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most and ever
And while he was ever alert for game, and most particularly a tiger, Penny marvelled at the Eden they were traversing.
These Seven Founders constituted an intellectual and social elite, the most respectable and disinterested leadership any revolution ever confessed.
Wolfe refuses to ever leave his own house, and spends most of his time drinking beer and playing with orchids.
This, and other qualifications, make the cocktail party the most complete and most chaotic communication system ever dreamed up.
This is the most delightful trial I have ever had '', she decided.
after all, the large ( and probably unreliable ) Reader's Digest literature on the `` most unforgettable character I ever met '' deals with village grocers, country doctors, favorite if illiterate aunts, and so forth.
Samuel Gorton, founder of Warwick, was styled by the historian Samuel Greene Arnold `` one of the most remarkable men who ever lived ''.
He defied the Boston hierarchy, and after they sent a small army to get him he befuddled the court, including John Cotton, with one of the most complicated religious discourses ever heard.
the combination of the Jewish intellectual tradition and the sensibility needed to be a writer created in my circle the most potent and incredible intellectual-literary ambition I have ever seen or could ever have imagined.
His pictures were roundly denounced as `` the most disgusting things one has ever seen in Vienna ''.
It was the most important-looking cradle he had ever seen.
The ledger was full of most precise information: date of laying, length of incubation period, number of chick reaching the first week, second week, fifth week, weight of hen, size of rooster's wattles and so on, all scrawled out in a hand that looked more Chinese than English, the most jagged and sprawling Alex had ever seen.
Sam Rayburn has never had to look back at any of his most devastating fights and ever feel ashamed of his conduct as a combatant under fire or his political manners in the heat of conflicting ambitions.
Well-stretched, trained in posture and coordinated movement, and wedded to rhythm, they presented the audiences in Rome with one of the most beautiful sights ever seen at any Olympic contest.
In the vases this spirit may perhaps at times bore or repel one in its internal self-satisfaction, but the best of the Geometric pins have rightly been considered among the most beautiful ever made in the Greek world.
If the master of scops who was most responsible for the poem ever used kennings that were traditional, he was at least partly deprived of free will and not inclined towards shrewd and sophisticated misuse of speech elements.
As `` a matter of fact no such complete solution of the dream has ever been accomplished in any case,, and what is more, every one attempting such solution has found that in most cases there have remained a great many components of the dream the source of which he has been unable to explain nor is the discussion closed on the subject of the mantic or prophetic power of dreams ''.
On December 9, 1862, Sergeant Edwin H. Fay, an unusual Louisianan who held A.B. and M.A. degrees from Harvard University and who before the war was headmaster of a private school for boys in Louisiana, wrote his wife: `` I saw Pemberton and he is the most insignificant puke I ever saw.
But the fact remains that in most restaurants, including some of the best of Paris and Bordeaux and Dijon, the bottle is frankly and simply brought from the cellar to the table when ordered, and all the conditioning or preparation it ever receives takes place while the chef is preparing the meal.
In Senator Joseph McCarthy's phrase, it was the most unheard-of thing ever heard of.
He suggested that without the Socialist Party ever gaining a national victory, most of its original program has come to pass under both major parties.
With Mickey Mantle and Yogi Berra both out of action due to injuries, the American League champs still mounted a 15-hit attack against a parade of eight Cincinnati pitchers, the most ever used by one team in a series game.

most and is
I want the room in the attic prepared for him He is a most unusual lad, quite precocious in many ways.
In fact it has caused us to give serious thought to moving our residence south, because it is not easy for the most objective Southerner to sit calmly by when his host is telling a roomful of people that the only way to deal with Southerners who oppose integration is to send in troops and shoot the bastards down.
but for this discussion the most important division is between those who have been reconstructed and those who haven't.
But apart from racial problems, the old unreconstructed South -- to use the moderate words favored by Mr. Thomas Griffith -- finds itself unsympathetic to most of what is different about the civilization of the North.
The general acceptance of the idea of governmental ( i.e., societal ) responsibility for the economic well-being of the American people is surely one of the two most significant watersheds in American constitutional history.
Accidental war is so sensitive a subject that most of the people who could become directly involved in one are told just enough so they can perform their portions of incredibly complex tasks.
Even though in most cases the completion of the definitive editions of their writings is still years off, enough documentation has already been assembled to warrant drawing a new composite profile of the leadership which performed the heroic dual feats of winning American independence and founding a new nation.
It is clear that, while most writers enjoy picturing the Negro as a woolly-headed, humble old agrarian who mutters `` yassuhs '' and `` sho' nufs '' with blissful deference to his white employer ( or, in Old South terms, `` massuh '' ), this stereotype is doomed to become in reality as obsolete as Caldwell's Lester.
Presenting an individualized Negro character, it would seem, is one of the most difficult assignments a Southern writer could tackle ; ;
All but the most rabid of Confederate flag wavers admit that the Old Southern tradition is defunct in actuality and sigh that its passing was accompanied by the disappearance of many genteel and aristocratic traditions of the reputedly languid ante-bellum way of life.
Yet often fear persists because, even with the most rigid ritual, one is never quite free from the uneasy feeling that one might make some mistake or that in every previous execution one had been unaware of the really decisive act.
Perhaps the most illuminating example of the reduction of fear through understanding is derived from our increased knowledge of the nature of disease.
The consciousness it mirrors may have come earlier to Europe than to America, but it is the consciousness that most `` mature '' societies arrive at when their successes in technological and economic systematization propel them into a time of examining the not-strictly-practical ends of culture.
And the life they lead is undisciplined and for the most part unproductive, even though they make a fetish of devoting themselves to some creative pursuit -- writing, painting, music.
The music which Lautner has composed for this episode is for the most part `` rather pretty and perfectly banal ''.
Presupposed in Plato's system is a doctrine of levels of insight, in which a certain kind of detached understanding is alone capable of penetrating to the most sublime wisdom.
As long as perception is seen as composed only of isolated sense data, most of the quality and interconnectedness of existence loses its objectivity, becomes an invention of consciousness, and the result is a philosophical scepticism.
And it is precisely in this poorer economic class that one finds, and has always found, the most racial friction.
It is something which most of us try to get out from under.
We assume for this illustration that the size of the land plots is so great that the distance between dwellings is greater than the voice can carry and that most of the communication is between nearest neighbors only, as shown in Figure 2.

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