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reactionary and movement
This in turn energized political movements across the spectrum in Spain, including a revived anarchist movement and new reactionary and fascist groups, including the Falange and a revived Carlist movement.
Yet Adorno continued to resist blanket condemnations of the protest movement which would have only strengthened the reactionary thesis according to which political irrationalism was the result of Adorno's teaching.
The leader of the historic Spanish reactionary conservative movement called the Spanish Confederation of the Autonomous Right declared his intention to " give Spain a true unity, a new spirit, a totalitarian polity ..." and went on to say " Democracy is not an end but a means to the conquest of the new state.
In this French usage, reactionary denotes " a movement towards the reversal of an existing tendency or state " and a " return to a previous condition of affairs.
Through these extravagances a reactionary movement arose at the beginning of the 18th century ; one leader was Valentin Ernst Löscher, superintendent at Dresden.
This literary neo-classical movement rejected the extreme romanticism of ( for example ) dada, in favour of restraint, religion ( specifically Christianity ) and a reactionary political program.
Eventually, though, the Soviet Union exploited the change in power from Sheng to Kuomintang officials to create the puppet Second East Turkestan Republic ( 1944 – 1949 ) in present-day Ili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture to exploit its minerals, later justifying it as a national liberation movement against the " reactionary " Kuomintang regime.
Interestingly enough, Goulart appeared to have been co-opting the Communist movement in a manner reminiscent of Vargas ' co-option of the Integralists shortly, and not coincidentally, before his ouster by reactionary forces.
Thanks to Engels ' assistance, he again contacted the French workers ' movement from London, after it had started to regain ground lost with the reactionary repression under Adolphe Thiers during the first years of the Third Republic.
During this time, the reactionary Fuerista movement pleaded for the maintenance of the fueros system and territorial autonomy against the centralizing pressures from liberal governments in Madrid.
Hughes, influenced by the reactionary stance of Pope Pius IX, was a staunch opponent of Abolitionism and the Free Soil movement.
The Black Hundreds were a reactionary ultranationalist movement in Russia in the early 20th century, that were supporters of the House of Romanov and opposed any retreat from the autocracy of the reigning monarch.
The war against revolutionary France and the subsequent Napoleonic wars caused a temporary interruption of the reactionary movement.
As much as other reactionary groups, it won the tacit support of General Alexandru Averescu and his increasingly popular People's Party ( of which Cuza became an affiliate ); Averescu's ascension to power in 1920 engendered a new period of social troubles in the larger urban areas ( see Labor movement in Romania ).
Initially, Eastman had supported Senator Joseph McCarthy, but he soon came to believe that the anti-Communist movement was " taken over by reactionary forces.
He covered his defection from Hardenberg's liberal constitutionalism by a series of " philosophical " treatises on the nature of the state and of man, and became the soul of the reactionary movement at the Berlin court, and the faithful henchman of Klemens Wenzel von Metternich in the general politics of Germany and of Europe.
The goal of this movement was to create a united Italian republic through promoting a general insurrection in the Italian reactionary states and in the lands occupied by the Austrian Empire.
Mazzini's movement was basically evicted after a last failed revolt against Austria in Milan in 1853, crushing hopes of a democratic Italy in favor of the reactionary Piedmontese monarchy, who achieved the national unification some years later.
Ryerson believed, “ The Toronto Tory and the Quebec corporatist meet on common ground: hostility to the democratic peoples ’ movement, denial of our democratic heritage .” Following on his contentions laid out in 1837, Ryerson viewed the failure of English Canada to recognise their connection to French Canada and to fight hand in hand for the fullest democratic rights of the minority nation only served to deepen the power of reactionary influences and limit Canadian democracy and unity in general.
Goulart appeared to have been co-opting the Communist movement in a manner reminiscent of Vargas ' co-optation of the Integralists shortly — and not coincidentally — before his ouster by reactionary forces.
As part of this theory, because the Comintern felt that conditions were strong enough, it demanded that its political positions within the workers ’ movement be consolidated and that all " reactionary " elements be purged.
The Left Wing fought relentlessly to win the right to read a 10 minute statement to the convention, declaring that " to our shame, the Workmen's Circle, our Order, lately has become and out-and-out toll and weapon in the hands of the reactionary element in the Jewish working class movement.
Struve was strongly against the politics of Metternich, a strict Conservative and reactionary against the democratic movement, who ruled Austria at the time and had a strong influence on restoration Germany with his Congress system.
Hoffer believes that mass movements are interchangeable, that adherents will often flip from one movement to another, and that the motivations for mass movements are interchangeable ; that religious, nationalist and social movements, whether radical or reactionary, tend to attract the same type of followers, behave in the same way and use the same tactics, even when their stated goals or values differed.

