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hypothesis and does
The hypothesis ventured here is that it does, and that evidence is accumulating validating that proposition.
The empathy-altruism hypothesis basically states that psychological altruism does exist and is evoked by the empathic desire to help someone who is suffering.
In the 1950s, the endogenous production of psychoactive agents was considered to be a potential explanation for the hallucinatory symptoms of some psychiatric diseases as the transmethylation hypothesis ( see also adrenochrome ), though this hypothesis does not account for the natural presence of endogenous DMT in otherwise normal humans, rats and other laboratory animals.
A final argument is the Zoo hypothesis, which states that superintelligent extraterrestrial life exists and does not contact life on Earth to allow for its natural evolution and development.
In contrast, the multiregional hypothesis proposed that Homo genus contained only a single interconnected population like it does today ( not separate species ), and that its evolution took place worldwide continuously over the last couple million years.
The hypothesis that DNA is the genetic material predicted that radioactive phosphorus-32 (< sup > 32 </ sup > P ) tracer would be found in the pellet of infected bacteria, since the element phosphorus does not exist in protein but does in DNA.
The hypothesis also predicted that the radioactive sulfur-35 (< sup > 35 </ sup > S ) tracer would be found in the supernatant with the phage coats, as sulfur does not exist in DNA but does in some amino acids of proteins.
If F is continuous then under the null hypothesis converges to the Kolmogorov distribution, which does not depend on F. This result may also be known as the Kolmogorov theorem ; see Kolmogorov's theorem for disambiguation.
He does not claim a systematic decipherment of Linear A, and remarks in the book that he intended his Luwian hypothesis to provoke discussion rather than to settle the issue.
Some research has suggested that if loop quantum gravity is correct, then naked singularities could exist in nature, implying that the cosmic censorship hypothesis does not hold.
More than one hypothesis exists for how polonium does this ; one suggestion is that small clusters of polonium atoms are spalled off by the alpha decay.
Bayesian methods would suggest that one hypothesis was more probable than the other, but individual Bayesians might differ about which was the more probable and by how much, by virtue of having used different priors ; but that's the same thing as disagreeing on significance levels, except significance levels are just an ad hoc device which are not really a probability, while priors are not only justified by the rules of probability, but there is definitely a normative methodology to define beliefs ; so even if a Bayesian wanted to express complete ignorance ( as a frequentist claims to do but does it wrong ), they could do it with the maximum entropy principle.
The rudder hypothesis again, does not take into account females nor P. sternbergi, which had an upward-pointing, not backward-pointing crest.
The RNA world hypothesis is supported by RNA's ability to store, transmit, and duplicate genetic information, as DNA does.
c. " Ockham's razor does not say that the more simple a hypothesis, the better.
In Popper's view, any hypothesis that does not make testable predictions is simply not science.
The approach begins by noting that the observation of a black raven does not prove that " All ravens are black " but it falsifies the contrary hypothesis, " No ravens are black ".
" The ability to reduce everything to simple fundamental laws does not imply the ability to start from those laws and reconstruct the universe. The constructionist hypothesis breaks down when confronted with the twin difficulties of scale and complexity.
Psychiatrists August Piper and Harold Merskey have challenged the trauma hypothesis, arguing that correlation does not imply causation-the fact that people with DID report childhood trauma does not mean trauma causes DID — and point to the rareness of the diagnosis before 1980 as well as a failure to find DID as an outcome in longitudinal studies of traumatized children.
I did apprehend this in a vague sort of way but since I thought that all religious beliefs were without foundation, I used the word the way I myself thought about it, not as most of the world does, and simply applied it to a grand hypothesis that, however plausible, had little direct experimental support.
According to this hypothesis, the only possible time lines are those entirely self-consistent — so anything a time traveler does in the past must have been part of history all along, and the time traveler can never do anything to prevent the trip back in time from happening, since this would represent an inconsistency.

