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Page "Nijinsky II" ¶ 10
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While and some
While his comrades cocked the trap, that one behaved as if it was some dull maneuver.
While the pattern is uneven, some having gained more than others, nationalism has in fact served the Western peoples well.
While I was sitting at one of the rewrite telephones with my derby and my great beard, Arthur Brisbane whizzed in with some editorial copy in his hand.
While The Space Merchants indicates, as Kingsley Amis has correctly observed, some of the `` impending consequences of the growth of industrial and commercial power '' and satirizes `` existing habits in the advertising profession '', its warning and analysis penetrate much deeper.
While some think we move too fast and others too slowly, Florida's record is a good one and stands out among the 50.
While there should be no general age limit or restriction to one sex, there will be particular projects requiring special maturity and some open only to men or to women.
While this may well be true in general, I believe it is also important to keep in mind that some recent developments suggest that over the next year or so military electronics may be one of the most strongly growing areas in an economy which is not expanding rapidly in other directions.
While some regression is inevitable, it is discouraged rather than encouraged so that the transference does not follow the stages of planned regression associated with certain casework adaptations of the psychoanalytic model for insight therapy.
While some suppression and some denial are not only necessary but healthy, the worker's clinical knowledge must determine how these defenses are being used, what healthy shifts in defensive adaptation are indicated, and when efforts at bringing about change can be most effectively timed.
While they were told that there were some normal people who reacted differently than they had, they were also informed that there were other normals who reacted as they had.
While the phonemes can be very easily stated, no one is likely to be satisfied with the statement until phonemic occurrences can be related in some way to morphemic units, i.e. until the morphophonemics is worked out, or at least far enough that it seems reasonable to expect success.
While this influence is a complex matter, depending upon personality factors in the individual as well as upon his social-class experience, there probably are some general statements about social-class background and educational policy that can be made with a fair degree of truth.
While neighbor women assumed some of the dead mother's duties, fund-raising events were being planned by a homeowners association and a student council for the hard-hit Henry Kowalski family, 34220 Viceroy.
While it must be said that these same Protestants have built some new churches during this period, and that religious population shifts have emptied churches, a principal reason for this phenomenon of redundancy is that fewer Protestants are going to church.
While both sexes state that kindness is the most preferable trait in a partner there is some evidence that men place less value on this than women and that women may not be more altruistic in presence of an attractive man.
While humans and other organisms generally place less value on future costs / benefits as compared to those in the present, some have shorter time horizons than others and these people tend to be less cooperative.
While there is general agreement on these six families, there are some points of disagreement among linguists who study Afroasiatic.
While the Byzantine Empire was to continue for nearly another four centuries, and the Crusades would contest the issue for some time, the victory at Manzikert signalled the beginning of Turkish ascendancy in Anatolia.
While most everyone has an experience with anxiety at some point in their lives, as it is a common reaction to real or perceived threats of all kinds, most do not develop long-term problems with anxiety.
While one-third of alternative treatments have some published literature supporting their use, research on alternative medicine is frequently of low quality and methodologically flawed, which might cause these results to be exaggerated.
While there are some similarities between the two movements, Theodism derived its origins primarily as a reaction to Wicca.
While some fans applauded the redesign, most of the reaction to the new color scheme, which included the changing of the historical purple and traditional Arizonan colors of copper and turquoise to a reddish color known as " Sedona Red " similar to that of the Phoenix Coyotes and Arizona Cardinals color schemes, was pointedly negative.
While the term " Afghani " is typically used in reference to the unit of Afghan currency, some use the term to indicate a person or thing of, from, or related to Afghanistan, e. g., a citizen of Afghanistan.
While Salieri followed the precepts set forth by Gluck and his librettist Ranieri de ' Calzabigi in the preface to Alceste ; Salieri also drew on some musical ideas from the more traditional opera-seria and even opera buffa, creating a new synthesis in the process.

While and felt
While observing the operations of our Government in various parts of the world, I have felt that in many situations where our policies were good we have tended to ignore minor problems which spoiled our main effort.
