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Page "Franco-Prussian War" ¶ 72
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army and was
Sherman felt that his own part in the campaign was skillful and well executed but that the slowness of a part of his army robbed him of the larger fruits of victory.
As always, the ranks worked out new and better tactics, but there was brilliance in the way the field commands adopted these methods and in the way the army commanders incorporated them into their military thinking.
It was hit by a shell fired by the bombarding Venetian army and the great central portion of the temple was blown to smithereens.
In late December, the American army moved from Whitemarsh to Valley Forge, and although the distance was only 13 miles, the journey took more than a week because of the bad weather, the barefooted and almost naked men.
He was a captain, he said, in the army, and on the train to New York his purse and all his money had been stolen, and would I lend him twenty-five dollars to be given him at the General Delivery window??
For a time it appeared that a common European army might be created, but the project for a European Defense Community was rejected by the French National Assembly in 1954.
He explained his errand, but without bothering much to make it plausible, for he felt something well up in him which was the reason why he had fled the army.
The form was swathed in an army blanket, much patched, fastened at the neck with a cord.
Jones relented, he did not order his men to apply the torch -- the drove of livestock was driven up the valley, via Beverly, and across the mountains to feed and serve the Confederate army, while Jones and his raiders turned toward Buckhannon to join forces with Imboden.
I point now with pride to the fact that, long ere the Committee on Un-American Activities, the Minute Women, the Economic Council and other such notable `` watchdog '' organizations were so much as heard of, I was Hollywood's leading bulwark against communism, fighting single-handedly `` creeping socialism '' against such insuperable odds as the Fascio-Communist troops of the NRA, PWA, WPA, CCC and an army of more than twenty-two million mercenaries whom F.D.R. employed secretly, through the transparent ruse of regular `` relief '' checks.
An agreement between the leaders of four parties which contested indecisive elections on Oct. 15 was reached after almost 18 hours of political bargaining under the threat of an army coup d'etat.
From the standpoint of the army of duffers, however, this was easily the most heartening exhibition they had had since Ben Hogan fell upon evil ways during his heyday and scored an 11 in the Texas open.
If internal frictions arose, they could be handled by the 25,000-man Congolese army, the Force Publique, which had been trained and was still officered by white Belgians.
Control of the government -- such control as there was and such government as there was -- passed into the hands of Joseph Mobutu, chief of staff of the Congolese army.
The `` hold-back '', as Pentagon mutterers labeled it, apparently was a temporary expedient intended to insure that the army services are built up gradually and, thus, the new funds spent prudently.
Pakistan was created in 1947 expressly as a Muslim state, but when the army took over eleven years later it did so on a wave of mass impatience which was directed in part against the inability of political and religious leaders to think their way through to the meaning of Islam for the modern political situation.
I was twenty-one back then, in the army, and fog put our plane down at Orly instead of Rhine-Main.
I had a pocketful of money, which was unusual when I was in the army, and the plane would be grounded all night.
He was replaced by George Meade, who followed Lee into Pennsylvania for the Gettysburg Campaign, which was a victory for the Union, though Lee's army avoided capture.
Meade's failure to capture Lee's army as it retreated from Gettysburg, and the continued passivity of the Army of the Potomac, persuaded Lincoln that a change in command was needed.

army and severely
The switching of sides by the Stanleys severely depleted the strength of Richard's army and had a material effect on the outcome of the battle.
The historian of the famous retreat of the Ten Thousand, 401 BC, relates that the Greeks suffered severely from the slingers in the army of Artaxerxes II of Persia, while they themselves had neither cavalry nor slingers, and were unable to reach the enemy with their arrows and javelins.
The 40 Carthaginian and Iberian vessels were severely defeated by the 55 Roman and Massalian ships in the second naval engagement of the war with about 3 / 4 of the fleet captured or sunk and the rest beaching their ships with the army on the shore.
In another attempt on Madrid, his army was severely defeated by the Marquis de Bay at the Battle of La Gudina, being forced to withdraw its troops from Spain.
As a reward for his services at Austerlitz ( 2 December 1805 ) he became the 1st Sovereign Prince of Ponte Corvo ( 5 June 1806 ), but during the campaign against Prussia, in the same year, was severely reproached by Napoleon for not participating with his army corps in the battles of Jena and Auerstädt, though close at hand.
In another joint invasion with Silla, the Tang army severely weakened the Goguryeo Kingdom in the north by taking out its outer forts in the year 645.
The army reached English-occupied Bordeaux on 24 December 1373, severely weakened in numbers and capacity having lost at least one-third of their force in action and another third to disease, and many more than succumbed to the bubonic plague that was raging in the city.
The effectiveness of the attack on Ilopango has been called into question, however it is generally accepted that the bombing of oil facilities and depots severely disrupted the logistics of the Salvadorian army.
On December 7, the Japanese army issued a command to all troops, advising that because occupying a foreign capital was an unprecedented event for the Japanese military, those soldiers who " any illegal acts ", " dishonor the Japanese Army ", " loot ", or " cause a fire to break out, even because of their carelessness " would be severely punished.
The ensuing battle severely weakens his army.
Frank Miller's 1998 comic book miniseries 300, and the 2006 film adaptation of the same name, portray Ephialtes as a severely deformed Spartan in exile who betrays the Spartan army after Leonidas, although sympathetic towards him, denies him the right to fight because he was unable to lift a shield high enough, thus compromising the integrity of the phalanx formation.
His rulership was severely limited by the growing influence of high dignitaries, particularly that of Shamshi-ilu, who was then commander-in-chief of the army.
Also in late December, Beauregard found out that Hood's army had been severely damaged in its defeat at the Battle of Nashville ; there were very few men in fighting condition who could oppose Sherman's advance.
In response to this, Napoleon hastily assembled an army of just over 200, 000 consisting largely of inexperienced, barely trained recruits and severely short of horses ( a consequence of the Russian invasion, where most of his veteran troops and horses had perished ).
Sassanian general Nabed's army of 4, 000 was severely outnumbered and was forced to retreat to the town of Anglon in Armenia.
They fought their way north into North Carolina and Virginia, with a severely weakened army.
Guan Yu's army was severely depleted due to the desertions so he attempted to retreat to Yi Province in the west but was surrounded and besieged by Sun Quan's forces at Maicheng ( southeast of present day Dangyang, Hubei ).
The reconstituted Southern army, now under General Horatio Gates, was severely defeated at the Battle of Camden, South Carolina, on August 16, 1780, which opened up the South to British control.
Lin gave a speech in which he denounced Peng as a villainous element who must be purged, and that it was " in the interest of the whole Party, the whole army, and the whole people of the whole country " to persecute Peng so severely.
Clifford was also severely injured, and that column of the army fell into disarray.
By January 1904, Byng had also, while playing polo, broken his right elbow so severely that it was feared he would have to quit the army.
But in 1634 Bernard was severely defeated at Nördlingen, losing many of the best Swedish army units.
On top of this, the failure of the British to maintain air superiority in the theatre severely hampered their ability to carry out landing operations, while the deployment of forces to Greece meant that in the end the commandos became the only troops in general reserve and as the strategic situation worsened it became increasingly difficult to employ them in the manner for which it had been intended as they were called upon to reinforce the rest of the army elsewhere.
The Yamana shugo lords Mitsuyuki and Ujikiyo attacked Kyoto, but were severely defeated by the shogunal army in concert with the forces of Ouchi Yoshihiro.

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