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Page "Kaloyan of Bulgaria" ¶ 19
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Some Related Sentences

Such and sources
Such misunderstandings can arise from a number of sources.
" Such theories were seen by many to contradict his views on scientific rationality ; he repeatedly stated that these theories held his attention due to the high quality of their presentation — a quality he believed established sources should attempt to emulate, rather than resorting to attacking their originators.
" Such a position is shared by most commentators such as Richard Heard who sees historical deficiencies as arising from " special objects in writing and to the limitations of his sources of information.
Such connections have been acknowledged by many modern artists, modern day " griots ", spoken word artists, mainstream news sources, and academics.
Such arguments have tended to focus on cases where the Talmud and other traditional sources express multiple or more liberal viewpoints, particularly where the role of women in the past was arguably broader than in more recent times.
Such sources are now of secondary commercial importance, and most are no longer worked.
Such an " understanding " requires that the relevant information sources be semantically structured.
Such sources do not need extensive radiation protection – only a small cup of lead.
Such is most of typical total dosage ( with mean annual exposure from other sources amounting to 0. 4 mSv from cosmic rays, 0. 007 mSv from the legacy of past atmospheric nuclear testing along with the Chernobyl disaster, 0. 0002 mSv from the nuclear fuel cycle, and, averaged over the whole populace, 0. 6 mSv medical tests and 0. 005 mSv occupational exposure ).
Such facilities might be nuclear or coal-fired power stations, or hydroelectric, while other renewable energy sources such as concentrated solar thermal and geothermal power have the potential to provide base load power.
Such languages typically do not include declarations of types ( or make them optional ), so the only sources of what types are allowed are the names themselves, documentation such as comments, and by reading the code to understand what it does.
Such species have desirable traits such as being fast-growing sources of wood, producing oil that can be used for cleaning and functions as a natural insecticide, or an ability to be used to drain swamps and thereby reduce the risk of malaria.
Such children were generally used as sources of unpaid labor.
Such a holistic approach would help clarify both intent and sources of synergy and disconnect between business model, strategy, scorecards, information, innovation, processes and IT systems.
Such sources reproduce only a hazy image of Eric's activities in Anglo-Saxon England.
Such technologies convert sunlight into usable heat ( water, air, thermal mass ), cause air-movement for ventilating, or future use, with little use of other energy sources.
Such details are corroborated by many other sources.
Such sources typically emit from a large area, which makes them suitable for backlights of LCD displays.
Such responsa are key sources for Conservative Halakha, which has its particular methodologies and history.
Such historical sources recount that during an early visit to Jerusalem some time before 1096, Jesus appeared to Peter the Hermit in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, and bade him preach the crusade.
Such an approach saves FASM sources from compiling problems often present in many assembly projects.
Such measures are very often used in the United States when other revenue sources, such as taxes, are limited or non-existent.
Such sources could include: absorbing a native language spoken in a different dialects or countries, a language other than their own and fictional language from books, music, films and videogames.
Such scholars ( e. g. Sebastian Muenster ) have relied on Muslim sources who traditionally used the word Kalmyk to describe the West Mongolians in a derogatory manner.
Such sources effectively may not conserve energy.

Such and talk
Such talk is seriously in error.
Such talk is so common that the listening authorities treat it with contempt.
Such images present the audience with a nightmarish vision of the world-it is a world where horses and ships talk and act more like human beings than human beings do.
Such channels have traditionally aired community talk shows, city council meetings and other locally oriented programming, although it is becoming increasingly common for them to adopt the format and branding of a local news channel.
Such a surface is called non-orientable, and on this kind of surface one cannot talk about integrating vector fields.
Such is his influence that he dominates the Security Committee and can talk down most higher-ranking officers without fear of reprisal.
Such a view holds that rather than speaking of a Brethren of the Free Spirit in the same way as we speak of the Cathars, the Lollards or the Waldensians, we should talk about a Doctrine or Heresy of the Free Spirit or even little more than a loose set of ideas grouped together under a single title, i. e. " a state of mind as much as a settled body of doctrine ", as British scholar Gordon Leff states it.
Such talk shows included an afternoon program hosted by future WKRG-TV sports director Randy Patrick, but the talk radio format would soon dominate the schedule later in the 1980s as FM reigned with its superior sound.
Such " double talk " is typical in Latin with things alluded to having an outward meaning as well as an additional " subtle " meaning " reserved " for those of an ominous " inner circle ".
Such friction was not called war, " I was told it only happens so that there would be something to talk about ".

