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Some Related Sentences

object and is
The supreme object of their lives is now fulfilled, says the wife, her husband has achieved immortality.
But by comparison with the railroad, the motor car is a relatively new object of popular worship, so it is too much to hope that it may be brought within the bounds of civilized usage quickly and easily.
One consequence is the occurrence of occasional conflicts because private owners of some inholdings object to public programs of use on neighboring National Forest or other Federal land, or because such ownerships are developed for uses that are not compatible with use for the public of neighboring National Forest land.
Just because a tree or other object appears in a certain spot is absolutely no reason to place it in the same position in the painting, unless the position serves the design of the whole composition.
My object, rather, is to alert you to an aspect or two of the affair that could have the gravest implications for you, far beyond the legal sanctions society might inflict.
In the Steiners have busy lives without visiting relatives only context can indicate whether visiting relatives is equivalent in meaning to paying visits to relatives or to relatives who are visiting them, and in I looked up the number and I looked up the chimney only the meanings of number and chimney make it clear that up is syntactically a second complement in the first sentence and a preposition followed by its object in the second.
If a litigant chooses to enforce a Federal right in a State court, he cannot be heard to object if he is treated exactly as are plaintiffs who press like claims arising under State law with regard to the form in which the claim must be stated -- the particularity, for instance, with which a cause of action must be described.
Therefore, if the sense of touch is functioning normally and there is a complete absence of spatial awareness in a psychically-blind person when the eyes are closed and an object is handled, the conclusion seems unavoidable that touch by itself cannot focus and take possession of the third-dimensionality of things and that actual sight or visual representations are necessary.
A Pollock is an object of art -- bijouterie -- disguised only by its great size.
the language, however, is a proper object of scrutiny, and the effects of the language are palpable even if sometimes inevitable.
The DC statement is used to name and enter constants into the object program.
Hereby, the external object viewed by the eyes remains the thing that is seen, not the retinal image, the purpose of which would be to achieve perceptive cooperation by stirring sympathetic impulses in the other sensory centers, motor tensions, associated word symbols, and consciousness.
By using instruments of gradually increasing size, the vagina is gently, and with minimum pain at each stage, taught to yield to an object of the appropriate shape.
the cinematic element of time is merely used to increase the realism of an object which would still be reasonably realistic in a still photo.
and again, that `` the object of non-violent resistance is partly analogous to this object of war -- namely, to demoralize the opponent, to break his will, to destroy his confidence, enthusiasm, and hope.
These voters view the political process as a secret conspiracy, the object of which is to plunder them ''.
Science is fully competent to deal with any element of experience which arises from an object in space and time.
That community of all creation is, then, the ultimate object of our loyalty and the concrete norm of all moral judgment.
Cultural anthropology also covers economic and political organization, law and conflict resolution, patterns of consumption and exchange, material culture, technology, infrastructure, gender relations, ethnicity, childrearing and socialization, religion, myth, symbols, values, etiquette, worldview, sports, music, nutrition, recreation, games, food, festivals, and language ( which is also the object of study in linguistic anthropology ).
The name " Alaska " ( Аляска ) was already introduced in the Russian colonial period, when it was used only for the peninsula and is derived from the Aleut alaxsxaq, meaning " the mainland " or, more literally, " the object towards which the action of the sea is directed ".

object and find
To find an object, such as globular cluster NGC 6712, one does not need to look up the RA and Dec coordinates in a book, and then move the telescope to those numerical readings.
It is a legitimate goal therefore for philosophers of being to try to find a principle or element – a " something " – accounting for the presence of the object over the other possibility, its non-presence.
This position was also very near the galactic equator, making it almost impossible to find such an object within the dense concentration of background stars of the Milky Way.
A description is given for something to find, such as a one-room schoolhouse, and the finder locates an example of this object.
For the intuitionist, this is not valid ; the refutation of the non-existence does not mean that it is possible to find a construction for the putative object, as is required in order to assert its existence.
In the philosophy of mathematics, constructivism asserts that it is necessary to find ( or " construct ") a mathematical object to prove that it exists.
On his return to Paris in 1754 Lacaille was distressed to find himself an object of public attention ; he withdrew to Mazarin college, where he worked actively for some years, and there died of an attack of gout aggravated by over-work in 1762.
This leads to the techniques of Gaussian optics and paraxial ray tracing, which are used to find basic properties of optical systems, such as approximate image and object positions and magnifications.
The idea behind ray casting is to shoot rays from the eye, one per pixel, and find the closest object blocking the path of that ray – think of an image as a screen-door, with each square in the screen being a pixel.
The OS function called from an interrupt handler could find the object database to be in an inconsistent state because of the application's update.
In both types, larger mirrors give a larger field of view, and thus make it easier to find a celestial object.
A hidden object game ( sometimes called hidden picture ) is a genre of puzzle video game in which the player must find items from a list that are hidden within a picture.
In the case of a finite set, the basic operation of counting, to find the ordinal number of a particular object, or to find the object with a particular ordinal number, corresponds to assigning ordinal numbers one by one to the objects.
I do not object to the principle of graduated taxation: for the just principle of ability to pay is not determined simply by the amount of income ... But, so far as I understand the present measure of finance from the partial reports I have received, I find it too violent.
While visiting wounded service men and women, Nicks became determined to find an object she could leave with each soldier that would raise their spirits, motivate, and give them something to look forward to each day.
By the same formula we can find the geostationary-type orbit of an object in relation to Mars ( this type of orbit above is referred to as an areostationary orbit if it is above Mars ).
They find that four distinct but related processes metaphorically structure basic arithmetic: object collection, object construction, using a measuring stick, and moving along a path.
Stephen Skinner suggests that it is possible to place a geometric diagram over virtually any image of a natural object or human created structure, and find some lines intersecting the image.
The idea of using an initial property is to set up the problem in terms of some auxiliary category E, and then identify that what we want is to find an initial object of E. This has an advantage that the optimization — the sense that we are finding the most efficient solution — means something rigorous and is recognisable, rather like the attainment of a supremum.
Her motivation is that the Huhsz religious cult regard it as a sacred object, and that if she can find it and give it to them, their vendetta against her will lapse.

