met.
Some weapons systems have become obsolescent while still in production, and some while still under development.
Some offices have very broad responsibilities, touching on almost all aspects of a university's instructional program.
Some manufacturers have had the foresight to provide a socket for the chuck key ; ;
Some recreation features, such as scenic values and water interest, also have greater overall value than other interests.
-- Some areas may already have been improved and contain buildings, roads, utilities, cleared land, etcetera which may raise the cost of the site.
Some distribution costs are kept up by competitive pressure, some by the fact that the customers have come to expect certain niceties and flourishes.
Some men have no talent for or interest in management ; ;
Some agents have been shown to be much more toxic or infectious to experimental animals when exposed to aerosols of optimum particle size than by the natural portal.
Some of those who question the value of BW have assumed that the only potential would be in the establishment of epidemics.
Some members of the bee family have become idlers, social parasites that live at the expense of their hardworking relatives.
Some investigators have found a parallelism between remissions and return of the sympathetic reactivity of the hypothalamus to the normal level as indicated by the Mecholyl test and, conversely, between clinical impairment and increasing deviation of this test from the norm.
Some of the oldest, most persistent, and most cohesive forms of social groupings have grown out of religion.

Some and advised
Some experts have advised against the tendency to extrapolate trends for historical patterns that do not align with expectations about the future.
Some pet owners and veterinary organizations have advised that, as a legume rather than a grass hay, alfalfa consumed in large amounts may lead to obesity, as well as bladder stones due to excess calcium, in any but pregnant and very young guinea pigs.
Some scholars have noted a possible motivation for this notorious advice: the theologians believed they had advised Philip as a pastor would his parishioner, and that a lie was justified to guard the privacy of their confessional counsel.
Some Hessian officers advised Rall to fortify the town, and two of his engineers advised that a redoubt be constructed at the upper end of town, and fortifications be built along the river.
Some experts in the field of forecasting have advised against the use of mean square error to compare forecasting methods.
" Some 80 years later, one of Byng's viceregal successors, Michaƫlle Jean, found herself in a similar situation when her prime minister advised her to prorogue parliament in order to avoid a non-confidence motion.
Some Diabetics may be advised to wear slippers, as diabetes can have effects on blood flow to the extremities of the body.
Some episodes have even featured the crew performing cons that benefit people they have befriended over the course of the episode rather than having them be the sole benefactors of the con ; examples include them faking a jewel theft from the Tower of London and allowed a member of the cleaning staff to discover it after she showed sympathy for team member Ash Morgan while he was working undercover as an immigrant worker ( Eye of the Beholder ), leaving the money stolen from a highly secure slot machine in a casino to a security guard at the casino who had advised Stacie Monroe during her brief employment ( Big Daddy Calling ), stating that they will ' return ' an apparently stolen painting only after the rights to the security system that protected it had been returned to the wife of the original inventor ( The inventor having committed suicide after he was cheated out of the patent ) ( New Recruits ), and arranging for the niece of a friend to get a modelling contract with an agency that has a rivalry with the company that cheated her out of her money in her original application.
Some members of the government, such as Austrian prime minister Count Belcredi, advised the Emperor to make a more comprehensive constitutional deal with all of the nationalities that would have created a federal structure.
( Some of these models are discussed in the entry on modulatory space, though readers should be advised that the term " modulatory space " is not a standard music-theoretical term.
Some, led by Takeda Shingen, aided Oda Nobunaga against Uesugi Kenshin in 1568, while others, including the abbot Sessai Choro, advised Tokugawa Ieyasu.
Some feared that with the posting the minister would often be dealing with the very companies for whom he advised for and assisted in soliciting defence contracts ; seemingly putting him in constant peril of conflict-of-interest issues.
Ridgeway advised MacDonald to return to London, his main concern being to avoid a massive scandal: " Some, indeed most, of his victims ... are the sons of the best-known men in the Colony, English and native ", he wrote, noting that he had persuaded the local press to keep quiet in hopes that " no more mud " would be stirred up.
Some " implant stations " were better than others, Hubbard advised his followers to avoid the one on Venus.
Some colleagues advised her to pass for white for more opportunities, but she refused to do so.
Some families are advised to make a video recording of the events to aid diagnosis.
Some Lancashire reformers opposed the march and advised their supporters not to take part.

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