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Some Related Sentences

degree and is
It is curious that even centuries of repetition of the yearly cycle did not induce a sufficient degree of confidence to allow people to abandon the ceremonies of the winter solstice.
What they discuss with dialectical seriousness is the degree to which sex can inspire the Muse.
No matter how earnest is our quest for guaranteed peace, we must maintain a high degree of military effectiveness at the same time we are engaged in negotiating the issue of arms reduction.
In conformance with the maximization principle we affirm that Gentile-Jewish relations will be harmonious or inharmonious to the degree that one relation or the other is expected by the active participants to yield the greatest net advantage, taking all value outcomes and effects into consideration.
For this purpose a degree of intellectual and emotional involvement is necessary ; ;
But it would greatly strengthen any Mayor's executive powers, remove the excuse in large degree that he is a captive of inaction in the Board of Estimate, increase his budget-making authority both as to expense and capital budgets, and vest in him the right to reorganize city departments in the interest of efficiency and economy.
It is the consequence of the system of ideas that constitutes the frame of our international -- and in some degree our domestic -- policy.
Next September, after receiving a degree from Yale's Master of Arts in Teaching Program, I will be teaching somewhere -- that much is guaranteed by the present shortage of mathematics teachers.
An example of the overall standards applied is the 20-to-1 ratio established for the determination of that degree of cochannel interference which is regarded as objectionable.
With respect to nighttime assignments, the degree of skywave service and interference is determined by skywave curves ( figs. 1 and 2 of sec. 3.190 of the rules ) giving average skywave values.
For proper accreditation of schools, teachers in any course must have a degree at least one level above that for which the student is a candidate.
The basic problem involved is that a college setting up a graduate school must have an entirely separate faculty for the advanced degree.
( 2 ) In the critical micelle region, there is a rapid agglomeration or polymerization to give the micelles, which have a degree of polymerization averaging around 60 - 80.
Lung type 3 ( ( fig. 3 ) is to some degree a composite of types 1, and 2.
Furthermore, conditioned reactions are fundamentally altered when the hypothalamic sympathetic reactivity is augmented beyond a critical level, and several types of behavioral changes probably related to the degree of central autonomic `` tuning '' are observed.
The theorem which we prove is more general than what we have described, since it works with the primary decomposition of the minimal polynomial, whether or not the primes which enter are all of first degree.
The value-system of a community or society is always correlated with, and to a degree dependent upon, a more or less shared system of religious beliefs and convictions.
The difficulty of analysis of any subsystem in the phonology is an inverse function of the size -- smaller systems are more troublesome -- for any given degree of morphophonemic complexity.
The actual mean of 1.07 being about halfway between 0 of complete correlation and 2.0 of no correlation, it is evident that there is a pretty fair degree of similarity in the behavior even of particular individual items of meaning as regards long-term stem displacement.
While this influence is a complex matter, depending upon personality factors in the individual as well as upon his social-class experience, there probably are some general statements about social-class background and educational policy that can be made with a fair degree of truth.
It is a commonplace that to the degree these special preserves of past philosophic hunting grounds establish an empirical content and suitable methodological criteria, they move away from philosophy as such.
A degree of indefiniteness is a salutary condition for the growth of science.
However, skill is required on the part of an operator to level a platform to any degree of accuracy.

degree and consistent
French, with its silent letters and its heavy use of nasal vowels and elision, may seem to lack much correspondence between spelling and pronunciation, but its rules on pronunciation, though complex, are actually consistent and predictable with a fair degree of accuracy.
Coinage from this era displays a highly consistent degree of quality including meticulous attention to Domitian's titulature and refined artwork on the reverse portraits.
However, Pytheas only sailed 560 stadia per day for a total of 23800, which in Nansen's view is consistent with 700 stadia per degree.
The increase in slaves held in the Territory is, to a large degree, consistent with development of the economy of the British Virgin Islands at the time.
All such searches were unsuccessful, and in a few cases particularly well-localized bursts ( those whose positions were determined with what was then a high degree of accuracy ) could be clearly shown to have no bright objects of any nature consistent with the position derived from the detecting satellites.
He argues that the Bilderberg group acts in a manner consistent with a global conspiracy, but does so without the same " degree of nefariousness ", a difference not appreciated by conspiracy theorists, who " tend to see this cabal as outright evil.
WI2-low-angled ( 60 degree consistent ice ), with good technique can be easily climbed with one ice axe.
He also proposed fuzzy numbers as a special case of fuzzy sets, as well as the corresponding rules for consistent mathematical operations ( fuzzy arithmetic ). In 1942, he graduated from the University of Tehran with a degree in electrical engineering ( Fanni ).
This does not constitute any degree of federalism, which is consistent with Sweden's status as a unitary state.
The Coat of Arms is now formally used only for degree certificates, degree programmes and some merchandise, as a result of the University seeking a consistent identity branding.
A worldview describes a consistent ( to a varying degree ) and integral sense of existence and provides a framework for generating, sustaining, and applying knowledge.
* Inter-rater reliability assesses the degree to which test scores are consistent when measurements are taken by different people using the same methods.
* Test-retest reliability assesses the degree to which test scores are consistent from one test administration to the next.
* Inter-method reliability assesses the degree to which test scores are consistent when there is a variation in the methods or instruments used.
Test-retest reliability method: directly assesses the degree to which test scores are consistent from one test administration to the next.
WI2-low-angled ( 60 degree consistent ice ), with good technique can be easily climbed with one ice axe.
French, with its silent letters and its heavy use of nasal vowels and elision, may seem to lack much correspondence between spelling and pronunciation, but its rules on pronunciation, though complex, are consistent and predictable with a fair degree of accuracy.
Africa has the highest degree of genetic diversity, which is consistent with an African origin of modern humans.
Nephelinites and similar rocks typically contain relatively high concentrations of elements such as the light rare earths, as consistent with a low degree of melting of mantle peridotite at depths sufficient to stabilize garnet.
A protectionist policy ensured a consistent nucleus of scholars and teachers: laws issued by Cosimo I, Ferdinando I and Ferdinando II obliged those who intended to obtain a degree to attend the Studium of Pisa.
If the relationship is more distant, such as a grandparent or sibling, then matches must be consistent with the degree of relatedness.
" Socialism and Communism both demand a degree of joint effort and administration which would beget more regulation than is wholly consistent with ideal Anarchism ; Individualism and Mutualism, resting upon property, involve a development of the private policeman not at all compatible with my notion of freedom.
The Muir Russell report, however, stated, " We do find that there has been a consistent pattern of failing to display the proper degree of openness, both on the part of CRU scientists and on the part of the UEA.

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