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PARC and user
The PARC user interface consisted of graphical elements such as windows, menus, radio buttons, check boxes and icons.
Founded in 1970 as a division of Xerox Corporation, PARC has been responsible for such well known and important developments as laser printing, Ethernet, the modern personal computer, graphical user interface ( GUI ), object-oriented programming, ubiquitous computing, amorphous silicon ( a-Si ) applications, and advancing very-large-scale-integration ( VLSI ) for semiconductors.
PARC currently conducts research into " clean technology ", user interface design, sensemaking, ubiquitous computing and context-aware systems, large-area electronics, and model-based control and optimization in embedded, intelligent systems.
In December 1979, Apple Computer's co-founder Steve Jobs visited Xerox PARC, where he was shown the Smalltalk-80 programming environment, networking, and most importantly the WYSIWYG, mouse-driven graphical user interface provided by the Alto.
Many of the concepts developed by Goldberg and her team at PARC became the basis for graphically based user interfaces, replacing the earlier command line based systems.
Xerox PARC was also credited for having not only done the pioneering work in the industry for graphical user interfaces, but also for contributing to OPEN LOOK's " design, review, implementation, testing, and refinement ".
In the late 1990s, Ed H. Chi worked with Pirolli, Card and others at PARC further developed information scent ideas and algorithm to actually use these concepts in real interactive systems, including the modeling of web user browsing behavior, the inference of information needs from web visit log files, and the use of information scent concepts in reading and browsing interfaces.
* Xerox PARC is a research organization which has also spawned innovations such as the graphical user interface and SRI, where the computer mouse was invented, were explicitly founded with a research basis.
* PARC User Interface, a user interface based on the WIMP ( window, icon, menu, pointer ) system ; see PARC ( company )
* Computer Science Laboratory, a laboratory of Xerox's research division, Xerox PARC ; both the laboratory and the division are best known for essentially creating the modern personal computer graphical user interface ( GUI ) paradigm
Although the first bitmapped graphical user interface used a different " desktop " metaphor ( using Smalltalk, created at Xerox PARC ), tiling window managers followed soon.

PARC and interface
The concept of hyperlinks was further refined and extended to graphics by researchers at Xerox PARC, specifically Alan Kay, who went beyond text-based hyperlinks and used a GUI as the primary interface for the Xerox Alto computer.
In 1976 he joined Xerox PARC where he implemented a computer interface to an early laser printer.

PARC and addition
In addition, Sutherland fostered a collaboration between the Caltech researchers developing techniques of very large-scale integrated circuits ( VLSI ) – his brother Ivan and Carver Mead – and Lynn Conway of his PARC staff.

PARC and keyboard
" The programmers at the Xerox PARC research center assigned the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-Z to the undo command, which became a crucial feature of text editors and word processors in the personal computer era.

