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Page "Holism in science" ¶ 22
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Some Related Sentences

We and conceive
We can conceive of no alternatives.
We cannot conceive of Oedipus without a Sphinx, nor of Hamlet without a Ghost.
We cannot possibly conceive an ' is ' except as belonging to some thing that is, or exists.
We neither conceive them, nor think them, nor cognize them in any way, as a thing apart, but solely as forming, in combination with numerous other attributes, the idea of an individual object ".
We conceive the abstract idea of life in terms of our experiences of a journey, a year, or a day.
We first notice this in the beginning, when she cannot conceive that Moon Orchid may have aged in the past 30 years.
We must seek to give them civilization in the highest sense that we can conceive of it .”
" We accept it ," wrote Weismann, " not because we are able to demonstrate the process in detail ... but simply because we must, because it is the only possible explanation that we can conceive.
: We feel, conceive or reason, laugh or weep ;
We can't conceive of an inch – long line being divided into a thousand parts, much less infinities of infinities.
We avoid thereby the dubious mythological and psychological connotations of the term: archetype — since the term ‘ type-image ’ admits the possibility of a historical succession of types without implying the existence of a unique prototype supposed to be the underlying substratum of all literary forms referring to a primordial ‘ myth .’ The proposed new term retains the idea of uniformity and recurrence inherent in the idea of ‘ archetype ’ but makes us conceive literature as a culturally conditioned phenomenon valued not because of mythical uniformity but because of appreciation of historically varying originality ” ( Rieser 1962: 109 ).

We and individual
We may thus trace the notion of individual autonomy from its manifestation in religious practice and theological reflection through practical politics and political theory into literature and the arts.
We must avoid the notion, suggested to some people by examples such as those just mentioned, that ideas are `` units '' in some way comparable to coins or counters that can be passed intact from one group of people to another or even, for that matter, from one individual to another.
`` We also do a number of things to build up the prestige of the engineer as a ' professional ' and also to give public recognition to individual technical competence.
We have two media for publicizing individual technical activity, a magazine widely distributed both within and without the company, and an information bulletin for engineering personnel distributed to the homes of all engineers.
We are not certain that the word " democracy " was extant when systems that came to be called democratic were first instituted, but around 460 BC an individual is known whose parents had decided to name him ' Democrates ', a name which may have been manufactured as a gesture of democratic loyalty ; the name can also be found in Aeolian Temnus, not a particularly democratic state.
He says that " We find ourselves not only in a world other than our own, but identifying with a living, breathing individual who is operating within its context, and thinking and acting according to its terms.
We want the size of the union of disjoint sets to be the sum of their individual sizes, even for an infinite sequence of disjoint sets.
" Its Statement of Principles begins: " We, the members of the Libertarian Party, challenge the cult of the omnipotent state and defend the rights of the individual.
We refer to the identity of an individual as a “ mindset .” We refer to the identity of an organizational group as a “ culture .” Action learners learn how to question, probe and separate from, both kinds of identity — i. e., their “ individual ” selves and their “ social ” selves.
: One witness wrote, " We are driven from our homes for acting under the authority of Ohio ; our houses broken open in the dead of night ; citizens taken prisoners, bound hand and foot, and tied to fiery horses, gagged that they may not alarm the rest of the citizens ; the females too in the same house are treated with violence by being held and prevented from going to alarm the neighbors ; and all this for saying to an individual, he need not obey the laws of Michigan.
In 1792, she continued this theme of national responsibility in an anti-war sermon entitled Sins of Government, Sins of the Nation which argued that each individual is responsible for the actions of the nation: " We are called upon to repent of national sins, because we can help them, and because we ought to help them.
" We are satisfied that it is right because it gives the freest play to individual energy and initiative and character and the largest liberty both to producer and consumer.
We have therefore been particularly vigilant to ensure that individual expressions of ideas remain free from governmentally imposed sanctions.
Heather Kere, RSU's Vice-President of Education, said, " We definitely recognize there was some criticism of his views " and that " we were endorsing the campaign's goals and not the individual speaker.
Numerous essays have been written on the themes in Magnolia ,< ref > such as regret ; loneliness ; the cost of failed relationships as a result of parents, particularly fathers, who have failed their children ; cruelty to children and its lasting effect ( as demonstrated by the implied sexual assault perpetrated on Claudia by Jimmy ); familial violence ( as evinced by the opening scene, in which a boy is murdered by his mother ); not all events and their results can be controlled, but an individual can control his or her own actions and that, to some degree, mistakes of the past cannot simply be erased (" We might be through with the past, but the past ain't through with us "); exploitation ; and the limits of forgiveness.
Other topics addressed in her poetry and novels include sexual exploitation of African women, and what Brand refers to as " a pandemic scourging the Diaspora " and declares, " We are born thinking of travelling back " which is suggestive of the individual and historic travelling and returning as experienced by her ancestors.
It is our Christian conviction that abortion performed for personal reasons to insure individual convenience ought not to be permitted ./ We call on all who counsel those with problem pregnancies, especially youth workers, campus pastors and staff members of our church colleges, to uphold the Christian alternatives to abortion ./ We call on our churches to expand their efforts to support agencies providing a ministry of mercy to those seeking alternatives to abortion ./ We call on our members to support efforts for constitutional changes to provide legal protection for the unborn.
We see that exponential decay is a scalar multiple of the exponential distribution ( i. e. the individual lifetime of each object is exponentially distributed ), which has a well-known expected value.
We believe that this should be left to the individual, and that neither the practice nor the non-practice of it should be any bar to fellowship, either in the church, the local association, the Presbytery, or the General Association.

