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earliest and true
The earliest certain ancestor of " A " is aleph ( also called ' aleph ), the first letter of the Phoenician alphabet ( which, by consisting entirely of consonants, is an abjad rather than a true alphabet ).
The American Civil War was one of the earliest true industrial wars.
While there have been many theological disputes over the nature of Jesus over the earliest centuries of Christian history, Christians generally believe that Jesus is God incarnate and " true God and true man " ( or both fully divine and fully human ).
This was not true in the earliest history of the game, when the scores were lower.
Thus Irenaeus provides the earliest witness to the assertion of the four canonical Gospels, possibly in reaction to Marcion's edited version of the Gospel of Luke, which Marcion asserted was the one and only true gospel.
The earliest known formulation is Aristotle's principle of non-contradiction, first proposed in On Interpretation, where he says that of two contradictory propositions ( i. e. where one proposition is the negation of the other ) one must be true, and the other false.
The Vinča culture may have created the earliest system of writing, the Vinča signs, though it is almost universally accepted amongst archeologists that the Sumerian cuneiform script was the earliest true form of writing and the Vinča signs most likely represented pictograms and ideograms rather than a truly developed form of writing.
The earliest fossils of true tigers are known from Java, and are between 1. 6 and 1. 8 million years old.
The earliest term by which these narratives were known, “ urban belief tales ,” highlights what was then thought to be a key property: they were held, by their tellers, to be true accounts, and the device of the FOAF was a spurious but significant effort at authentication.
The earliest known " true frog " is Vieraella herbsti, from the early Jurassic ( 188 – 213 million years ago ).
The earliest fully developed true chariots known are from the chariot burials of the Andronovo ( Timber-Grave ) sites of the Sintashta-Petrovka Proto-Indo-Iranian culture in modern Russia and Kazakhstan from around 2000 BC.
The Sintashta-Petrovka chariot burials yield the earliest spoke-wheeled true chariots.
The earliest true and recognizable xylem consists of tracheids with a helical-annular reinforcing layer added to the cell wall.
Instead, the vacuum cleaner floats on its exhaust, operating as a hovercraft, although this is not true of the earliest models.
A fragment of a Gospel Book, now in the Durham Cathedral library and created in northern Britain in the 7th century, contains the earliest example of true knotted designs in the Celtic manner.
Molecular evidence shows that some limited number of Hox genes have existed in the Cnidaria since before the earliest true Bilatera, making these genes pre-Paleozoic.
Logographic systems, or logographies, include the earliest true writing systems ; the first historical civilizations of the Near East, Africa, China, and Central America used some form of logographic writing.
There have often been strong hints about Smithers ' true feelings for his boss, with one of the earliest references being in the season one episode " The Telltale Head ".
The earliest known reference to the term " Hunab Ku " ( which translates as " Sole God " or " Only God ") appears in the 16th century Diccionario de Motul, where " Hunab-ku " is identified as " the only living and true god, also the greatest of the gods of the people of Yucatan.
The town has also remained true to the temperance movement as championed by D. M. Bare from his earliest days.
This may have been the earliest true example of " nanotechnology.
The earliest known surviving example of a true cable-stayed bridge in the United States is E. E.

earliest and domes
Persian architecture likely inherited an architectural tradition of dome-building dating back to the earliest Mesopotamian domes.
The earliest known masonry double shell domes are those of a pair of brick tower tombs from the 11th century in Kharraqan, Iran.
The earliest stone churches in Russia featured Byzantine style domes, however by the Early Modern era the onion dome had become the predominant form in traditional Russian architecture.
Though the earliest preserved Russian domes of such type date from the 16th century, illustrations from older chronicles indicate that they were at least used since the late 13th century.
Built between 1806 and 1811, the 17. 7 meter wide outer dome of the cathedral was one of the earliest iron domes.
This renovation resulted in the replacement of the flat roof with domes decorated with calligraphy internally and the placement of new support columns which are acknowledged as the earliest architectural features of the present Mosque.
The Slave dynasty did not employ true Islamic architecture styles and used false domes and false arches, this makes the Alai Darwaza, the earliest example of first true arches and true domes in India.

