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Some Related Sentences

Some and classic
Some of the classic indicators, as described by Drs. Pittenger, Hockett, and Danehy in The First Five Minutes, are these: ambiguity of pronouns:
Some games ( chess being the classic example ) are perfect information games: every player has complete information on the state of the game.
Some classic examples of these types of tasks are multimedia applications ( images, video, and sound ), as well as many types of scientific and engineering tasks.
Some think the name was chosen from the classic Chinese book the I Ching ; others note that the first character of his courtesy name is also the first character of the courtesy name of his brother and other male relatives on the same generation line, while the second character of his courtesy name shi ( 石 — meaning " stone ") suggests the second character of his " register name " tai ( 泰 — the famous Mount Tai of China ).
Some resource materials define classic cinquains as solely iambic, but that is not necessarily so.
Some scholars believe film noir never really ended, but continued to transform even as the characteristic noir visual style began to seem dated and changing production conditions led Hollywood in different directions — in this view, post-1950s films in the noir tradition are seen as part of a continuity with classic noir.
Some of his early novels, called " scientific romances ", invented a number of themes now classic in science fiction in such works as The Time Machine, The Island of Doctor Moreau, The Invisible Man, The War of the Worlds, When the Sleeper Wakes, and The First Men in the Moon.
Some critical interpretation is needed to recognize classic formulas in the midst of the commercial glitz.
Some problems were classic subjects of comparison with other operating systems:
Some CPUs have been specifically designed to have a very small set of instructions – but these designs are very different from classic RISC designs, so they have been given other names such as minimal instruction set computer ( MISC ), or transport triggered architecture ( TTA ), etc.
Some classes are partially devoted to the explication of classic articles, and seminar classes can consist of the presentation by each student of a classic or current paper.
Some have suggested that seen from the side and from a distance, the oryx looks something like a horse with a single horn ( although the ' horn ' projects backward, not forward as in the classic unicorn ).
Some riders support the continuation of the classic format, believing it is the " true test of horse and rider ".
Some biblical scholars also consider that parts of the Judean population had stayed to live in their homes during the excilic period and later joined the returning Israelites from Babylon and formed the Jews of the classic and Hasmonean era.
However, film critic Roger Ebert gave the film 3 stars out of a possible 4 and commented that " Some will say the movie breaks tradition by telling a medieval story with a soundtrack of classic rock.
Some of his books are still in print more than a half-century after their original publication, and have become classic but still-relevant introductions to fundamental principles of mathematics and science.
Some wooden dinghies ( especially of classic or historical form ) are built using the carvel or clinker methods.
Some of these are traditional items, such as the classic yurt ( Gers ), while others are designed for the tourist market, such as decorated slippers.
Some of these qualities are evident in the following lines, considered to be " the classic formulation of Greek pessimism ":
Some " classic " riddims, such as " Nanny Goat " and " Real Rock " are essentially the accompaniment tracks to the original 1960s reggae songs with those names.
Some panel games are variants on classic parlor games.
* The B-24 is featured in the classic novel Goodbye to Some by Gordon Forbes, a former pilot, who seems to know the foibles of the aircraft.
* Some scenes in the 1974 cult classic film Death Wish, including the infamous climatic gun battle, were filmed in Riverside Park
On December 10, 2005, the Peas cover of the John Lennon classic " Power to the People ", which was mostly recorded on the John Lennon Educational Tour Bus, was released by Amnesty International as part of the Make Some Noise campaign to celebrate human rights.

Some and texts
Some of them ignored the texts and had apparently memorized the words long ago.
Some texts read Vindbláin ( Vindbláinn ' Wind-blue ') instead of Vídbláin.
Some of the earliest historiographic texts ( ABC 19, 20 ) suggest he rebuilt the city of Babylon ( Bab-ilu ) in its new location near Akkad.
Some texts have said that he fell off a cliff.
Some Hittite texts mention a nation lying to the west called Ahhiyawa.
Some Buddhists point to other early texts as justifying defensive war.
Some source texts discuss meat eating as a fact without referring to the ethical side of the issue.
Some fonts supporting the BCI repertoire are available and usable with texts encoded with private-use assignments ( PUA ) within the UCS.
Some modern scholars claim the universality of the accusations in ancient texts lends credence to the crime.
Some scholars have suggested that some ancient and religious texts bear similarities to what would later be called detective fiction.
Some additional longer texts are:
Some are quotes from holy texts, or aphorisms.
Some legal texts that were adopted when the Republican Calendar was official are still in force in France and even Belgium ( which was at the time incorporated into France ), and have kept their original dates for citation purposes.
Some of the goals of feminist theology include increasing the role of women among the clergy and religious authorities, reinterpreting male-dominated imagery and language about God, determining women's place in relation to career and motherhood, and studying images of women in the religion's sacred texts and matriarchal religion.
Some of those who argue that the Homeric poems developed gradually over a long period of time give an even later date for the composition of the poems ; according to Gregory Nagy for example, they only became fixed texts in the 6th century BC.
Some contemporary texts still describe Ebbinghaus as a philosopher rather than a psychologist and he had also spent his life as a professor of philosophy.
Some of the psychophysical techniques described in the texts are to assist the descent of the mind into the heart at those times that only with difficulty it descends on its own.
Some critical scholars oppose the view that the sacred texts, including the Hebrew Bible, were divinely inspired.
Some of these, such as the city of Seron, receive no mention in the surviving texts of any other ancient authority.
Some scholars have suggested it is relevant to this debate that the legendary King Arthur's name only appears as Arthur, or Arturus, in early Latin Arthurian texts, never as Artōrius ( though it should be noted that Classical Latin Artōrius became Arturius in some Vulgar Latin dialects ).
Some of the most common genres were bibles, religious commentaries, philosophy, law and government texts.
( Some Jewish texts also refer to a " Messiah ben Joseph " or " Messiah ben Ephraim ", a military leader descended from the biblical Ephraim, who will successfully lead the army of Israel in many battles before being killed by Armilus, when Israel is defeated by Gog and Magog.
Some historians believe Assyrian texts called this Midas king of the " Mushki " because he had subjected the eastern Anatolian people of that name and incorporated them into his army.
Some religions have religious texts which they view as divinely or supernaturally revealed or inspired.
Some scholars suppose that these contain early Christian creeds and creedal hymns, which were included in several of the New Testament texts and that some of these creeds date to within a few years of Jesus ' death and were developed within the Christian community in Jerusalem.

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