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Some Related Sentences

When and is
When Heidegger and Sartre speak of a contrast between being and existence, they may be right, I don't know, but their language is too philosophical for me.
When they express themselves it is incandescent hatred that shines forth, the rage of repudiation, the ecstasy of negation.
When I try to work out my reasons for feeling that this passage is of critical significance, I come up with the following ideas, which I shall express very briefly here and revert to in a later essay.
When the proprietor dies, the establishment should become a corporation until it is either acquired by another proprietor or the government decides to drop it.
When the reactionary response is thus bolstered by an intellectual defense, the characteristics of that defense are explicable only in terms of the basic attitudes of unanalyzed reaction.
When I take over Taliesin, the first thing I'll do is fire you ''.
When someone in the audience rose and asked how does it feel to be a celebrity, Carl said, `` A celebrity is a fellow who eats celery with celerity ''.
When decision makers act within this frame they determine whether a claim put forward in the name of religion is to be accepted by the larger community as appropriate to religion.
When we consider the disorganized state of the world community, and the legacy of predispositions adversely directed against all who are identified as Jews, it is obvious that the struggle for the minds and muscles of men needs to be prosecuted with increasing vigor and skill.
When we turn to Aristotle's ideas on the moral measure of literature, it is at once apparent that he is at times equally concerned about the influence of the art.
When their faith in civil liberties is tested against strong pressures of social expediency in specific issues, e.g., suppression of `` dangerous ideas '', many waver and give in.
There is, of course, nothing new about dystopias, for they belong to a literary tradition which, including also the closely related satiric utopias, stretches from at least as far back as the eighteenth century and Swift's Gulliver's Travels to the twentieth century and Zamiatin's We, Capek's War With The Newts, Huxley's Brave New World, E. M. Forster's `` The Machine Stops '', C. S. Lewis's That Hideous Strength, and Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four, and which in science fiction is represented before the present deluge as early as Wells's trilogy, The Time Machine, `` A Story Of The Days To Come '', and When The Sleeper Wakes, and as recently as Jack Williamson's `` With Folded Hands '' ( 1947 ), the classic story of men replaced by their own robots.
When I first came across Samuel Johnson's pronouncement, `` the remedy for the ills of life is palliative rather than radical '', it seemed to me to sum up the profoundest of political and social truths.
When all else fails, it is argued that open sessions slow down governmental operations.
When a person has thoughtlessly or deliberately caused us pain or hardship it is not always easy to say, `` Just forget it ''.
When a person meets God's requirements for the experience of forgiveness he is forgiven.
When I hold my son he stiffens his whole body in my arms until he is as straight and stiff as a board.
When different colors are used, she is just as likely to color trees purple, hair green, etc..
When we become firm enough to stand for those ideals which we know to be right, when we become hard enough to refuse to aid nations which do not permit self-determination, when we become strong enough to resist any more drifts towards socialism in our own Nation, when we recognize that our enemy is Communism not war, and when we realize that concessions to Communists do not insure peace or freedom, then, and only then will we no longer be `` soft ''.
When one powerful nation strives to emulate the success of another, it is only natural.
When a man is laid to rest, he is entitled to stay put.
When I talked to Ching about it, he said, Everyone can learn, if he is not a Reactionary or lazy.

When and clear
When combined with the metaphysical notion that pure forms of this universe are best appreciated when least embodied in a material substratum, it becomes clear that while earth will be dross on a scale of material-formal ratios, celestial bodies will be of a subtle, quickened, ethereal existence, in whose embodiment pure form will be the dominant component and matter will be absent or remain subsidiary.
When a question contains two verbs, the response does not make clear which of them is being answered.
When necessary, we should make it clear that countries which choose to derive marginal advantages from the cold war or to exploit their potential for disrupting the security of the world will not only lose our sympathy but also risk their own prospects for orderly development.
When alienation is used as an objective and diagnostic category, for example, it becomes clear that Fromm would have to say that awareness of alienation goes far toward conquering it.
When he turned into the highway that led to the outskirts of the city and then rose toward home, he had to pull over to the curb and wait for a few minutes, sucking in air and squinting and blinking his eyes to clear them of tears.
When it was clear that continuing the resistance was of little use, Hasan Ali Shah sent one of his brothers to Shiraz in order to speak to the governor of Fars to intervene on his behalf and arrange for safe passage out of Kerman.
When he became a Franciscan and thus created a formal Franciscan school of theology at Paris, it was soon clear that his students lacked some of the basic tools for the discipline.
When not required it is raised clear of the ground.
When it became clear that Li was unlikely to accept Mao's terms, the Communists issued an ultimatum in April 1949, warning that they would resume their attacks if Li did not agree within five days.
When the radicals mustered enough support to defeat a bill which would have preserved the status quo in religion, the conservatives, together with many moderates, surrendered their authority back to Cromwell who sent soldiers to clear the rest of the Assembly.
When the orbital eccentricities of cubewanos and plutinos are compared, it can be seen that the cubewanos form a clear ' belt ' outside Neptune's orbit, whereas the plutinos approach, or even cross Neptune's orbit.
When a principle becomes customary law is not clear cut and many arguments are put forward by states not wishing to be bound.
When it became clear that Mary was not pregnant, no one believed any longer that she could have a child.
When it became clear to Wilkins and the supervisors of Watson and Crick that Franklin was going to the new job, and that Linus Pauling was working on the structure of DNA, they were willing to share Franklin's data with Watson and Crick, in the hope that they could find a good model of DNA before Pauling was able.
When he asked Gerry Davis what legal options were available, Davis told him that intellectual property law for software was not clear enough to sue.
When the mask is used in a real scenario, or as part of a drill, there is 9 seconds to put the gas mask on and clear and seal.
When this failed and Barcelona fell to the Nationalists in early 1939, it was clear the war was over.
When it became clear after another six ballots that Van Buren would not win the required majority, Polk emerged as a " dark horse " candidate.
When forced to go, his call is heard loud and clear.
When Ribbentrop travelled to Rome in November 1937 to oversee Italy's adhesion to the Anti-Comintern Pact, he made clear to his hosts that the pact was really directed against Britain.
There he repeated in a different form all that he had already said, for all the world as if he had a gramophone fixed in his brain ... When I took leave, he subjected me to an interminable handshake, meanwhile fixing his cold blue eyes on mine, and repeating almost word for word what he said to me on arrival ... I felt I should never be able to establish any human contact with this man " In early June 1940, when Mussolini informed Hitler that he at long last would enter the war on 10 June 1940, Hitler was most dismissive, in private calling Mussolini a cowardly opportunist who broke the terms of the Pact of Steel in September 1939 when the going looked rough, and was only entering the war in June 1940 after it was clear that France was beaten and it appeared that Britain would soon make peace.
When the defense of laches is clear on the face of the complaint, and where it is clear that the plaintiff can prove no set of facts to avoid the insuperable bar, a court may consider the defense on a motion to dismiss .” Solow v. Nine West Group, 2001 WL 736794, * 3 ( S. D. N. Y.
When the Province of Canada was formed, its borders were not entirely clear, and Ontario claimed to eventually reach all the way to the Rocky Mountains and Arctic Ocean.
When the prisoners were interrogated, it became clear that the information possessed by the guerrillas, who had planned to assassinate Stroessner, could have come only from a high Colorado official.

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