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Skeptical and Inquirer
( 1999 ), " Anthropic design ," The Skeptical Inquirer 23 ( August 31, 1999 ): 40-43
* Skeptical About The Skeptical Environmentalist, Richard M. Fisher's review of The Skeptical Environmentalist, in " The Skeptical Inquirer ".
", by Martin Gardner, in Skeptical Inquirer, Jan – Feb 1999.
According to a report in the Skeptical Inquirer in 1997 no credible theory of psi has yet been presented.
Organizations that encourage a critical examination of parapsychology and parapsychological research include the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, publisher of the Skeptical Inquirer ; the James Randi Educational Foundation, founded by illusionist and skeptic James Randi, and the
* FindArticles. com Index Large number of articles about parapsychology, from publications such as the Journal of Parapsychology and the Skeptical Inquirer.
* FindArticles. com Index Large number of articles about parapsychology, from publications such as the Journal of Parapsychology and the Skeptical Inquirer.
* Skeptical Inquirer
* " Outstanding skeptics of the 20th century "Skeptical Inquirer magazine
In Skeptical Inquirer, Mark Moldwin argued that the important differences between the two projects were the acceptance of SETI by the mainstream scientific community and that " he methodology of SETI leads to useful scientific results even in the absence of discovery of alien life.
* Skeptical Inquirer
Benjamin Radford, science writer and deputy editor of the science magazine Skeptical Inquirer, casts doubt on the plausibility of spontaneous human combustion, " If SHC is a real phenomenon ( and not the result of an elderly or infirm person being too close to a flame source ), why doesn't it happen more often?
by James D. Livingston — Skeptical Inquirer
*" The Secrets of Oak Island ", Joe Nickell, Skeptical Inquirer, March / April 2000.
* Joseph A. Bauer, A Surgeon's View: Alien Autopsy's Overwhelming Lack of Credibility, Skeptical Inquirer, vol 20, # 1, Jan. 1996, 23 – 24.
Also reprinted in Bizarre Cases: From the Files of Skeptical Inquirer, CSICOP, 2000.
* C. Eugene Emery, Jr, ' Alien Autopsy ' Show and Tell: Long on Tell, Short on Show, Skeptical Inquirer, vol 19, # 6, Nov. 1995, 15 – 16 & 55.
* Joe Nickell, ' Alien Autopsy ' Hoax, Skeptical Inquirer, vol 19, # 6, Nov. 1995, 17 – 19.
* Trey Stokes, How to Make an ' Alien ' for ' Autopsy ', Skeptical Inquirer, vol 20, # 1, Jan. 1996, 19 – 23.
Also reprinted in Bizarre Cases: From the Files of Skeptical Inquirer, CSICOP, 2000.
" Synchronicity and the Archetypes ," Skeptical Inquirer, 18 ( 4 ).

Skeptical and described
He was described by his fellow authors of Skeptical ( David Vernon, Dr Colin Groves and Simon Brown ) as a 20th Century ' Renaissance Man ' as his interests were wide ranging from Melanesian languages, to channelling, Tarot cards and bawdy songs.
After examining the case 48 years after the event, Joe Nickell of the paranormal investigation group Committee for Skeptical Inquiry ( CSI ), then known as CSICOP, concluded in 2000 that the bright light in the sky reported by the witnesses on September 12 was most likely a meteor, that the pulsating red light was likely an aircraft navigation / hazard beacon, and that the creature described by witnesses closely resembled an owl.

Skeptical and British
This claim was put forth in The Ill-Framed Knight: A Skeptical Inquiry Into the Identity of Sir Thomas Malory, written by the aforementioned William Matthews, a British professor who taught at UCLA ( and is most famous for his transcription of the Diary of Samuel Pepys ).
" The Skeptical Inquirer, among others, revealed that he purchased his Ph. D. from Trinity College and University, which the magazine describes as " a British institution with no building, campus, faculty, or president, and run from a post office box in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.

Skeptical and with
In The New Inquisition, Robert Anton Wilson, recognized episkopos, pope, and saint of the parody religion Discordianism, lampoons the members of skeptical organizations like the Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal ( CSICOP — now the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry ) as fundamentalist materialists, alleging that they dogmatically dismiss any evidence that conflicts with materialism as hallucination or fraud.
Skeptical and thinking someone is playing a practical joke on him, he wishes that she stay with him forever.
The Skeptical Inquirer is a bimonthly American magazine published by the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry ( CSI ) with the subtitle: The magazine for science and reason.
Following a no-confidence vote against Truzzi, he resigned, and the magazine was ( starting with volume 2, issue 2 ) retitled Skeptical Inquirer and Kendrick Frazier ( former editor of Science News ) became the new editor.
Skeptical about the replacement players, they nevertheless follow McGinty's recommendations and find ways to work with the ragtag group of players.
For example, the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry published an article by Chris Mooney titled " Not Too ' Bright '" in which he stated that, although he agreed with the movement, Richard Dawkins ' and Daniel Dennett's " campaign to rename religious unbelievers ' brights ' could use some rethinking " because of the possibility that the term would be misinterpreted.
Skeptical archaeologists see the electrical experiments as embodying a key problem with experimental archaeology, saying that such experiments can only show that something was physically possible, but do not confirm that it actually occurred.
Professor of Psychology, member of CSI and Skeptical Inquirer Magazine, James Alcock after evaluating Bem's 9 experiments claimed to have found metaphorical " dirty test tubes ", serious methodological flaws such as changing the procedures partway through the experiments and combining results of tests with different chances of significance.
In Skeptical Inquirer magazine in 2011, longtime investigator Joe Nickell compared Rydén's " messages " to alleged communications from Jesus to other women claiming revelations and wrote, " the contrived handwriting, the linguistic lapses, and the indications of fantasizing all suggest that Vassula Ryden is not in touch with supernatural entities but is simply engaging in self-deception that in turn deceives the credulous.
Easterbrook published a 1995 book A Moment on the Earth, subtitled " the coming age of environmental optimism ," presaged Bjørn Lomborg's book The Skeptical Environmentalist, first published in Danish three years later, and argued that many environmental indicators, with the notable exception of greenhouse gas production, are positive.
In his personal life, Davis is an avid water-skier, works with the Canadian Cancer Society and lectures on skepticism most recently at Committee for Skeptical Inquiry's CSICON.
Skeptical of the received rules of evidence that he had taught as a professor, he worked to integrate the findings of psychology, sociology and logic with the law.
The Skeptical Analysis of the Paranormal Society ( SAPS ) was founded with the intent to recreate and debunk segments of the show.
In May 2004 she was brought to New York City by the Discovery Channel to appear on a documentary titled The Girl with X-Ray Eyes, and to be tested by skeptical researchers from the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry ( CSI ) under partially controlled conditions.
Skeptical at first, the more time he spent with her the more he realized this was truly Beth Raines.
* “ What does Pyrrhonism have to do with Pyrrho ?”, in Ancient Skepticism and the Skeptical Tradition: Acta Philosophica Fennica 66 ( 2000 ), p. 11-33.
Through the Committee for Skeptical Inquiry, publisher of Skeptical Inquirer magazine, the Center for Inquiry evaluates claims of the paranormal ( phenomena allegedly beyond the range of normal scientific explanations ), such as psychic phenomena, ghosts, communication with the dead, and alleged extraterrestrial visitations.

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