hypothesis and explain
In contrast to this voluntary-control explanation for nonreactivity given by the Kohnstamm-positive subjects, the Kohnstamm-negative subjects offered an involuntary-control hypothesis to explain nonreactivity.
During the 1930s other ideas were proposed as non-standard cosmologies to explain Hubble's observations, including the Milne model, the oscillatory Universe ( originally suggested by Friedmann, but advocated by Albert Einstein and Richard Tolman ) and Fritz Zwicky's tired light hypothesis.
Most linguists remains committed to the hypothesis of medieval ( 11th to 12th century ) immigration, to explain the presence of small German-speaking communities in the north of Italy.
Ecological theory has also been used to explain self-emergent regulatory phenomena at the planetary scale: for example, the Gaia hypothesis is an example of holism applied in ecological theory.
This hypothesis could explain why the letter to Philemon ( a letter written to an individual ) is included alongside letters written to Christian communities.
The hypothesis of pathological dwarfism, however, fails to explain additional anatomical features that are unlike those of modern humans ( diseased or not ) but much like those of ancient members of our genus.
Additionally, this hypothesis fails to explain the find of multiple examples of individuals with these same characteristics, indicating they were common to a large population, and not limited to one individual.
However, our understanding of the molecular mechanisms behind genomic imprinting show that it is the maternal genome that controls much of the imprinting of both its own and the paternally-derived genes in the zygote, making it difficult to explain why the maternal genes would willingly relinquish their dominance to that of the paternally-derived genes in light of the conflict hypothesis.
The first hypothesis that tried to explain how prions replicate in a protein-only manner was the heterodimer model.
The frozen methane hypothesis helps explain the increase in carbon-12 levels midway into the Permian-Triassic boundary layer.
The search began in the mid-19th century and culminated at the start of the 20th with Percival Lowell's quest for Planet X. Lowell proposed the Planet X hypothesis to explain apparent discrepancies in the orbits of the gas giants, particularly Uranus and Neptune, speculating that the gravity of a large unseen ninth planet could have perturbed Uranus enough to account for the irregularities.
The two hit hypothesis ( aka Knudson hypothesis ) is often used to explain the manifestation of polycystic kidney disease later in life even though the mutation is present at birth.
However, in 1905 Albert Einstein interpreted Planck's quantum hypothesis realistically and used it to explain the photoelectric effect, in which shining light on certain materials can eject electrons from the material.
Then, in 1905, to explain the photoelectric effect ( 1839 ), i. e., that shining light on certain materials can function to eject electrons from the material, Albert Einstein postulated, based on Planck ’ s quantum hypothesis, that light itself consists of individual quantum particles, which later came to be called photons ( 1926 ).
While doing laboratory work in biochemistry, Pirsig became greatly troubled by the existence of more than one workable hypothesis to explain a given phenomenon, and, indeed, that the number of hypotheses appeared unlimited.
Over several decades many ideas were put forward to try to explain the effect, one of which was the hypothesis of neutrino oscillations.
The Snowball Earth hypothesis has been invoked to explain glacial deposits in the Huronian Supergroup of Canada, though the palaeomagnetic evidence that suggests ice sheets at low latitudes is contested.
More detail was given in Darwin's 1868 book on The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication, which tried to explain heredity through his hypothesis of pangenesis.
In a series of experiments, Barrouillet and colleagues have shown that memory for lists of letters depends on cognitive load, but not on the number of processing steps ( a finding that is difficult to explain by an interference hypothesis ) and not on the total time of processing ( a finding difficult to explain by a simple decay hypothesis ).
The resource hypothesis, for example, was meant to explain the trade-off between maintenance and processing: The more information must be maintained in working memory, the slower and more error prone concurrent processes become, and with a higher demand on concurrent processing memory suffers.
These findings are also difficult to explain for the decay hypothesis, because decay of memory representations should depend only on how long the processing task delays rehearsal or recall, not on the content of the processing task.

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