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We and must
`` We know Penny spent some -- and Carmer must have dropped a few dollars getting that load on ''.
We must believe we have the ability to affect our own destinies: otherwise why try anything??
We must not forget, to be sure, that free discussion and debate have produced beneficial results.
We must meet this situation by promoting a rising volume of exports and world trade.
We face, indeed, what may be a turning point in history, and we must act decisively and wisely.
We must be ever alert that freedom does not wither through the careless amassing of restrictive controls or the lack of courage to deal boldly with the issues of the day.
We must avoid the notion, suggested to some people by examples such as those just mentioned, that ideas are `` units '' in some way comparable to coins or counters that can be passed intact from one group of people to another or even, for that matter, from one individual to another.
We must, therefore, have a look at the new archaeological material and re-examine the literary and place-name evidence which bears upon the problem.
We must, first of all, be willing to forgive others before we can secure God's forgiveness.
We want the past forgiven, but at the same time we must be willing for God to direct the future.
We expect him to be noble, and to make us so -- yet he knows, and tries to tell us, how very humble man must be.
`` We were on our vacation in Canada '', Howard explained, in a muffled voice that must have been used to booming, `` and the news didn't catch up with us till we were nearly home.
We must use common sense in applying conditions
We must ask ourselves which of the two alternatives will help the commuter -- the two-way B. & O. - C. & O. merger, or the three-way New York Central - B. & O. - C. & O. merger.
We in this Department must think about foreign policy in its total context.
We must determine whether missiles can win a war all by themselves.
We must make certain that the aircraft is finished before we give the entire job to the missile.
We must build a corps of highly professional teachers of interior design who have had education, experience in the profession and are willing to take on the usual accompaniments of teaching -- minimal income and minimal status among their confreres.
Says Clarence Thompson: `` We dealers must earn our mark-up by performing a service for the builder cheaper than he could do it himself ''.
We must now show that on some component of the graph there exist two points for which the corresponding diagonal points in the C-plane are on opposite sides of C.
We must realize with Prof. Charles Morris in his The Open Self that `` Man is the being that can continually remake himself, the artisan that is himself the material for his own creation ''.
Denouncing the view that the sexual union is an end in itself, the Conference declared: `` We steadfastly uphold what must always be regarded as the governing considerations of Christian marriage.
We had nearly decided that all the tales of Lao lethargy must be true, when we were invited to take a trip with the Prime Minister.
`` We must solve the problems which have forced these people to depend upon ADC for subsistence '', Martin said.
He said, `` We Democrats must resolve our issues on the test of what is right and just, and not what is expedient at the time ''.

We and seek
We all seek the same thing through different ways -- an end to this long night of two thousand years of darkness and unspeakable abuses which will continue to plague us until the Star of David flies over Zion ''.
We would have the means to seek out and destroy the enemy's force -- whether it were fixed or mobile.
:: We are sensitive to the need for the courts to remain open to all who seek in good faith to invoke the protection of law.
We seek to prove that there exist two irrational numbers and such that
We then seek to fill this incompleteness through the baring and caressing of the desired gender.
Leaderships: We seek to develop responsible leaders committed to the common good.
We believe in the priesthood of all believers and practice the autonomy of the local congregation, as we seek to work in association with others for more effective witness.
It originally included " the prayer of Cardinal Theodore McCarrick, the Archbishop of Washington in a Mass on September 12, 2001 for our Nation and the victims in the immediate aftermath of the terrorist hijackings and attacks in New York City, Washington, D. C., and Pennsylvania reminds all Americans that ' We must seek the guilty and not strike out against the innocent or we become like them who are without moral guidance or proper direction.
* July 14 – WWII: Winston Churchill, in a worldwide broadcast, proclaims the intention of Great Britain to fight alone against Germany whatever the outcome: " We shall seek no terms.
" Humanism does not consist in saying: ‘ No animal could have done what I have done ,’ but in declaring: ‘ We have refused what the beast within us willed to do, and we seek to reclaim man wherever we find that which crushes him .’" The Voices of Silence
On 6 January 1762, he wrote to Count Karl-Wilhelm Finck von Finckenstein, " We ought now to think of preserving for my nephew, by way of negotiation, whatever fragments of my territory we can save from the avidity of my enemies ", which means, if words mean anything, that he was resolved to seek a soldier's death on the first opportunity.
We Chinese communists seek this arrow for no other purpose than to hit the target of the Chinese revolution and the revolution of the east.
Thirteen years later, in 1995, Ken Feingold offered a different explanation for why people seek out fortune-tellers: “ We desire to know other people ’ s actions and to resolve our own conflicts regarding decisions to be made and our participation in social groups and economies.
We can, however, seek to obtain some form of consensus, with others, of what is real.
We see in the sermon something of Becket's ultimate peace of mind, as he elects not to seek sainthood, but to accept his death as inevitable and part of a better whole.
We see Pierre Rougon ( the legitimate son ) in his attempts to disinherit his Macquart half-siblings, his marriage to Felicité Puech, the voraciously ambitious daughter of a local merchant, and their continued failure to establish the fortune, fame and renown they seek, despite their greed and relatively comfortable lifestyles.
The German-Jewish philosopher Moses Mendelssohn ( 1729 – 1786 ) taught that " According to the basic principles of my religion I am not to seek to convert anyone not born into our laws .... We believe that the other nations of the Earth are directed by God to observe only the law of nature and the religion of the Patriarchs ... I fancy that whosoever leads men to virtue in this life cannot be damned in the next.
We see that the fundamental conflict is between vendors who seek to capture markets and raise costs, and the market at large, which seeks freedom and lower costs ...
We seek the stories of people in the same situation as ourselves and try to learn from them.
The role of the poet / writer, as Zamyatin saw it, was to be the heretical voice ( or " I ") that always insisted on imagination, especially when established institutions seek conformity and concerted effort (" We ") toward a defined goal.
In his encyclical Mystici Corporis, 103 Pope Pius XII said thatthose who do not belong to the visible Body of the Catholic Church … We ask each and every one of them to correspond to the interior movements of grace, and to seek to withdraw from that state in which they cannot be secure about their salvation. Pius IX, Iam Vos Omnes, 13 Sept. 1868 For even though by an unconscious desire and longing have a certain relationship with the Mystical Body of the Redeemer, they still remain deprived of those many heavenly gifts and helps which can only be enjoyed in the Catholic Church.
Its motto is We seek renewed reverence for the Earth and a vision of Nature as the ultimate context for human existence ...
We seek to find the line of “ best fit ” y *
We seek to protect and support the Biblical design of marriage and the gift of children.
Namely, we will allow f < sub > n </ sub > to converge μ-almost everywhere on a subset E of S. We seek to show that

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