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Page "Rem Koolhaas" ¶ 37
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is and itself
But apart from racial problems, the old unreconstructed South -- to use the moderate words favored by Mr. Thomas Griffith -- finds itself unsympathetic to most of what is different about the civilization of the North.
A new order is thrusting itself into being.
I knew that a conversation with the author would not settle such questions, because a man is not the same as his writing: in the last analysis, the questions had to be settled by the work itself.
That is why the form itself becomes a preoccupation, because it exists as a problem separate from the material it accommodates.
For Plato, `` imitation '' is twice removed from reality, being a poor copy of physical appearance, which in itself is a poor copy of ideal essence.
Mimesis is the nearest possible thing to the actual re-living of experience, in which the imagining person recovers through images something of the force and depth characteristic of experience itself.
No consideration of risk urges itself upon him now: for this is what the mind does with the ideas on which it has not properly focussed.
The liberal-conservative division, we might observe in passing, is not of itself directly involved in a private interest conflict nor even in struggle between ruling groups.
Thus in both types attention is focused on the community itself, and its phenomenological life.
Its ontological status is itself most tenuous because apart from individual men, who are its `` matter '', tradition, the `` form '' of society exists only as a shared perception of truth.
The most reaction can achieve is stasis, and a stasis that can be maintained only by the expenditure of an effort which ultimately exhausts itself.
Despite the hopelessness of the response, it is explicable in terms of the crisis of tradition itself.
Thus, circular motion is itself one of the essential characteristics of completely perfect celestial existence.
In any case but the last, such a course is sure to avenge itself upon the individual ; ;
It is world-wide knowledge that any power which might be tempted today to attack the United States by surprise, even though we might sustain great losses, would itself promptly suffer a terrible destruction.
Outstanding among these is the idea of human nature itself, including the many definitions that have been advanced over the centuries ; ;
The complexities of Venetian politics eluded him, but the story of the revolution itself is told in restrained measures, with no superfluous passages and only an occasional overemphasis of the part played by its leading figure.
A tragedy, by his definition, is an imitation of an action that is serious, of a certain magnitude, and complete in itself.
the mere fact that he was selected, though as a substitute, to act as interlocutor or moderator for it, or perhaps we should say with Buck as ' father of the act ', is in itself a difficult phase of his development to grasp.
One such event is the landing in Europe itself, when the mingled familiarity and strangeness of the Occident, after the blank immensities of Asia, shocks the returning traveller into a realization of the infinite possibilities of human life.
Since Laos is of no more purely military value to Moscow itself than it is to Washington, this approach might be expected to head off Mr. Khrushchev for the moment.
It happens in the territory of the Leopoldville government, which is itself a fiction, demonstrably incapable of governing, and commanding only such limited credit abroad as UN support gives it.

is and evidence
( The best evidence is that he received a monthly wage of about $125, very good money in an era when top hands worked for $30 and found.
The hypothesis ventured here is that it does, and that evidence is accumulating validating that proposition.
Westbrook further bemoans the Southern writers' creation of an unreal image of their homeland, which is too readily assimilated by both foreign readers and visiting Yankees: `` Our northerner is suspicious of all this crass evidence ( of urbanization ) presented to his senses.
Noting such evidence is the first step ; ;
and no limitation is in evidence.
Hence, the only defensible procedure is to repress any and every notion, unless it gives evidence that it is perfectly safe.
The portrait that had developed, fragmentarily but consistently, was the portrait of a man to whom serious thinking is alien enough that the making of a decision inhibits, when it does not forestall, any ability to review the decision in the light of new evidence.
The young William Faulkner in New Orleans in the 1920's impressed the novelist Hamilton Basso as obviously conscious of being a Southerner, and there is no evidence that since then he has ever considered himself any less so.
There is evidence to suggest, in fact, that many authors of the humorous sketches were prompted to write them -- or to make them as indelicate as they are -- by way of protesting against the artificial refinements which had come to dominate the polite letters of the South.
The knowledge in virtue of which a man is an historian is a knowledge of what the evidence at his disposal proves about certain events ''.
What I want is to have this evidence come before Congress and if the Attorney General does not report it, as I am very sure he won't, as he has refused to do anything of the kind, I then wish that a committee of seven Representatives be appointed with power to take the evidence.
This is full evidence of your support for my principles.
There is now substantial evidence from several major studies of college students that the experience of the college years results in a certain, selective homogenization of attitudes and values.
On the other hand, the consensus of opinion is that, used with caution and in conjunction with other types of evidence, the native sources still provide a valid rough outline for the English settlement of southern Britain.
That is, there was no trace of Anglo-Saxons in Britain as early as the late third century, to which time the archaeological evidence for the erection of the Saxon Shore forts was beginning to point.
This, naturally, will be difficult to do since both the archaeological and place-name evidence in this period, with some fortunate exceptions, is insufficient for precise chronological purposes.
What evidence is available would seem to indicate that Brooks, unlike his older brother Henry, had most of the methodological vices usually found in the amateur.
He had also learned to dispute extempore remarkably well, the main evidence for which of course is the presence of his name in the honors list of 1628/29.
Milton himself, uncommunicative as he is about his lesser and nonliterary activities, at least gives us some evidence that he was a great walker, under any and all conditions.
Although Patchen has given previous evidence of an interest in jazz, the musical group that he works with, the Chamber Jazz Sextet, is often ignored by jazz critics.

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