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Page "First Book of Nephi" ¶ 25
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While and Mormons
While Mormons believe in the general accuracy of the modern day text of the Bible, they also believe that it is incomplete and contains errors.
While rejected as false doctrine by the main body of Mormons comprising The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, the Adam – God doctrine remains an important part of the theology of Mormon fundamentalism.
While most Latter Day Saints recognize that priesthood may be conferred as part of an ordination ceremony, some feminist Mormons understand the Endowment ceremony to be an endowment of priesthood power.
While unwilling to compensate the Shoshone, or the Ute, for their lands the Mormons did offer food to the Indians.
While early written works among Mormons were generally non-fiction, including scripture, missionary tracts, and doctrinal literature, this period did see creative efforts also, especially poetry, which was often used in hymns.
While violence seemed to follow the Mormons wherever they went, it wasn't necessarily the Mormons ' doing, as Krakauer points out.
While the Mormons went to great lengths to conceal any involvement in the massacre ( including dressing as Paiute Indians and painting their faces in similar fashion ), the only person successfully convicted in the affair was John D. Lee, a member of the LDS Church who was executed by the state in 1877 for his role in the crime.
While Ford opposed the Mormons, he also claimed to oppose the anti-Mormon faction that eventually drove them from the state.

While and do
While the final combat of the campaign was being worked out at Jonesborough, Thomas, on Sherman's instructions, ordered Slocum, now commanding the Twentieth Corps, to make an effort to occupy Atlanta if he could do so without exposing his bridgehead to a counterattack.
While high anxiety children achieve significantly less well ( Af ) in the unstructured school than do low anxiety children, they appear to do at least as well as the average in the structured classroom.
While the particular limits of these groupings may seem artificially arbitrary, they do fairly express a corresponding grouping of more variable material, and they eventuate also in five classes, along a similar scale, containing approximately equal numbers of cases, namely 19, 14, 15, 11, 12 in Athabascan.
While he declined to suggest, how, he said that sooner or later we must get rid of Castro, `` for unless we do we're liable to face similar situations in this hemisphere.
While most everyone has an experience with anxiety at some point in their lives, as it is a common reaction to real or perceived threats of all kinds, most do not develop long-term problems with anxiety.
While authors such as Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Marc Ferro and Jacques Le Goff continue to carry the Annales banner, today the Annales approach has been less distinctive as more and more historians do work in cultural history, political history and economic history.
While the above passages from 1 Kings do not view Ahab unfavourably, there are others which are less friendly.
While many versions of myths portray Ægir as a giant, it is curious that many do not.
While with the Portuguese Navy, Phillip commanded a frigate, the Nossa Senhora do Pilar.
While these rules do generate some pairs of amicable numbers, many other pairs are known, so these rules are by no means comprehensive.
While " themes " ( inherited narrative subunits for representing familiar classes of event, such as the " arming the hero ", or the particularly well-studied " hero on the beach " theme ) do exist across Anglo-Saxon and other Germanic works, some scholars conclude that Anglo-Saxon poetry is a mix of oral-formulaic and literate patterns, arguing that the poems both were composed on a word-by-word basis and followed larger formulae and patterns.
While scientists do not always agree on how to classify organisms, molecular phylogenetics, which uses DNA sequences as data, has driven many recent revisions along more efficient, evolutionary lines and is likely to continue to do so.
While many engineering fields ( such as mechanical or electrical engineering ) do not need graduate-level training to obtain an entry-level job in their field, the majority of BME positions do prefer or even require them.
While it is not altogether clear whether totally asynchronous designs can perform at a comparable or better level than their synchronous counterparts, it is evident that they do at least excel in simpler math operations.
While the pace of development accelerates, so do environmental concerns, and concerns relating to the use and abuse of eminent domain by institutions involved in them.
While most pre-Columbian historians believe that there was ritual cannibalism related to human sacrifices, they do not support Harris's thesis that human flesh was ever a significant portion of the Aztec diet.
While capital adequacy is important, it is defined and regulated by the Bank for International Settlements, and central banks in practice generally do not apply stricter rules.
While Cassandra foresaw the destruction of Troy ( she warned the Trojans about the Trojan Horse, the death of Agamemnon, and her own demise ), she was unable to do anything to forestall these tragedies since no one believed her.
While traditionally couplets rhyme, not all do.
While many Carnivora meet the definition of being meat eaters, not all do, and even fewer are obligate carnivores ( see below ).
While integrating garbage collection into the language's compiler and runtime system enables a much wider choice of methods, post hoc GC systems exist, including some that do not require recompilation.
While they do sometimes live solitarily, they are more commonly found in groups that average 10 – 20 individuals, with two to four adult males, four to seven adult females and the rest juveniles.

