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Page "Document Structuring Conventions" ¶ 6
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basic and premise
The basic premise of all mystery stories is that the distinction between good and bad coincides with the distinction between legal and illegal.
The basic premise of the transactional model of communication is that individuals are simultaneously engaging in the sending and receiving of messages.
The basic premise of all of these is that something caused the Universe to exist, and this First Cause must be God.
Several versions exist, though they all have the same basic premise, that of a set of instructions given by the Great Goddess to her worshippers.
Bradbury expanded the basic premise of " Bright Phoenix " into The Fireman, a novella published in the February 1951 issue of Galaxy Science Fiction.
The basic premise was to divide the players into two teams — attackers and defenders — with each side either assaulting or protecting the castle respectively.
In expanding the basic premise and adding comedic elements, scripter Al Feldstein established the setting as Blytheville, Arkansas.
The basic premise of Mage: The Ascension is that everyone has the capacity, at some level, to shape reality.
This system took as its basic premise the assumption that language is a direct reflection of thought processes and therefore there is a single, most natural way to express a thought.
A basic premise of the setting is that as the world endured the string of state-changing events and conflicts, the political landscape fragmented and reformed.
Aside from the basic premise of angels watching humans, with the opening scene also taking place in a landmark library, and a love story, the 1998 film bears little relation to the original.
The basic premise of Confucianism is the idea that human beings are fundamentally good.
Although the form, usually in quarter-hour episodes, proliferated widely in the middle and late 1930s, they all had the same basic premise: that characters " fell into two categories: 1 ) those in trouble and 2 ) those who helped people in trouble.
: The basic premise underlying the Court ’ s ruling is its iteration, and constant reiteration, of the proposition that the First Amendment bars regulatory distinctions based on a speaker ’ s identity, including its “ identity ” as a corporation.
Kenneth Von Gunden's 1990 novel Starspawn takes the same basic premise into a Medieval setting: England in the time of the Third Crusade is secretly invaded by parasites from space who attach themselves to knights and gain control of castles, and whose plot is eventually foiled by a wise and dedicated monk.
His basic premise was that the rival economic theories, based on subjective Cartesian thinking, undermined the unity of society present in Thomistic metaphysics ; neither the liberal capitalists nor the communists concerned themselves with public moral philosophy.
No matter what structure the teacher employs, the basic premise of the seminar / circles is to turn partial control and direction of the classroom over to the students.
The basic premise of the Airborne is that they can arrive with such speed that a coherent defence cannot be mounted quickly.
His work defined the basic premise of pop art better than any other through parody.
The basic premise of Crisis in the Question of Population is to find what social reforms are needed to allow for individual liberty ( especially for women ) while also promoting child-bearing, and encouraging Swedes to have children.
Puerto Rican playwright, Luis Rafael Sánchez published in 1968 La Pasión según Antígona Pérez, taking the basic premise of the play into a contemporary world, where Creon is the dictator of a fictional Latin American nation, and Antígona and her ' brothers ' are dissident freedom fighters.
The basic premise is that Mickey Mouse and his friends run a dinner theater club called the " House of Mouse " in downtown Toontown, which shows Disney cartoons as part of its floor shows.
His work probably defines the basic premise of pop art better than any other through parody.
" As told by Serling, the basic premise is similar, but the earlier version seems to have been more comedic in tone, involving a meek schoolteacher who quite unintentionally gains notoriety as a top gunslinger.
") and Hal Gibney describing the basic premise of the episode.

basic and DSC
The FCC requires that all new VHF and MF / HF maritime radiotelephones type accepted after June 1999 have at least a basic DSC capability.
In order for a PostScript print file to properly distill to PDF using Adobe tools, it should conform to basic DSC standards.
The diagonal system of control ( DSC ) can best be described by outlining the basic duties of the three match officials:

basic and is
The content is not the same, however: rather than individual security, it is the security and continuing existence of an `` ideological group '' -- those in the `` free world '' -- that is basic.
Whitehead contends that the human way of understanding existence as a unity of interlocking and interdependent processes which constitute each other and which cause each other to be and not to be is possible only because the basic form of such an understanding, for all its vagueness and tendency to mistake the detail, is initially given in the way man feels the world.
Furthermore, the network in Figure 3 is only the basic net through which other networks pertaining to logistics and the like are interlaced.
We are reminded, however, that freedom of thought and discussion, the unfettered exchange of ideas, is basic under our form of government.
The basic truth in the reactionary response is to be found in its realistic assumption of the primacy of the real over the ideational.
When the reactionary response is thus bolstered by an intellectual defense, the characteristics of that defense are explicable only in terms of the basic attitudes of unanalyzed reaction.
The maturity in this point of view lies in its recognition that no basic problem is ever solved without being clearly understood.
The strongest appeal of the Copernican formulation consisted in just this: ideally, the justification for dealing with special problems in particular ways is completely set out in the basic ' rules ' of the theory.
This of course was not true of the educated and sophisticated people we met, who loved their pets, but kindness is not a basic human instinct.
There is a clear relationship between their educational evaluations and their basic pattern of general values.
There is impressive consistency between specific occupational preferences and the student's basic conception of what is for him a good way of life.
Now the basic question to be asked in this situation is what motivates the manipulators, that is, what are their values??
Yet this basic condition of outlawry and anarchy is not the work of Katanga.
Mr. Richard Preston, executive director of the New Hampshire State Planning and Development Commission, in his remarks to the Governors Conference on Industrial Development at Providence on October 8, 1960, warned against the fallacy of attempting to attract industry solely to reduce the tax rate or to underwrite municipal services such as schools when he said: `` If this is the fundamental reason for a community's interest or if this is the basic approach, success if any will be difficult to obtain ''.
In still others which are barely on the threshold of the transition into modernity, the decade can bring significant progress in launching the slow process of developing their human resources and their basic services to the point where an expanded range of developmental activities is possible.
The basic mapping phase of the program has been completed and the inventory phase is scheduled for completion July 1, 1961.
Since the validity of all subsequent planning depends on the accuracy of the basic inventory information, great care is being taken that the inventory is as complete as possible.

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