reactionary and known
This rapid modernization though, created a backlash, and a reactionary uprising known as the Khost rebellion which was suppressed in 1924.
The case, known as the Dreyfus affair, divided France deeply between the reactionary army and church and the more liberal commercial society.
Nicholas I (, Nikolai I Pavlovich ; – ) was the Emperor of Russia from 1825 until 1855, known as one of the most reactionary of the Russian monarchs.
The age of the Concert is sometimes known as the Age of Metternich, due to the influence of the Austrian chancellor's conservatism and the dominance of Austria within the German Confederation, or as the European Restoration, because of the reactionary efforts of the Congress of Vienna to restore Europe to its state before the French Revolution.
The most reactionary aristocrats, in favor of an integral restoration of the Ancien Régime and known as Legitimists, began to retire from political life.
" At the Congress it was decided that henceforth the party would be known as the KPRP, in order to distinguish it from " the reactionary Pol Pot party and to underline and reassert the community of the party's best traditions.
Along with his cousin in Mecklenburg-Strelitz, he was known as one of the most reactionary German rulers.
This rapid modernization created a backlash and a reactionary uprising known as the Khost rebellion was suppressed in 1924.
Alexander III of Russia made Gatchina his prime residence, after experiencing a shock and stress of his father's assassination and the palace became known as ' The Citadel of Autocracy ' after the Tsar's reactionary policies.
In 1823, he commanded a French corps sent into Spain to restore the King's absolute powers, known as the Hundred Thousand Sons of Saint Louis: he was victorious in the Battle of Trocadero, after which the reactionary power of King Ferdinand VII of Spain was firmly restored.
After the Waterloo and the final downfall of Napoleon he returned to his home ; but in 1817, yet known by the local authorities for his revolutionaries and Napoleonic sympathies owing to a dispute between him and a local member of the reactionary Ducal police, he was obliged to leave the country.
According to his theory, the novel's first two parts might have been ready by late 1861 when, despite strained relations between the journal and the author the latter still wasn't known as ' an irreconcilable reactionary ', the label that given to him in early 1862.
The book had a considerable effect in discrediting the reactionary policy of the government ; but it was not until 1828, when Bérenger was elected to the chamber, that he had an opportunity of exercising a personal influence on affairs as a member of the group known as that of constitutional opposition.
In view of her later opinions, it is interesting to remember that Sibylle was actually descended from Octave Mirabeau's reactionary younger brother, André-Boniface-Louis de Riquetti, vicomte de Mirabeau, ( 1754 – 1792 ) known as Mirabeau-Tonneau because of his notorious embonpoint, who famously broke his sword in front of France's Revolutionary Assembly ( where he represented the nobility of the Limousin ) while bitterly crying out: " now that The King is giving up his kingdom, a nobleman no longer needs a sword to fight for him!

reactionary and supported
The Italian Socialist Party opposed the war on the grounds of internationalism, but a number of Italian revolutionary syndicalists supported intervention against Germany and Austria-Hungary on the grounds that their reactionary regimes needed to be defeated to ensure the success of socialism.
In Britain, the perceived left-leaning nature of trade unions has resulted in the formation of a reactionary right-wing trade union called Solidarity which is supported by the far-right BNP.
Pragmatically, Louis Bonaparte supported Italian nationalist aspirations because he wished particularly to end Austrian rule in Lombardy and Venice: he always nursed a dislike for Austria as the incarnation of reactionary, legitimist monarchy, and as the great barrier to the reconstruction of Europe on nationalist lines.
From the tribune of the Chamber he described, the revolution of February as a " catastrophe ," and he supported reactionary legislation, notably the bill ( 31 May 1850 ) for the limitation of the suffrage.
He opposed the reactionary measures of the Tory government, supported and afterwards succeeded Samuel Romilly in his efforts for reforming the criminal code, and took a leading part both in Catholic emancipation and in the Reform Bill.
The AF mixed integral nationalism with reactionary themes, shifting the nationalist ideology, beforehand supported by left-wing Republicans, to the right-side of the political field.
He opposed Fascism's later exaltation of existing institutions, calling them " reactionary ", and walked out of the 1920 Fascist party congress in disgust, withdrawing from politics for three years ; but he supported Italian Fascism until his death in 1944.
Though he completely supported American participation in the First World War, he resigned from Columbia on Oct. 8, 1917, charging that " the University is really under the control of a small and active group of trustees who have no standing in the world of education, who are reactionary and visionless in politics, narrow and medieval in religion.
Before the rise of the NSDAP it was the main nationalist party in Weimar Germany composed of nationalists, reactionary monarchists, völkisch, and antisemitic elements, and supported by the Pan-German League.
Extremely nationalistic and reactionary and originally favouring restoration of German monarchy, it later supported creation of an authoritarian state.
He believed the ruling class, who supported the monarchy as the leaders of the Arab Revolt did, were synonymous with a reactionary class.
Then, on May 14, in a revolt instigated by members of the Democratic Party, elements of civil reactionary groups and supported by elements of the Navy began what was essentially a civil war ; there were many deaths and injuries on both sides.
After recovering, he became a supporter of Pierre Laval, who supported more reactionary policies than Pétain and had become Prime Minister of the Vichy regime in 1942.
The Austrians, supported by the reactionary party in Switzerland, and without any real resistance on the part of the Diet, crossed the border on 21 December 1813.
His career is of particular interest because he was among political figures such as Joseph Fouché who at first aggressively supported the Terror, only to betray its leaders ( including Maximilien Robespierre ) and support the various conservative reactionary régimes that followed.
Although Tornel supported federalism during the Victoria presidency, he changed his political views to support Santa Anna's reactionary dictatorship in the 1850s.

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