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Page "Wyrd" ¶ 8
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now and most
By now Harmony could see that most of the adults in the train were winded and resting, or else siphoned off from the games by the challenging lure of the great cliff towering above them.
Men continuously at the head of growing enterprises can acquire experiences of the most varied, complicated and trying type so that at maturation they have developed the competence and willingness to accept the personal responsibility so sorely needed now.
The cost of developing a major weapon system is now so enormous that the greatest care must be exercised in selecting new systems for development, in determining the most satisfactory rate of development, and in deciding the proper time at which either to place a system into production or to abandon it.
A new waterfront site for the bureau is now being built at Atlantic City, New Jersey, to provide the most modern marine testing facilities as a further tool to keep the sport safe.
Use this section to plan now to make the most of your vacation in photogenic America.
The first bridge known to have been covered wholly or in part, -- and perhaps the most interesting one, connected Newbury ( now Newburyport ) with Salisbury Point.
One of the most significant advancements in design of plastics signs is the so-called trans-illuminated billboard, now being produced by several large sign manufacturers such as Advance Neon Sign Co., Los Angeles, and Industrial Electric Inc., New Orleans, La..
Instead of closing the house in first ( as most builders do ) you can now cut your costs by not closing it in until you have to ( see p 121 ).
But now many of these same builders are finding they can cut their costs more by teaming up with a dealer who has volume enough to afford the most efficient specialized equipment to deliver everything just where it is needed -- drywall inside the house, siding along the sides, trusses on the walls, roofing on the roof, etc..
Even `` America's most efficient builder '', Bob Schmitt of Berea, hopes to cut his labor costs another $2,000 per house as a result of the time-&-motion studies now being completed on his operation by industrial efficiency engineers from the Stanley Works.
In spite of this, the very large radio reflectors and improved amplifying techniques which are now becoming available should make it possible to observe the radio emission of most of the planets in a few years.
Other than this very significant result, most of the information now available about the radio emission of the planets is restricted to the intensity of the radiation.
Muscle weakness is now recognized as an uncommon though serious complication of steroid therapy, with most of the synthetic adrenal corticosteroids in clinical use.
It is no coincidence that the hebephrenic patient, the most severely dedifferentiated of all schizophrenic patients, shows, as one of his characteristic symptoms, laughter -- laughter which now makes one feel scorned or hated, which now makes one feel like weeping, or which now gives one a glimpse of the bleak and empty expanse of man's despair ; ;
Indeed, it is even surprising in the Canon of Christ Church and Regius Professor of Ecclesiastical History, who fathered this most peculiar view, and in the brilliant Professor of Medieval and Renaissance English at Cambridge, who inherited it and is now its most eminent proponent.
Repeated polls have disclosed that most married couples are now using contraceptives in the practice of birth control.
Yet Laos was now one of the most explosive headaches of statesmen around the globe.
As things now stand, there is a grievous disparity between the unity in Christ which we profess in ecumenical meetings and the complacent separateness of most congregations on any Main Street in the nation.
I am told the time will soon come when women will find it necessary to do most of their own work, and even now it is important to have conveniences for the use of servants.
There was a small, neon-lighted restaurant and cocktail lounge on the southeast corner of the intersection as he turned into the quiet, palm-lined street where most of the houses on both sides were older two-story mansions, now cut up into furnished rooms and housekeeping apartments.
but now it's the most lost and tortured place in the world.
Anyone who now doubted that a personal duel was under way had only to watch how these exceptionally gifted golfers were playing this most difficult golf course.

now and common
It is now a sweep of boulders and ledges, with oak, walnut and sumac creeping across the common, and everywhere the ruins and the long, long shadows.
Although economic and personal circumstances vary widely among those now choosing apartments, Leo J. Pantas, vice president of a hardware manufacturing company, pointed out recently that many apartment seekers seem to have one characteristic in common: a desire for greater convenience and freedom from the problems involved in maintaining a house.
Coypu and Nine-banded Armadillo have been introduced to the state and now also common.
Let's now look at a common example of adiabatic compression-the compression stroke in a gasoline engine.
The present state of the evidence therefore suggests that their engravers and the Basilidians received the mystic name from a common source now unknown.
One common replacement for LocalTalk was PhoneNet, a 3rd party solution ( from a company called Farallon, now called Netopia ) that also used the RS-422 port and was indistinguishable from LocalTalk as far as Apple's LocalTalk port drivers were concerned, but ran over the two unused wires in standard four-wire phone cabling.
Since that time, however, the 7800 has been emulated successfully and is now common on emulation sites.
It is common for the various authorities now in charge of the Royal Navy to be referred to as simply The Admiralty.
For most of human history, pearls were the ultimate precious beads of natural origin because of their rarity, although the pearl-culturing process has now made them far more common.
The first balls made specifically for basketball were brown, and it was only in the late 1950s that Tony Hinkle, searching for a ball that would be more visible to players and spectators alike, introduced the orange ball that is now in common use.
Other common forms of baptism now in use include pouring water three times on the forehead.
It was common in tournament play in the 1980s but is now rarely used.
" in some Latin commentaries, from the Greek threnoi = Hebrew qinoth ) now in common use, to denote the character of the book, in which the prophet mourns over the desolations brought on Jerusalem and the Holy Land by the Chaldeans.
Five kinds of Phaseolus beans were domesticated by pre-Columbian peoples: common beans ( Phaseolus vulgaris ) grown from Chile to the northern part of what is now the United States, and lima and sieva beans ( Phaseolus lunatus ), as well as the less widely distributed teparies ( Phaseolus acutifolius ), scarlet runner beans ( Phaseolus coccineus ) and polyanthus beans ( Phaseolus polyanthus ) One especially famous use of beans by pre-Columbian people as far north as the Atlantic seaboard is the " Three Sisters " method of companion plant cultivation:
The most common vectors now are viruses, which have evolved a way of encapsulating and delivering their genes to human cells in a pathogenic manner.
Long-term inpatient stays are now less common due to deinstitutionalization, although these can still occur.
In the history of cryptography, codes were once common for ensuring the confidentiality of communications, although ciphers are now used instead.
Investigating the discrepancies in border estimation, Richardson discovered what is now termed the Richardson Effect: the sum of the segments is inversely proportional to the common length of the segments.
The concept of zero ( which was also called " cipher "), which we all now think of as natural, was alien to medieval Europe, so confusing and ambiguous to common Europeans that in arguments people would say " talk clearly and not so far fetched as a cipher ".
The large spindle-shaped genus Fusulina and its relatives were abundant in what is now Russia, China, Japan, North America ; other important genera include Valvulina, Endothyra, Archaediscus, and Saccammina ( the latter common in Britain and Belgium ).
Since the advent of the Internet, the concept of community has less geographical limitation, as people can now gather virtually in an online community and share common interests regardless of physical location.
Smoking of meats remains a fairly common practice, but once-common preparations such as turkey or duck confit ( preserved in poultry fat, with spices ) are now seen even by Acadians as quaint rarities.
In most practical computer vision applications, the computers are pre-programmed to solve a particular task, but methods based on learning are now becoming increasingly common.
The abstract concepts are now considered to be totally autonomous, even though they originated from the process of abstracting or taking away qualities from perceptions until only the common, essential attributes remained.
Chronic heart disease caused by Chagas disease is now a common reason for heart transplantation surgery.

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