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Some Related Sentences

former and is
It is noteworthy that the majority of the delegates to the Congress were from the less developed, former colonial nations.
Today, as new nations rise from the former colonial empires, nationalism is one of the hurricane forces loose in the world.
On Fridays, the day when many Persians relax with poetry, talk, and a samovar, people do not, it is true, stream into Chehel Sotun -- a pavilion and garden built by Shah Abbas 2, in the seventeenth century -- but they do retire into hundreds of pavilions throughout the city and up the river valley, which are smaller, more humble copies of the former.
The latter is not reduced to the former.
However, it is important to trace the philosophy of the French Revolution to its sources to understand the common democratic origin of individualism and socialism and the influence of the latter on the former.
Some even say that this is the reason for the ultimate acceptance of the former.
Analogously, anyone who argues that Einstein's theory of gravitation is simpler than Newton's, must say rather more to explain how it is that the latter is mastered by student-physicists, while the former can be managed ( with difficulty ) only by accomplished experts.
For here if anywhere in contemporary literature is a major effort to counterbalance Existentialism and restore some of its former lustre to the tarnished image of the species Man, or, as Malraux himself puts it, `` to make men conscious of the grandeur they ignore in themselves ''.
According to Friends, the unit was organized by John Snook, a former World War 2, commando who is vice president and general manager of the telephone company.
The area available at Heywood is approximately three times the size of the former Rochdale and Manchester locations.
The essential difference between the new trans-illuminated boards and existing billboards is that the former, constructed of translucent plastic panels, are lighted from within.
I called the other afternoon on my old friend, Graves Moreland, the Anglo-American literary critic -- his mother was born in Ohio -- who lives alone in a fairy-tale cottage on the Upson Downs, raising hell and peacocks, the former only when the venerable gentleman becomes an angry old man about the state of literature or something else that is dwindling and diminishing, such as human stature, hope, and humor.
The latest and, significantly, greatest fruit of this theatrical vine is The, an adaptation of Basho's classic frog-haiku by Roger Entwhistle, a former University of Maryland chemistry instructor.
Data on the former are scanty, but there can be little doubt that the latter is sometimes born at a length greater than that of any of the others, thereby lending support to the belief that the anaconda does, indeed, attain the greatest length.
For four of the six ( the anaconda and the amethystine python cannot be included for lack of data ) there is also a correlation between size at maturity and maximum length, the boa constrictor being the smallest and the Indian python the next in size at the former stage.
the former figure is based on a somewhat unusual birth of four by a Central American female ( see chapter on Laying, Brooding, Hatching, and Birth ), the latter on a `` normal '' newly born individual.
It is believed that drug therapy and electroshock involve the former and psychotherapy the latter mechanism.
A massive investigation of the characteristics of in-migrants and prospective out-migrants in Ruanda-Urundi is being carried on by J. J. Maquet, former Director of the Social Science branch of IRSAC, now a professor at l'Universite Officielle Du Congo Belge et Du Ruanda-Urundi.
The former is intended to decrease the amount of work necessary to extend dictionary coverage.
A recent case in point is Mitchell Canneries v. United States, in which a claim against the Government was transferred first from a corporation to a partnership, whose partners were former stockholders, and then to another corporation formed by the partners.
In virtually every case the transferor corporation is liquidated, and its former stockholders either own outright, or have a continuing stock interest in, the assets which gave rise to the tax.
No person shall be referred to a position the filling of which will aid directly or indirectly in filling a job which ( 1 ) is vacant because the former occupant is on strike or is being locked out in the course of a labor dispute, or ( 2 ) the filling of which is an issue in a labor dispute.

former and under
The former President blithely ignored recent history in speaking of `` dollarette '' dollars under Kennedy Administration fiscal policies.
Undertaken by 32 American scholars, under the chairmanship of Rev. Dr. Luther A. Weigle, former dean of Yale University Divinity School, their studies resulted in the publishing of the Revised Standard Version, 1946-52.
The former uncorrected time scale continues to be published, under the name EAL ( Echelle Atomique Libre, meaning Free Atomic Scale ).
Newly independent Armenia needed the income from foreign sales of Nairit rubber and chemical products, many of which had been assigned exclusively to that plant under the Soviet system and were still unavailable elsewhere to the former Soviet republics in the early 1990s.
The nation is making substantial progress in privatizing ownership of what used to be state-owned industries under the former Soviet system.
In 1899, the Japanese government passed an act labeling the Ainu as former aborigines, with the idea they would assimilate — this resulted in the land the Ainu people lived on being taken by the Japanese government, and was from then on under Japanese control.
Attempts were undertaken to prevent the former from herding their flocks in agricultural lands, such as the building of a wall known as the " Repeller of the Amorites " between the Tigris and Euphrates under the Ur III ruler Shu-Sin.
One legacy of the previous era is a greatly overstaffed military industry ; under former leader Josip Broz Tito, military industries were promoted in the republic, resulting in the development of a large share of Yugoslavia's defense plants but fewer commercially viable firms.
The Aeronautic Ministry was created on January 20, 1941, and absorbed the former Army and Navy aviation under its command.
Because West Berlin was not officially under the jurisdiction of the Constitution and because of the Cold War, the Bundestag met in Bonn in several different buildings, including ( provisionally ) a former water works facility.
** the former yat alternates between " ya " and " e ": it is pronounced " ya " if it is under stress and the next syllable does not contain a front vowel ( e or i ) – e. g. мляко ( mlyàko ), хляб ( hlyab ), and " e " otherwise – e. g. млекар ( mlekàr ) – milkman, хлебар ( hlebàr ) – baker.
On the death of Ahaz, c. 715 BCE, his son Hezekiah followed a policy which Isaiah saw as dangerous, waging war on the Philistine cities and on Edom even though territory under direct Assyrian control ( i. e., the former kingdom of Israel ) now came to within a few miles of Jerusalem.
From 1899 to 1903, Bartók studied piano under István Thomán, a former student of Franz Liszt, and composition under János Koessler at the Royal Academy of Music in Budapest.
BSC was formed from the assets of former private companies which had been nationalised, largely under the Labour Party government of Harold Wilson, on 28 July 1967.
Drinks now made in the former Bacardi distillery are sold in Cuba under the name Caney.
However, Chad has not recognised the State of Israel since former Chadian President François ( Ngarta ) Tombalbaye broke off relations in September 1972 as an act of solidarity with the Palestinians, and other Arabs under Israeli occupation.
In December 1978, Vietnam announced formation of the Kampuchean United Front for National Salvation ( KUFNS ) under Heng Samrin, a former DK division commander.
But under orders of Spanish judge Baltasar Garzón, he was arrested there, attracting worldwide attention, not only because of the history of Chile and South America, but also because this was one of the first arrests of a former president based on the universal jurisdiction principle.
The country debated its role in the Central American integration process under former President Calderon.
A major reason for the motorway construction " mania " of the 2000s is a previous political halt of the major Croatian highway project, today's A1, in the 1970s and 1980s under former Yugoslavia.
In 1972, her mother purchased a farm in New Zealand and moved the family there, but left Love in the United States under the care of her former stepfather and various friends due to her increasingly hostile behavior.
The concept of community college dates back to the time of the former Minister of Education, Culture and Sports ( MECS ) that had under its wings the Bureaus of Elementary Education, Secondary Education, Higher Education and Vocational-Technical Education.
That year, the Congress of Angostura established the Republic of Gran Colombia, which included all territories under jurisdiction of the former Viceroyalty of New Granada.
The difference between the two definitions is that under the former, finite sets are also considered to be countable, while under the latter definition, they are not considered to be countable.

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