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Some Related Sentences

distinguishing and difference
Left-right confusion is the difficulty some people have in distinguishing the difference between the directions left and right.
This was highlighted in January 2006, when Nationals Senator Julian McGauran defected to the Liberals, saying that there was " no longer any real distinguishing policy or philosophical difference ".
The distinguishing difference between the two markets is that in the primary market, the money for the securities is received by the issuer of those securities from investors, typically in an initial public offering transaction, whereas in the secondary market, the securities are simply assets held by one investor selling them to another investor ( money goes from one investor to the other ).
While young and elderly participants equally could tell the difference for smiling young people, the " older adult participants outperformed young adult participants in distinguishing between posed and spontaneous smiles ".
Other descendants of the original bearer could bear the ancestral arms only with some difference: usually a color change or the addition of a distinguishing charge.
* distinguishing the Sidereal Year and the Tropical Year, and he measured 45 years and 11 months per degree between those two, and today we know the difference is 70. 7 years per degree.
At the time it was believed that this would not make any difference, as the tones were close enough that an operator would have a hard time distinguishing them in a noisy aircraft.
The main distinguishing difference of the club from most others, however, is a feature called bounce.
Much social controversy surrounds the assigning or distinguishing of some categories, with variation between groups in a society or between societies as to the degree to which a difference is part of a person's " essential " nature or is partly a socially constructed attribution.
The main distinguishing doctrinal difference between Church of God General Conference ( CoGGC ) and Christadelphians and Church of the Blessed Hope ( CGAF ) is that the majority of CoGGC members believe that Satan is a literal fallen angel, although a minority do not.
The same horizontal tricolour is used by Iraq, Syria, and Yemen ( and formerly Libya ), the only difference being the presence ( or absence ) of distinguishing national emblems in the white band.
The distinguishing difference between the terms kinetic energy and thermal energy is that thermal energy is the mean energy of disordered, i. e. random, motion of the particles or the oscillations in the system.
For example, it handles distinguishing a sentence in passive form from a simpler subject-verb-object sentence — the difference between " The girl was hit by the boy " and " The boy hit the girl.
The distinguishing difference in color between the two subspecies comes in the fact that the spots which are blue in color on the hindwing of the P. troilus troilus are more yellow in color in the ilioneus subspecies.
Both companies are responsible for distinguishing the difference between both companies.
Whether Rico's clever responses equate to any kind of language comprehension or even whether they demonstrate any language skill ( apart from distinguishing the difference among sounds ) is at best unclear.
This last difference is the standard shibboleth for distinguishing Sephardi from Ashkenazi ( and Yemenite ) Hebrew.
A distinguishing feature of this speciesis the difference in size between fore and hindlimbs.
He told Lyell that the range of brain sizes between people was greater than the difference between small-brained people and gorillas, and " Under these circumstances it would certainly be well to let go the head ( as a way of distinguishing species ) though I am afraid it does not mend matters much to lay hold of the foot.
The radical difference in these two interpretations of what Paul meant by " works of the law " is the most consistent distinguishing feature between the two perspectives.

distinguishing and between
It is not positivism which has isolated metaphysics from reality by distinguishing between description and prescription.
Several of the replies to Mr. Toynbee, without conscious resort to the traditional terminology with regard to the permission of evil, succeed in restoring the actual context in which present moral and political decisions must be made, by distinguishing between choosing a great evil and choosing in danger of this evil.
The key distinguishing factor between direct and collateral appeals is that the former occurs in state courts, and the latter in federal courts.
Even the most advanced structural characterization techniques, such as x-ray diffraction and transmission electron microscopy, have difficulty in distinguishing between amorphous and crystalline structures on these length scales.
Sartre, popularly understood as misreading Heidegger ( an understanding supported by Heidegger's essay " Letter on Humanism " which responds to Sartre's famous address, " Existentialism is a Humanism "), employs modes of being in an attempt to ground his concept of freedom ontologically by distinguishing between being-in-itself and being-for-itself.
Many authors insist on distinguishing between a function's codomain and its range.
" Clay Witt, a minister in the Metropolitan Community Church, explains how theologians and commentators like John Shelby Spong, George Edwards and Michael England interpret injunctions against certain sexual acts as being originally intended as a means of distinguishing religious worship between Abrahamic and the surrounding pagan faiths, within which homosexual acts featured as part of idolatrous religious practices: " England argues that these prohibitions should be seen as being directed against sexual practices of fertility cult worship.
" It discusses the distinction between colonialism and imperialism and states that " given the difficulty of consistently distinguishing between the two terms, this entry will use colonialism as a broad concept that refers to the project of European political domination from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries that ended with the national liberation movements of the 1960s.
It has been alleged that the Cathar Church of the Languedoc had a relatively flat structure, distinguishing between perfecti ( a term they did not use, instead bonhommes ) and credentes.
It can be the only distinguishing feature between certain words, thus creating minimal pairs ( for example, bønder " peasants " with stød versus bønner " beans " or " prayers " without ).
Some dialects used yet other ways of distinguishing between various e-like sounds.
Both the Discourses and the Enchiridion begin by distinguishing between those things in our power ( prohairetic things ) and those things not in our power ( aprohairetic things ).
This genre soon also became an important political tool, although in most cases directors were able to keep a distinguishing barrier between art and politics.
To the layperson, the common use of language typically includes all three when referring to a firewall unless distinguishing between them is necessary.
Garcia-Ballester says the following of Galen ’ s use of prognosis: " In modern medicine, we are used to distinguishing between the diagnostic judgment ( the scientific knowledge of what a patient has ) and the prognostic judgment ( the conjecture about what will happen to him.
The same claim is sometimes made for Yemenite Hebrew or Temanit, which differs from other Mizrahi dialects by having a radically different vowel system, and distinguishing between different diacritically marked consonants that are pronounced identically in other dialects ( for example gimel and " ghimel ".
The complicated terminology distinguishing between ` the song, the name of the song, and what the name of the song is called ' entails the use – mention distinction.
Indeed, the importance of the concepts of good and evil can be regarded as distinguishing mark between high fantasy and sword and sorcery.
Furthermore, the classification of covering spaces makes strict reference to particular subgroups of, specifically distinguishing between isomorphic but conjugate subgroups, and therefore amalgamating the elements of an isomorphism class into a single featureless object seriously decreases the level of detail provided by the theory.
Even if the particles have equivalent physical properties, there remains a second method for distinguishing between particles, which is to track the trajectory of each particle.
distinguishing between general diseases and those localized to a particular organ or anatomical site, as used by the City of Paris for classifying deaths.
In the absence of any legal recognition, the slave community developed its own methods of distinguishing between committed and casual unions.
He demanded strict dialectical training as the means of distinguishing the true from the false, and asserted that logic ( or the syllogism ) furthered the knowledge of catholic verities ; ignorance of logic was the reason why men misunderstood Scripture, since men overlooked the connection – the distinction between idea and appearance.
The philosophical investigation of love includes the tasks of distinguishing between the various kinds of personal love ; asking if and how love is / can be justified ; asking what the value of love is ; and what impact love has on the autonomy of both the lover and the beloved.

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