earliest and found
In a tour around the stacks, he found that the earliest volumes began on the left and progressed clockwise around the room.
The earliest attested name is the Hittite Assuwa a region in central-western Anatolia which seems to be connected with the Mycenean Greek epithet a-si-wi-ja in Linear B inscriptions found at Pylos.
The earliest anchors were probably rocks, and many rock anchors have been found dating from at least the Bronze Age.
Trees from the earliest fortifications found in Germania Inferior are dated by dendrochronology to 99 / 100.
The earliest remains hitherto found on the site are tombs of the early Iron Age period of Graeco-Phoenician influences ( 1000-600 B. C .).
The earliest mention of the island of Abadan, if not the port itself is found in works of the geographer Marcian, who renders the name " Apphadana ".
Accounting is thousands of years old ; the earliest accounting records, which date back more than 7, 000 years, were found in Mesopotamia ( Assyrians ).
The earliest accounting records were found amongst the ruins of ancient Babylon, Assyria and Sumeria, which date back more than 7, 000 years.
The earliest evidence of settlements in the area of today's Berlin are a wooden beam dated from approximately 1192 and leftovers of wooden houseparts dated to 1174 found in a 2012 digging in Berlin Mitte.
The earliest beads were made of convenient natural materials ; when found, these could be readily drilled and shaped.
The earliest evidence for fist fighting with any kind of gloves can be found on Minoan Crete ( c. 1500 – 900 BC ), and on Sardinia, if we consider the boxing statues of Prama mountains ( c. 2000 – 1000 BC ).
The earliest Christian interpretations of Jonah are found in the Gospel of Matthew ( see and 16: 1-4 ) and the Gospel of Luke ( see Luke 11: 29-32 ).
One of the earliest accounts relating to a large unknown freshwater animal was in 1818, when Hamilton Hume and James Meehan found some large bones at Lake Bathurst in New South Wales.
One of the earliest evidence of Hindu influence in Southeast Asia were stone pillars which bear inscriptions in the Pallava script found in Kutai along the Mahakam River in East Kalimantan, dating to around the second half of the 300s AD.
Before this discovery, it is widely believed that bricks appeared about 3000 years ago in the Western Zhou dynasty since the earliest bricks were found in Western Zhou ruins.
Named " Baraka ", its earliest colonizers are later driven out by rivals from Al-Andalus and flee to the Loire Valley, where they found the city of Nsara.
The earliest account describing a possible plague epidemic is found in I Samuel 5: 6 of the Hebrew Bible ( Tanakh ).
All of the earliest chordate fossils have been found in the Early Cambrian Chengjiang fauna, and include two species that are regarded as fish, which implies they are vertebrates.
Excavations in modern-day Iraq by Ernest de Sarzec in 1877 found evidence of the earliest known code of justice, issued by the Sumerian king Urukagina of Lagash ca 2300 BC.
According to Emile Benveniste ( 1954 ), the earliest written occurrence in English of civilisation in its modern sense may be found in Adam Ferguson's An Essay on the History of Civil Society ( Edinburgh, 1767 – p. 2 ): " Not only the individual advances from infancy to manhood, but the species itself from rudeness to civilisation.
The earliest known Wiccan version is found in a document dating from the late 1940s, Gereald Gardner's ritual notebook titled Ye Bok of Ye Art Magical ( fomerly in the collection of Ripley's International, Toronto ).
The earliest handheld crossbow stocks with bronze trigger, dating from the 6th century BC, comes from Tomb 3 and 12 found at Qufu, Shandong, capital of the State of Lu.
The earliest evidence of the Chinese calendar is found on the oracle bones of the Shang Dynasty ( late second millennium BC ), which seem to describe a lunisolar year of 12 months, with a possible intercalary 13th, or even 14th, added empirically to prevent calendar drift.
The two oldest printed Chinese calendars are dated 877 and 882 ; they were found at the Buddhist pilgrimage site of Dunhuang ; Patricia Ebrey writes that it is no surprise that some of the earliest printed items were calendars, since the Chinese found it necessary to calculate and mark which days were auspicious and which were not.

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