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Page "William McGonagall" ¶ 11
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Some Related Sentences

These and were
These were the ones Keith sought out -- the loners, the ones who killed for the joy of it, like himself.
These were the last words he ever uttered.
These two were going to be easy pickins.
These performances were being staged at historical monuments throughout Europe.
These were Oneida Indians.
These conceptions and the manner in which they were transposed into poetry or engendered by poetic form are intrinsic to western life from the time of Aeschylus to that of Shakespeare.
These basic ideas concerning the nature of religion were, Adams believed, some of the major keys to the understanding of history and the movement of society.
These were his public academic activities, domi forisque, in the college and in the university.
These early experiments were evidently not altogether satisfying to Patchen.
These people were not talking much about it, but you, a foreigner, sensed their apprehension and disappointment.
These public efforts were rare because Mr. Rayburn normally did his counseling, persuading and educating long before an issue reached its test on the House floor.
These microfossils indicate the swamp was `` formed during the Lower Cretaceous period when dinosaurs were at their heyday and when the first flowering plants were just appearing.
These were heroes nine feet tall to him ''.
These little songs, however, were sweet nothings from the heart, tender memories of his childhood, little melodies that anyone could hum and that would make one want to weep.
These were the ships of His Majesty's Navy, herding the hulks of the East Indies merchants and the yachts and ketches of the loyalists.
These trumps were more touching than they were anything else, and seemed to imply that the nights were long, her children ungrateful, and her marriage bewilderingly threadbare.
These were selected carefully and included not only detailed clinical information but adequate pathology of value for research and educational purposes.
These amendments to the Vocational Rehabilitation Act were designed to help provide for more specialized rehabilitation facilities, for more sheltered and `` half-way '' workshops, for greater numbers of adequately trained personnel, for more comprehensive services to individuals ( particularly to the homebound and the blind ), and for other administrative improvements to increase the program's overall effectiveness.
These plans, like Du Pont's, contained provisions for passing the vote on Du Pont's General Motors shares on to the ultimate stockholders of Du Pont, Christiana, and Delaware, except that officers and directors of the three companies, their spouses, and other people living in their households, as well as other specified persons, were to be totally disenfranchised.
These curves were derived by an analysis of extensive skywave measurement data.
These were educated men, who, as Mr. Justice Holmes was fond of saying, formed their inductions out of experience under the burden of responsibility.
These boys acknowledged an introduction to anybody by gently pressing one of his hands in both of theirs, while they gazed, misty-eyed with care, into the eyes of the person they were meeting.

These and popular
These students, although they might read various articles in popular magazines, more often chose to report on articles found in the journals.
These juries formed a second mode for the expression of popular sovereignty ; as in the assembly, citizens acting as jurors acted as the people and were immune from review or punishment.
These " bars " are typically more akin to Culture of the United Kingdom | British " pub s " and are popular at lunchtime.
These rumors then made their way into popular culture.
These draw many visitors in summer, along with the remains of the historic Abbey, and is a popular setting for weddings.
These events were especially popular with BBSes that offered chat rooms.
These were popular as branch terminals to the B5500 / 6500 / 6700 systems, which sold well in the banking sector, where they were often connected to non-Burroughs mainframes.
These abbreviated volumes soon became very popular and eventually supplanted the Roman Catholic Church's Curia office, previously said by non-monastic clergy.
These and others continue to be popular and some offer other dancing and activities besides contra dancing.
These first settlements were abandoned after attacks by Spanish privateers, but English privateers often used the Cayman Islands as a base and in the 18th century they became an increasingly popular hideout for pirates, even after the end of legitimate privateering in 1713.
These portable devices first became popular with the wearable computer movement in the 1980s.
These were developed as " companions " to the popular revolvers of the day, firing the same cartridge but allowing more velocity and accuracy than the revolver.
These are a popular compromise for ( American ) shooters who would like to own a submachine gun but cannot due to local restrictions or the prohibitive cost of buying a civilian legal submachine gun ( full automatics or semi-automatics with barrels shorter than are restricted under Title II of the National Firearms Act ).
These attitudes were reinforced in Christian preaching, art and popular teaching over the centuries containing contempt for Jews.
These two popular clubs have produced some of Morocco's best players such as: Salaheddine Bassir, Abdelmajid Dolmy, Baddou Zaki, Aziz Bouderbala and Noureddine Naybet.
These models were popular in the 1960s, 1970s, but nowadays can be found primarily in old legacy systems.
These are popular for garage doors.
These few works have successfully made the transition from the elite realm of the museum visitor to the enormous venue of popular culture.
These terms, like their relatives in other European languages, are no longer clearly distinguished in popular folklore.
These included the popular " Put a Tiger in Your Tank " advertising campaign and accompanying tiger mascot, introduced in 1959, to promote Enco Extra and Esso Extra gasolines.
These popular religious practices were distinct from, but closely linked with, the formal rituals and institutions.
These are increasingly popular in foil, as the hard surface increases the likelihood that a hit fails to register, as well as with youth competitors.
These images, such as of his canonical Mandelbrot set pictured in Figure 1 captured the popular imagination ; many of them were based on recursion, leading to the popular meaning of the term " fractal ".
These educational science documentaries were popular favorites for showing in school science classrooms.

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