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Page "Sumo" ¶ 41
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can and happen
The jug stayed at the hospital and the water -- what can happen to water??
It is not something that can be expected to happen now.
Perhaps the moralities of world law are not advanced by stealing American diplomatic papers and planes, but the Kennedy administration can always file a demurrer to the effect that, but for its own incompetence in protecting American interests, these things would not happen.
It got the kind of scrambled, coarsened performance that can happen to best of orchestras when the man with the baton lacks technique and style.
`` Thanks '', Owen said, `` but Friday is a long way off and anything can happen ''.
All this can happen in about a day, so it is truly a metamorphosis.
* 1800 – Gabriel Prosser postpones a planned slave rebellion in Richmond, Virginia, but is arrested before he can make it happen.
Students can win up to $ 10, 000 to make their innovative project, prototype, venture or community partnership ideas happen.
But at the speed of sound this can no longer happen, and the air which was previously following the streamline around the aircraft now hits it directly.
A person is introduced to alcohol ( in some cultures this can happen at a relatively young age ), and the person enjoys the happy feeling it produces.
Thus, any error in technology or judgment may have far-reaching consequences ( though the same can also happen through natural reproduction ).
I can use Blackwood as a kind of insurance policy, to guarantee that this will not happen.
Eudaemonists generally reply that the universe is moral and that, in Socrates ' words, “ No evil can happen to a good man, either in life or after death ,” or, in Jesus ' words, “ But he who endures to the end will be saved .”
Chamada means ' call ' and can happen at any time during a roda where the rhythm angola is being played.
This can happen when the derivatives are measured directly.
So, for example, an event in a project can happen on w43 ( week 43 ) or w43-1 ( Monday, week 43 ) or, if the year needs to be indicated, on w0543 or w543 ( year 2005 week 43 ).
An avalanche breakdown process can happen in semiconductors, which in some ways conduct electricity analogously to a mildly-ionized gas.
Full of commentary and clipped prose, his books were more intimate than those of his predecessors, dramatizing that crime can happen in one's own living room.
The concept of a database transaction ( or atomic transaction ) has evolved in order to enable both a well understood database system behavior in a faulty environment where crashes can happen any time, and recovery from a crash to a well understood database state.
The concept of a database transaction ( or atomic transaction ) has evolved in order to enable both a well understood database system behavior in a faulty environment where crashes can happen any time, and recovery from a crash to a well understood database state.
These are capable of the most severe types of molecular damage, which can happen in biology to any type of biomolecule, including mutation and cancer, and often at great depths from the skin, since the higher end of the X-ray spectrum, and all of the gamma ray spectrum, are penetrating to matter.
Because of the world's absurdity, at any point in time, anything can happen to anyone, and a tragic event could plummet someone into direct confrontation with the Absurd.
Although the initial analysis is correct, there is another effect that can happen, known as the overvoltage effect.
This is intuitive: the expected value of a random variable is the average of all values it can take ; thus the expected value is what you expect to happen on average.
And therefore I say again, I will marry as soon as I can conveniently, if God take not him away with whom I mind to marry, or myself, or else some other great let happen.

can and number
The completeness of the connections provide that, for N people, there are Af lines of communication between the pairs, which can become a large number ( 1,225 ) for a party of fifty guests.
That is how the real routine of resistance goes on, and its strength is directly proportionate to the number of insignificant people who can let themselves be taken to pieces, piece by piece, without quitting.
She can decrease the number of temptations.
The Peace Corps can either begin in very low gear, with only preparatory work undertaken between now and when Congress finally appropriates special funds for it -- or it can be launched now and in earnest by executive action, with sufficient funds and made available from existing Mutual Security appropriations to permit a number of substantial projects to start this summer.
Since broadcast frequencies are very limited in number, these objectives are to some extent inconsistent in that not all of them can be fully realized, and to the extent that each is realized, there is a corresponding reduction of the possibilities for fullest achievement of the others.
During nighttime hours, because of the intense skywave propagation then prevailing, no large number of stations can be permitted to operate on one of these channels, if the wide area service for which these frequencies are assigned is to be rendered satisfactorily by the dominant stations which must be relied upon to render it.
Additional class 2, assignments for daytime operation can be made without causing destructive interference to the class 1, stations or to each other, and by their operation provide additional service on these channels and additional local outlets for a large number of communities.
If your state has no provisions for the numbering of pleasure boats, you must apply for a number from the U.S. Coast Guard for any kind of boat with mechanical propulsion rated at more than 10 horsepower before it can be used on Federal waterways.
As America on wheels was responsible for an industry of motor courts, motels, and drive-in establishments where you can dine, see a movie, shop, or make a bank deposit, the ever-increasing number of boating enthusiasts have sparked industries designed especially to accommodate them.
The depth gauge rod can now be set, and any number of holes bored to exact and identical depth.
In your sales force, will a smaller number of higher-priced, high-quality salesmen serve you best, or can you make out better with a larger number of lower-paid salesmen??
We found that wherever you can use two teams on a job, five men, not four, is the magic number ''.
A binomial experiment can produce random variables other than the number of successes.
In the following paper it is shown that in a certain definite sense, exactly an odd number of squares can be inscribed in every such curve which does not contain an infinite number of inscribed squares.
Furthermore, one can find a neighborhood of Q in which the difference function is monotone, for since it is analytic it can have only a finite number of extrema in any interval.
It is planned to double the number of teams and to make use of improved equipment in a second demographic inquiry in 1960, so that the inquiry can be carried through in one year and the results published more expeditiously.
In the Steiners have busy lives without visiting relatives only context can indicate whether visiting relatives is equivalent in meaning to paying visits to relatives or to relatives who are visiting them, and in I looked up the number and I looked up the chimney only the meanings of number and chimney make it clear that up is syntactically a second complement in the first sentence and a preposition followed by its object in the second.
Second, as we increase the number of desegregated school districts and schools themselves, how can we achieve this action through school board action??
At the same time, every device that can be employed to reduce the number of variables is of the greatest value, and it is one of the attractive features of dynamic programming that room is left for ingenuity in using the special features of the problem to this end.
List the number of hours the family can be expected to work each month.

0.080 seconds.