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Page "Frame fields in general relativity" ¶ 5
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Some Related Sentences

Thus and just
Thus Baptist churches on the frontier took cognizance of charges against their members of drunkenness, fighting, malicious gossip, lying, cheating, sexual irregularities, gambling, horse racing, and failure to pay just debts.
Thus, the energy required to break any single pair is related to the energy required to break all of the pairs ( or more than just two electrons ).
Thus natural languages are mainly oral, while Blissymbols is just a writing system dealing with semantics, not phonetics.
Thus, middle C would be heard as the note B < sub > 3 </ sub > just below it, and so on.
Thus, humans must be other biological machines created by a life form just as the BETA are.
Thus, Cowboy Bebop was not just a normal anime series produced by Sunrise.
Thus, it has generally been used to describe something which, while unreal, is so in a very specific or unusual fashion, usually one emphasizing not just the " not real ," but some form of estrangement from our generally accepted sense of reality.
Thus, a patient with just frequency or urgency would be excluded from a diagnosis.
Thus, Rand saw reason and freedom as correlates, just as she saw mysticism and force as corollaries.
Thus this being's creative action and self-limitation makes reality and individualism impossible as the very act of creation is the action of itself, or just of its own imagination.
Thus, the Fifth Division was at Al-Ubayyid in Kurdufan ( Central Command ), the Second Division was at Khashm El Girba ( Eastern Command ), the Sixth Division was assigned to Al-Fashir in Darfur ( Western Command ), the First Division was at Juba ( Southern Command ), and the Seventh Division was at As Shajarah just south of Khartoum ( Khartoum Command ).
Thus, when the first spouse dies, no estate tax is owed ( just as if the individual died intestate ).
Thus the Bahá ' í view promotes the unity of humanity, and that people's vision should be world-embracing and that people should love the whole world rather than just their nation.
Thus the variance is a measure of the amount of variation of the values of that variable, taking account of all possible values and their probabilities or weightings ( not just the extremes which give the range ).
Thus, Matthew " invented " this verse to address the fate of Jerusalem as just punishment for its rejection of Jesus.
Thus it is not just the sheer number of connections between components which encourages emergence ; it is also how these connections are organised.
Thus, they call him just the English Patient.
Thus, just as Passover is described in the Torah as a seven-day holiday but is observed for eight outside of Israel, so Sukkot is described in the Torah as a seven-day holiday but is observed for eight outside of Israel.
Thus the ratio of two similar quantities was not just a numerical value, as we think of it today ; the ratio of two similar quantities was a primitive relationship between them.
Thus, whites, latinos, and women, as well as African-Americans, are clearly protected by the Fourteenth Amendment, and groups organized specifically for business purposes, including corporations, may also benefit from its protections, just as any other group of persons.
Thus, in the scaleogram of a continuous wavelet transform of this signal, such an event marks an entire region in the time-scale plane, instead of just one point.
Thus an all-powerful, all-knowing and just God, predicated in Christianity, would not perform miracles.
Thus the Fourier coefficients are just the values of the Fourier transform sampled on a grid of width 1 / T.
Thus one writer alleges that Johnson's campaign manager, future Texas governor John B. Connally, was connected with 202 ballots in Precinct 13 in Jim Wells County that had curiously been cast in alphabetical order and just at the close of polling, with all of the people whose names appeared on the ballots being dead on election day.
Anyone who does not do good works in this manner is an unbeliever ... Thus, it is just as impossible to separate faith and works as it is to separate heat and light from fire!

Thus and like
Thus Burns's `` My love is like a red, red rose '' and Hopkins' `` The thunder-purple sea-beach, plumed purple of Thunder '' although clearly intelligible in content, hardly present ideas of the sort with which we are here concerned.
Thus ideas like `` grace '', `` salvation '', and `` providence '' cluster together in traditional Christianity.
Thus numbers like 2 and 120 ( 2 × 60 ), 3 and 180 ( 3 × 60 ), 4 and 240 ( 4 × 60 ), looked the same because the larger numbers lacked a final sexagesimal placeholder.
Thus, a single " rule ," like mapping every real number x to x < sup > 2 </ sup >, can lead to distinct functions and, depending on whether the images under that rule are understood to be reals or, more restrictively, non-negative reals.
Thus one finds brass instruments made of wood, like the alphorn, the cornett, the serpent and the didgeridoo, while some woodwind instruments are made of brass, like the saxophone.
Thus, one might pursue an increase in material equality or political liberty instead of something like the more ephemeral " pleasure ".
Thus the interior of a metal is filled up with a large number of unattached electrons that travel aimlessly around like a crowd of displaced persons.
Thus, texts like the Annals will often state whether the calendar they use ( the calendar of Lu ) is in phase with the Royal calendar ( used by the Zhou kings ).
) Thus the alveolar click sounds something like a cork pulled from a bottle ( a low-pitch pop ), at least in Xhosa ; while the dental click is like English tsk!
Thus, the Debian Project is an independent decentralized organization ; it is not backed by a company like Linux distributions such as Ubuntu, openSUSE, Fedora, and Mandriva.
" Thus Thrax, like contemporary Alexandrian scholars who edited Attic Greek and Homeric texts, was concerned with facilitating the teaching of classic Greek literature to an audience who spoke Koine Greek.
Thus, one might pursue an increase in material equality or political liberty instead of something like the more ephemeral " pleasure ".
Thus, during the 1960s and early 1970s, Portuguese development plans promoting strong economic growth and effective socioeconomic policies, like those applied by the Portuguese in the other two theaters of war ( Portuguese Angola and Portuguese Mozambique ), were not possible.
Thus like many of Cassidy's derivations, this proposed explanation appears quite improbable.
Thus we have vertical datums like the NAP ( Normaal Amsterdams Peil ), the North American Vertical Datum 1988 ( NAVD88 ), the Kronstadt datum, the Trieste datum, and so on.
Thus, many typical household applications already in existence like word processing and email were designed specifically to avoid using floating point operations.
Thus the liberty of the journalist was to be dedicated to gathering verifiable facts while commentators like himself would place the news in the broader perspective.
Thus an example of the expression would look like this:
Thus, this work of Vyasa, called Jaya deals with diverse subjects like geography, history, warfare, religion and morality.
Thus, like the 68008, it could be used in systems with cheaper 8-bit memories.
" Thus it serves as a reminder to be humble, and to not forget what life was like in servitude.
Thus they are more like a two-way radio than like a telephone.

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