We and animal
We can escape from such a difficulty by ruling out the animal as not constituting a trial, but such a solution is not always satisfactory.
Einstein wrote, " We followers of Spinoza see our God in the wonderful order and lawfulness of all that exists and in its soul (" Beseeltheit ") as it reveals itself in man and animal.
Price wrote: " We saw several sorts of dung of different animals, one of which Wilson called a Whom-batt, which is an animal about 20 inches high, with short legs and a thick body with a large head, round ears, and very small eyes ; is very fat, and has much the appearance of a badger.
" Humanism does not consist in saying: ‘ No animal could have done what I have done ,’ but in declaring: ‘ We have refused what the beast within us willed to do, and we seek to reclaim man wherever we find that which crushes him .’" The Voices of Silence
We have a unique process, where each song is sort of its own animal.
Our ships have gone one way, and we are much astonished to see our Father tying up everything and preparing to run the other, without letting his red children know what his intentions are ... We must compare our Father's conduct to of a fat animal that carries its tail upon its back ; but when affrighted, it drops it between its legs and runs off.
We do this through our extensive investigations, our chicken sanctuary, public talks, writings, mailings, conferences, information displays, and film presentations using such sources as public interest groups, animal advocacy organizations, poultry trade publications, government agencies, and scientific journals and proceedings.
We concur with the various researchers ( Kohlbrugge, Marconi, Dacque, Westenhofer, and Adloff ) who have rebelled against the evolutionary dogma, asserting that animal species evince the degeneration of primordial man's potential.
The actions of our fellow man resemble our own, and we therefore infer in them like subjective states to ours: the actions of animals resemble our less completely, but the difference is one of degree, not of kind … We know not where consciousness begins in the animal world.
* Blooding Children: We protest against the insult offered in hunting circles, not only to the child-life of the nation but to the community in general, by smearing children's cheeks with blood from the brush or pads of a fox or other animal hunted to death, and we demand the cessation of this demoralising custom.
We are informed by Dr. George Winter, that a person named Holloway, by giving lectures on animal magnetism at five guineas for each pupil, realised a considerable fortune ; and the house of Mr. Loutherbergs, another magnetic professor, at Hammersmith, about the year 1790, was daily for many months crowded with patients.
Humans had long distinguished ourselves from the rest of the animal kingdom as “ Man the Toolmaker .” In response to Goodall ’ s revolutionary findings, Louis Leaky wrote,We must now redefine man, redefine tool, or accept chimpanzees as human !” Over the course of her study, Goodall found evidence of mental traits in chimpanzees such as reasoned thought, abstraction, generalization, symbolic representation, and even the concept of self, all previously thought to be uniquely human abilities.
We can recognise consciousness, not least because we can knock an animal unconscious, but also because animals exhibit at minimum primitive thought and intelligence.
We were having a couple of red wines and he began to create these animal sounds and play them like an instrument.
Says Roubidoux, " We believe that the eagle is the only animal that has seen the face of the creator and so we honor him with respect and dignity.
We caught the wooly animal and dragged her from her pen,

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