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Some Related Sentences

earliest and full
Another of the earliest advocates of full independence, Bernardo O ' Higgins, captained a rival faction that plunged the Criollos into civil war.
In the earliest Superman comics, Clark Kent's primary purpose was to fulfill the perceived dramatic requirement that a costumed superhero cannot remain on full duty all the time.
Bipedalism is the basic adaption of the Hominin line, and the earliest bipedal Hominini is considered to be either Sahelanthropus or Orrorin, with Ardipithecus, a full bipedal, coming somewhat later.
The earliest bipedal Hominin is considered to be either Sahelanthropus or Orrorin, with Ardipithecus, a full bipedal, coming somewhat later.
The history of the devil and the idea of evil: from the earliest times to the present day ( 1899 ) full text
In his earliest appearances, Luthor is shown with a full head of red hair ; despite this, the character later became hairless as the result of an artist's mistake.
In his earliest appearances, Luthor is shown as a middle-aged man with a full head of red hair.
The earliest American full preterist work was ' The Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ: A Past Event ', which was written in 1845 by Robert Townley.
One of the earliest " full screen " editors was O26-which was written for the operator console of the CDC 6000 series machines in 1967.
" that which grows ," from en-" in " + bryein, " to swell, be full "; the proper Latinate form would be embryum ) is a multicellular diploid eukaryote in its earliest stage of development, from the time of first cell division until birth, hatching, or germination.
The earliest recorded verdict of Lucretius ' work is by Cicero, who calls Lucretius's poetry " full of inspired brilliance, but also of great artistry ".
Some of the earliest gun-control legislation at the state level were the " black codes " that replaced the " slave codes " after the Civil War, attempting to prevent blacks ' having access to the full rights of citizens, including the right to keep and bear arms.
The earliest surviving edition was printed in 1592 ; the full title being, The Spanish Tragedie, Containing the lamentable end of Don Horatio, and Bel-imperia: with the pittifull death of olde Hieronimo.
By the time the again-renamed Milton Berle Show finished its only full season, Berle was already becoming history — though his final season was host to two of Elvis Presley's earliest television appearances, April 3 and June 5, 1956 .< ref >
We have legal texts from the earliest writings through the Hellenistic period, but evidence on a particular point may be very full at one period and almost entirely lacking for another.
Polk was sworn in as president on the day after Florida's March 3, 1845 statehood ; thus Polk was the earliest U. S. President to govern Florida as a state for a full presidential term.
In 2002, a younger version of him premiered on Baby Looney Tunes, thus coming full circle from his earliest appearances.
The earliest known occurrence of the full phrase, in the form " There ain't no such thing as free lunch ", appears as the punchline of a joke related in an article in the El Paso Herald-Post of June 27, 1938, entitled " Economics in Eight Words ".
The full exploration of these ideas in meeting social challenges is featured in The Ingenuity Gap, one of Thomas Homer-Dixon's earliest books.
It's one of the oldest computer chess programs for Unix-based computers and one of the earliest available with full source code.
The next release will be Nothing Will Stand In Our Way, a full album by the band that focuses on their earliest recordings.
This inscription is among the earliest inscriptions in the Elder Futhark that record a full sentence, and the earliest preserving a line of alliterative verse.
When Civilis heard that Jerusalem had fallen, and he realized that Rome would now bring its full resources to bear upon him, Civilis very wisely made the best — to wit, the earliest — peace that he could.

earliest and account
The earliest account describing a possible plague epidemic is found in I Samuel 5: 6 of the Hebrew Bible ( Tanakh ).
The earliest account of Cornish tin mining was written by Pytheas of Massilia late in the 4th century BC after his circumnavigation of the British Isles.
The earliest known written account of the creation of a golem by a historical figure reported a tradition connected to Rabbi Eliyahu of Chelm ( 1550 – 1583 ).
* 700 BC: Epic poem Iliad by Homer, earliest account on the continent.
Ibn Abd-el-Hakem was an Egyptian who wrote the History of the Conquest of Egypt and North Africa and Spain, which was the earliest Arab account of the Islamic conquests of those countries.
Though Chrétien ’ s account is the earliest and most influential of all Grail texts, it was in the work of Robert de Boron that the Grail truly became the " Holy Grail " and assumed the form most familiar to modern readers.
Daniel Boyarin notes that Paul's own account of this experience would therefore be the earliest first person account of the mystical vision of a Merkabah adept.
At its core, the Tanakh is an account of the Israelites ' relationship with God from their earliest history until the building of the Second Temple ( c. 535 BCE ).
A less obviously legendary account of Arthur appears in the Legenda Sancti Goeznovii, which is often claimed to date from the early 11th century although the earliest manuscript of this text dates from the 15th century.
The next earliest account of Luke is in the Anti-Marcionite Prologue to the Gospel of Luke, a document once thought to date to the 2nd century, but which has more recently been dated to the later 4th century.
The earliest account of a performance of what was probably Shakespeare's play is April 1611, when Simon Forman recorded seeing such a play at the Globe Theatre.
The earliest account of a performance of the play is April 1611, when Simon Forman recorded seeing it at the Globe Theatre.
A modern version of theses medieval chains is seen in the Faroese chain dance, the earliest account of which goes back only to the 17th century.
Besides Zarathushtra's Gathas, Plato gives the earliest surviving account of a " natural theology ", around 360 BC, in his dialogue " Timaeus " he states " Now the whole Heaven, or Cosmos, ... we must first investigate concerning it that primary question which has to be investigated at the outset in every case ,— namely, whether it has existed always, having no beginning of generation, or whether it has come into existence, having begun from some beginning ".
The earliest mention of the play is found in a 1604 Revels Office account, which records that on " Hallamas Day, being the first of Nouembar ... the Kings Maiesties plaiers " performed " A Play in the Banketinghouse att Whit Hall Called The Moor of Venis.
His account of the tides is the earliest to state that they are caused by the moon.
In the earliest account, Ferdowsi romanticises an international match between Turanian force and the followers of Siyâvash, a legendary Iranian prince from the earliest centuries of the Empire ; the poet is eloquent in his praise of Siyâvash's skills on the polo field.
The earliest known depiction of a Siberian shaman, produced by the Dutch explorer Nicolaes Witsen, who authored an account of his travels among Samoyedic-and Tungusic-speaking peoples in 1692.
" They attempted to destroy these books, the earliest vita already says, and this account underlies the status of the Ragyndrudis Codex, now held as a Bonifacian relic in Fulda, and supposedly one of three books found on the field by the Christians who inspected it afterward.
Mainly because of Clarence Darrow, this strategy changed as the trial progressed, and the earliest argument proposed by the defense once the trial had begun was that there was actually no conflict between evolution and the creation account in the Bible ; later, this viewpoint would be called theistic evolution.
* The earliest extant books – a school textbook and an account book – with bound wooden leaves, are lost at the Dakhla Oasis in western Egypt.
* Notes upon Russia: being a translation of the earliest account of that country, entitled Rerum moscoviticarum commentarii by the Baron Sigismund von Herberstein.
The account of the battle given in the earliest source, the Carmen de Hastingae Proelio, is one where the Norman advance surprises the English, who manage to gain the top of Senlac Hill before the Normans.

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