object and what
The failure to formally object at the time, to what one views as improper action in the lower court, may result in the affirmance of the lower court's judgment on the grounds that one did not " preserve the issue for appeal " by objecting.
The exact definition of an automorphism depends on the type of " mathematical object " in question and what, precisely, constitutes an " isomorphism " of that object.
Volta also studied what we now call electrical capacitance, developing separate means to study both electrical potential ( V ) and charge ( Q ), and discovering that for a given object, they are proportional.
Others have argued that astronomy is an inaccurate term, what are being studied are cosmologies and people who object to the use of logos have suggested adopting the Spanish cosmovisión.
There is nothing we can add to a concept in order to make it represent the object as existing ; what happens if we add anything to it is that it represents something else.
Although he is best known for discovering the dwarf planet Pluto in 1930, the first object to be discovered in what would later be identified as the Kuiper belt, Tombaugh also discovered many asteroids ; he also called for serious scientific research of unidentified flying objects.
Many of those who apply the term " Catholic Church " to all Christians object to the use of the term to designate what they view as only one church within what they understand as the " whole " Catholic Church.
When drawing an object or figure, the skilled artist pays attention to both the area within the silhouette and what lies outside.
Husserl proposed a radical new phenomenological way of looking at objects by examining how we, in our many ways of being intentionally directed toward them, actually " constitute " them ( to be distinguished from materially creating objects or objects merely being figments of the imagination ); in the Phenomenological standpoint, the object ceases to be something simply " external " and ceases to be seen as providing indicators about what it is, and becomes a grouping of perceptual and functional aspects that imply one another under the idea of a particular object or " type ".
This is what has come to be called " single frame animation " or " object animation ", and it needs a slightly adapted camera that exposes only one frame for each turn of the crank handle, rather than the usual eight frames per turn.
The exception to this was a close shot of an object, which was sometimes used to make clear exactly what a person was doing.
Sylvia Tamale, a Ugandan legal scholar, writes that there is a large body of research and activism in Africa itself that strongly opposes FGM, but she cautions that some African feminists object to what she calls the imperialist infantilization of African women, and they reject the idea that FGM is nothing but a barbaric rejection of modernity.
While critical of FGM, they object to what Tamale calls the imperialist infantilization of African women inherent in the idea that FGM is simply a barbaric rejection of enlightenment and modernity.
Fans typically are interested in even minor details of the object ( s ) of their fandom and spend a significant portion of their time and energy involved with their interest, often as a part of a social network with particular practices ( a fandom ); this is what differentiates " fannish " ( fandom-affiliated ) fans from those with only a casual interest.
He returned to Zwickau in 1527, and was chosen as town physician at Joachimsthal, a centre of mining and smelting works, his object being partly " to fill in the gaps in the art of healing ", and partly to test what had been written about mineralogy by careful observation of ores and the methods of their treatment.
Alternatively, it may refer only to what is common to the grammars of all, or of the vast majority of English speakers ( such as subject – verb – object word order in simple declarative sentences ).
The eyelash is to humans, camels, horses, ostriches etc., what whiskers are to cats ; they are used to sense when dirt, dust, or any other potentially harmful object is too close to the eye.
Epistemological idealism is a subjectivist position in epistemology that holds that what one knows about an object exists only in one's mind.
If a philosophy of Becoming is not possible without change, then ( the potential of ) what is to become must already exist in the present object.
In " We step and do not step into the same rivers ; we are and we are not ", an object simultaneously must be both what it now is and what it will become.

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