Such and mostly
Such works continued and after several millennia, in the 7th century, carved pillars of Ajanta, Maharashtra state present a fine example of Indian paintings, and the colors, mostly various shades of red and orange, were derived from minerals.
Such depictions are mostly dystopian, and in some cases humorous or satirical ; positively presented theocracies are very much the exception.
Such studies include mostly medical analysis of the voice i. e. phoniatrics, but also speaker identification.
Such alliances are typically formed for the purpose of elections ( mostly in first-past-the-post election systems ), or, after elections, for the purpose of forming a government.
Such alternative units have not gained any notable acceptance, however, mostly from sheer lack of acquaintance and familiarity.
Such reforms were mostly via private member's bills on ' free votes ' in line with established convention, but the large Labour majority after 1966 was undoubtedly more open to such changes than previous parliaments had been.
Such are the Chuya Alps, having an average altitude of 2, 700 m, with summits from 3, 500 to 3, 700 m, and at least ten glaciers on their northern slope ; the Katun Alps, which have a mean elevation of about 3, 000 m and are mostly snow-clad ; the Kholzun range ; the Korgon 1, 900 to 2, 300 m, Talitskand Selitsk ranges ; the Tigeretsk Alps.
The band's lineup has remained mostly static during their history, the only exception being the departure of bass player Alec John Such in 1994, who was unofficially replaced by Hugh McDonald.
Such practices of human sacrifice as there was in medieval Tibet was mostly replaced by animal sacrifice, or the self-infliction of wounds in religious ritual, by the 20th century.
Such websites had a profound effect on the viewing of music videos ; some artists began to see success as a result of videos seen mostly or entirely online.
Such changes feature on other Hungarian townspeople's residences, built from the mid-15th century mostly of stone and wood with a cellar, ground floor and upper storey, in the Late Gothic and Renaissance styles ; although the late medieval houses have often been considerably altered, the street façades of the old town are mostly preserved.
Such measurements are much less precise than modern mass spectrometric measurements of atomic weights and molecular masses, and are of mostly historical interest.
Such plans were mostly adhered to.
Such telephones are called customer-owned coin-operated telephones ( COCOT ), and are mostly kept in as good condition as compared with a payphone owned and operated by the local telephone company.
Such practices as are still current are mostly associated with either Shaktism or with local tribal traditions.
Such languages are called dechticaetiative languages, and are mostly found among African languages.
Such price points do not necessarily result from collusion, but as an emergent property of oligopolies: when all firms sell at the same price, any firm which attempts to raise its selling price will experience a decrease in sales and revenues ( preventing firms from raising prices unilaterally ); on the other hand, any firm in an oligopoly which lowers its prices will mostly likely be matched by competitors, resulting in small increases in sales but decreases in revenues ( for all the firms in that market ).
Such provisionals included both prepaid envelopes and stamps, mostly of crude design, the New York Postmaster's Provisional being the only one of quality comparable to later stamps.
Such rapid growth transformed it from a mostly agricultural to a highly industrialized economy in the 21st century.
Furthermore, recordings of acceleration allow researchers to quantify the rate at which an animal is expending energy in the wild, by either determination of limb-stroke frequency or measures such as overall dynamic body acceleration Such approaches have mostly been adopted by marine scientists due to an inability to study animals in the wild using visual observations, however an increasing number of terrestrial biologists are adopting similar approaches.
Such positions have been funded by the various Norwegian research councils since the 1980s, mostly by grants to individual award holders.
Such software was integrated into most commercial prerecorded applications ( mostly games ), as well as being available separately for loading and saving the users ' homemade programs and data.
Such a balance is seen more simply in sickle-cell anaemia, which is found mostly in tropical populations in Africa and India.

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