While most Anabaptists adhered to a literal interpretation of the Sermon on the Mount which precluded taking oaths, participating in military actions, and participating in civil government, some who practiced re-baptism felt contrariwise.
While he had never been adopted by Augustus or his successors, he was the grandson of Octavia, and so felt he had the right.
While they had not always been close, and Allen's marriage had often been strained, Allen felt these losses deeply.
While its influence continued to be felt in small ways in some west European states, the Gothic language and culture largely disappeared during the Middle Ages.
While the DOJ denied that Chong was treated any differently from the other defendants, many felt that he was made an example of by the government.
While Stalin had little faith in Japan's commitment to neutrality, he felt that the pact was important for its political symbolism, to reinforce a public affection for Germany.
While fear of God can be replaced by fear of the prince, if there is a strong enough prince, Machiavelli felt that having a religion is in any case especially essential to keeping a republic in order.
While Mora regarded himself as a father of sorts to Odo, Odo felt intense hostility toward Mora.
While he had hoped that Cardassia's joining the Dominion would strengthen their power, he felt that they were no longer in control of even their own planet, having to report to the Dominion representative Weyoun and the Founders, and Cardassian troops were being sacrificed seemingly meaninglessly without his permission.
While the story has nothing to do with fandom, many science fiction fans felt very close to the protagonists, feeling their experience as bright people in a mundane world mirrored that of the mutants ; hence, the rallying cry, " Fans Are Slans!
While this style of riding may have felt more secure for the rider, it also impeded the freedom of the horse to use its body to the extent needed to clear large obstacles.
While the maximum range of was acceptable, the Army felt it could and should be improved.
While Q called it " a dense, fascinating, idiosyncratic and accomplished art rock album ", the NME felt it was inconsistent and "( at least ) a quarter-of-an-hour too long ".
Despite smoking in some of his films, Eastwood is a lifelong non-smoker, has been conscious of his health and fitness since he was a teenager, and as a Vegan practices healthy eating and daily Transcendental Meditation. While promoting his film, Hereafter, Eastwood spoke about his views on religion and meditation by saying " I was always respectful of people who were deeply religious because I always felt that if they gave themselves to it, then it had to be important to them.
While filming in Yugoslavia he publicly proclaimed that he was a communist, saying he felt no contradiction between earning vast sums of money for films and holding very left-wing views since " unlike capitalists, I don't exploit other people.
While civil unrest was felt throughout the countryside, Catiline made the final preparations for the conspiracy in Rome.
While lampooned in Le Corsaire for its lofty subject matter yet extremely modest proportions ( less than one metre across ), overall the work was warmly received ; so much so that on his return to Paris in June 1841, Ingres was received with all the deference that he felt was his due, including being received personally by King Louis-Philippe for a tour around Versailles.
While cardiac issues cause feelings of sudden pressure in the chest or a crushing pain in the back, neck and arms, pain that is felt due to non cardiac issues gives a burning feeling along the digestive tract or pain when deep breaths are attempted.
While we ’ re not attempting to keep up with the Joneses, we felt this is a significant award, and it could feel and look a bit more significant.
While the label wanted " 7 " to be the first single, Prince fought to have " My Name Is Prince " as he " felt that the song's more hip-hoppery would appeal to the same audience " that had purchased the previous album.
While he knew that Carter would not want him to be another Kissinger, Brzezinski also felt confident that the President did not want Secretary of State Vance to become another Dulles and would want his own input on key foreign policy decisions.
While the Ring did not initially corrupt him as it had its previous owners, it was beginning to affect him ; over the years, it had begun to prey on his mind when out of his sight, and he lost sleep and felt " stretched out and thin ", as he said to Gandalf.
While Richard B. Dier in The Afro-American was " thoroughly disgusted " by the film for being " as vicious a piece of propaganda for white supremacy as Hollywood ever produced ," Herman Hill in The Pittsburgh Courier felt that Song of the South would " prove of inestimable goodwill in the furthering of interracial relations.
While one suggested he felt the disappointment of his nation for losing the title, others would say he conceived of himself as his own man and after the match took French citizenship.

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