PARC and .
* 1981 – Xerox PARC introduces the computer mouse.
In the 1970s the funding Engelbart's group received from the Advance Research Project Agency ( ARPA ) was cut and many key members of Engelbart's team went to work for Xerox PARC where they continued to experiment with the mouse and keyset.
Keychord sets were used at Xerox PARC in the early 1980s, along with mice, GUIs, on the Xerox Star and Alto workstations.
Several of his researchers became alienated from him and left his organization for Xerox PARC, in part due to frustration, and in part due to differing views of the future of computing.
Many young computer scientists fled from the universities to startups and private research labs like Xerox PARC.
Ethernet was developed at Xerox PARC between 1973 and 1974.
In 1976, after the system was deployed at PARC, Metcalfe and Boggs published a seminal paper.
Line No. 3 serves residential areas such as: MANGUIER, THEMIRE, MANGO, BONHOMME, NOVA PARC, VENDÔME, CHEMIN TARZAN, MONT-LUCAS, and major traffic generators in the Greater Cayenne ( downtown, administrative district and schools ). With a bus every 22 minutes Monday to Saturday, and a bus every hour on Saturday afternoon. Amplitude ( 4 buses Max ): 5 h beginning 45, end 19 h 56Line 4
A significant technical influence was the early networking work at Xerox PARC, which produced the PARC Universal Packet protocol suite, much of which existed around that time.
Though quiet by nature, he took the uncharacteristic step of urging Xerox executives to keep their California research center, Xerox PARC, afloat when the parent company was suspicious that its research center would amount to little.
KRL is a knowledge representation language, developed by Daniel G. Bobrow and Terry Winograd while at Xerox PARC and Stanford University, respectively.
Ethernet was developed at Xerox PARC in 1973 – 1975, and filed as.
In 1976, after the system was deployed at PARC, Metcalfe and Boggs published a seminal paper, " Ethernet: Distributed Packet-Switching For Local Computer Networks.
LambdaMOO was founded in late 1990 or early 1991 by Pavel Curtis at Xerox PARC .< ref name =" internetculture "> Now hosted in the state of Washington, it is operated and administered entirely on a volunteer basis.
Xerox PARC developed Cedar, which was based on Mesa, with a number of additions including garbage collection, better string support, called Ropes, and a native compiler for Sun SPARC workstations.
Initially its spread was confined to PARC and a few universities to which Xerox had donated some Altos.
Xerox PARC employees argued that Mesa was a proprietary advantage that made Xerox software engineers more productive than engineers at other companies.
The original Macintosh system software was partially based on the Lisa OS, previously released by Apple for the Lisa computer in 1983 and, as part of an agreement allowing Xerox to buy shares in Apple at a favorable rate, it also used concepts from the Xerox PARC Xerox Alto, which Steve Jobs and several other Macintosh team members had previewed.
Many different jobs and a number of Apple engineers visited Xerox PARC in December 1979, three months after the Lisa and Macintosh projects had begun.

user and interface
The Common Desktop Environment ( CDE ) is AIX's default graphical user interface.
On the software front, work was being done to implement the replacement for the aging " user interface " of CP / M, ( the Command Console Processor CCP ) with the more modern ZCPR.
The Atari ST was part of the 16 / 32 bit generation of home computers, based on the Motorola 68000 CPU noted for 128 kB of RAM or more, a graphical user interface, and 3½ " microfloppy disks as storage.
They may also be in the user interface of the software or on a screen presented to the user during the installation process.
Instead, AMOS BASIC controlled the computer directly, which caused programs written in it to have a non-standard user interface, and also caused compatibility problems with newer versions of the operating system.
The Amiga Skyline BBS software was the first in 1987 featuring a script markup language communication protocol called Skypix which was capable to give the user a complete graphical interface, featuring rich graphic content, changeable fonts, mouse-controlled actions, animations and sound.
BBS and Citadel / UX, is Web-enabled, and the traditional text interface has been replaced ( or operates concurrently ) with a Web-based user interface.
Upon boot, the user was directed to a BASIC interpreter in immediate mode, not a traditional command line interface.
Almost universally, home computers of the 1980s had a ROM-resident BASIC interpreter, allowing the machines to boot directly into BASIC which therefore constituted a significant and visible part of the user interface of many home computers ' rudimentary operating systems.
QuickDraw's performance was essential for the success of the Macintosh's graphical user interface.
A BIOS has a user interface ( UI ), typically a menu system accessed by pressing a certain key on the keyboard when the PC starts.
* set various password prompts, such as a password for securing access to the BIOS user interface functions itself and preventing malicious users from booting the system from unauthorized peripheral devices.
A virtual printer is a piece of computer software whose user interface and API resembles that of a printer driver, but which is not connected with a physical computer printer.
* Platform software: Platform includes the firmware, device drivers, an operating system, and typically a graphical user interface which, in total, allow a user to interact with the computer and its peripherals ( associated equipment ).
For instance, JavaBeans library is used for designing enterprise applications, Windows Forms library is used for designing graphical user interface ( GUI ) applications like Microsoft Word, and Windows Communication Foundation is used for designing web services.
A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device.
* Context sensitive user interface in computing
* History of the graphical user interface
** Virtual console, a user interface for multiple computer consoles on one device
** Console ( video game CLI ), a command-line user interface element for personal computer games originating in Quake
In a graphical user interface, windows and buttons might be the primitives.
A sophisticated graphical user interface may be used to create the animation and arrange its choreography.

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