While and believe
While most of his beliefs were still unsettled, he knew that he did not believe in killing.
While this may well be true in general, I believe it is also important to keep in mind that some recent developments suggest that over the next year or so military electronics may be one of the most strongly growing areas in an economy which is not expanding rapidly in other directions.
While we, as American artists, believe deeply in the universal character of all intellectual activity, we would be less than honest with you, or ourselves, if we failed to state a specific attitude toward our own society as well as the international community as a whole.
While the other main characters believe there is no rational explanation for the outbreak of plague, Paneloux believes there is.
Some scholars believe that the apologetic view of Luke ’ s work is overemphasized and that it should not be regarded as a “ major aim of the Lucan writings .” While Munck believes that purpose of Luke ’ s work is not that clear-cut and sympathizes with other claims, he believes that Luke ’ s work can function as an apology only in the sense that it “ presents a defense of Christianity and Paul ” and may serve to “ clarify the position of Christianity within Jewry and within the Roman Empire .” Pervo disagrees that Luke ’ s work is an apology and even that it could possibly be addressed to Rome because he believes that “ Luke and Acts speak to insiders, believers in Jesus .” Freedman believes that Luke is writing an apology but that his goal is “ not to defend the Christian movement as such but to defend God ’ s ways in history .”
While there is no reason to believe the Arian claim, it can be surmised that he was close enough to 30 years old in 328 for them to contemplate raising such an accusation.
While some recent scholars have questioned the existence of a large-scale Domitian persecution, others believe that Domitian's insistence on being treated as a god may have been a source of friction between the Church and Rome.
While there have been many theological disputes over the nature of Jesus over the earliest centuries of Christian history, Christians generally believe that Jesus is God incarnate and " true God and true man " ( or both fully divine and fully human ).
While some Lutherans believe in consubstantiation, others reject the concept because it substitutes what they believe to be the biblical doctrine with a philosophical construct and implies, in their view, a natural, local inclusion of the body and blood of Christ in the consecrated bread and wine of the eucharist .< ref > J. T.
While Smith has strong evidence to believe that Jones will get the job, he is wrong.
While the Russian Orthodox Church does recognize the first seven ecumenical councils as valid, some Russian Orthodox theologians believe that the infallibility of these councils ' statements derived from their acceptance by the faithful ( and thus from the infallibility of all believers ), and not from the acts of the councils themselves.
:“ While I am convinced of the critical importance of historiography in the study of esotericism ( and for this reason all of my academic books are firmly grounded in historical method ) I do not believe that historiography is adequate in itself to convey the complex, multivalent nature of esoteric thought, traditions, or most of all, experience.
While the angle of the instrument may change as this motion follows the shape of the teeth and placement of the jaw, contrary to what many brass performers and teachers believe, the angle of the instrument does not actually constitute the motion Reinhardt advised as a pivot.
While some conservative evangelicals believe the label has broadened too much beyond its more limiting traditional distinctives, this trend is nonetheless strong enough to create significant ambiguity in the term.
" While there were some initial suspicions that she had been faking amnesia, some experts have come to believe that she genuinely suffered a protracted fugue state.
While fascism opposes Bolshevism, both Bolshevism and fascism have been noted to hold significant ideological similarities: both advocate a revolutionary ideology, both believe in the necessity of a vanguard elite, both have disdain for bourgeois values, and both had totalitarian ambitions.
While most Protestants agree that baptism in the Holy Spirit is integral to being a Christian, others believe that it is not separable from conversion and no longer marked by glossolalia.
While Conservative Jews have varied views regarding the origin of the Torah and its authority today, and believe it can be continuously reinterpreted.
While " legal " insider trading cannot be based on material non-public information, some investors believe corporate insiders nonetheless may have better insights into the health of a corporation ( broadly speaking ) and that their trades otherwise convey important information ( e. g., about the pending retirement of an important officer selling shares, greater commitment to the corporation by officers purchasing shares, etc.
While some exponents of capitalism believe that such a society's productivity and technological progress would stagnate out of lack of monetary incentives.
While this program has been deemed a success, many believe that its funding levels need to be increased so as to ensure that all dangerous nuclear materials are secured in the most expeditious manner possible.

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