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have and found
As I dug in behind one of the bales we were using as protection, I grudgingly found myself agreeing with Oso's logic, especially when I imagined what would have happened to Missy if Old Knife's large party of screeching warriors had overrun our company.
( Would she have been able to had she known that the blanket belonged to a young ballet dancer Nicolas had found his first night in one of Walter's marked bars??
Deciding to become a painter, he entered the studio of Gerome in Paris, where he enjoyed the life of the artists, but soon found that whatever talent he might have did not lie in that direction.
Others writing on Faulkner have found the phrase `` traditional moralist '' either inadequate or misleading.
Although it is constantly made to look foolish ( too simple to come in out of the rain, people say, who have found in the innocent an impediment ), it does not mind looking foolish because it is not concerned with how it looks.
Some historians have found his point of view not to their taste, others have complained that he makes the Tory tradition appear `` contemptible rather than intelligible '', while a sympathetic critic has remarked that the `` intricate interplay of social dynamics and political activity of which, at times, politicians are the ignorant marionettes is not a field for the exercise of his talents ''.
He was seldom an unmethodical critic, and his reviews generally followed a systematic pattern: a description of what the work contained, a treatment of the things that had especially interested him in it, and, wherever possible, a balancing of whatever artistic merits and faults he might have found.
I must have written to say how much I had enjoyed his fine book The Building Of Eternal Rome, and I found he had not regretted giving me the highest mark in his old course on the later Latin poets, although in my final examination I had ignored the questions and filled the bluebook with a comparison of Propertius and Coleridge.
In the central contest, that for Mayor, they may have found some pertinent points in what each faction has said about the other.
The relatively few communities that have educational stations have found them of considerable value.
At least, I have found it so.
`` We found some owls had built a nest in the chimney, milord, but I promise you you'll never have trouble of that sort again ''.
`` I'd give anything if I could have found a girl like you ''.
The doctor, with the air of a man whose professional interests have found scope, drew Alex's attention to those excellences which might otherwise have escaped him: the fine color in comb and wattles, the length and quality of neck and saddle hackles, the firm, wide spread of the toes, and a rare justness in the formation of the ear lappets.
More importantly, several of the more advanced of the less developed countries have found through experience that they must plan their own complex investment programs for at least 5 years forward and tentatively for considerably more than that if they are to be sure that the various interdependent activities involved are all to take place in the proper sequence.
Several germanium resistors have been thermally cycled from 300 to 4.2 Af and their resistances have been found to be reproducible within 1/3 millidegree when temperatures were derived from a vapor pressure thermometer whose tubing is jacketed through most of the liquid helium.
Surface temperature gradients have been found to exist in liquid helium baths contained in 15- and 25-liter metallic storage dewars.
Mr. Speaker, for several years now the commuter railroads serving our large metropolitan areas have found it increasingly difficult to render the kind of service our expanding population wants and is entitled to have.
Chewing it over with his colleagues and in his own mind, he reaches a tentative identification of the question -- tentative because it may change as he explores it further and because, if no tolerable answer can be found, it may have to be changed into one which can be answered.
Calcium, phosphorus and iron are present in worthwhile amounts, and eleven other minerals also have been found in varying trace amounts.

have and their
More of an agricultural nation, they have relied on their warriors only for defense and for survival in the endless wars of the plains.
Their product had been endorsed by Good Housekeeping, the A.M.A., and the Veterinary Journal, among other repositories of higher wisdom, and before much longer if you didn't have a cake of their soap in the john, even your best friends would think you didn't bathe.
Benson said, and Ramey wondered how close their thoughts might have been.
And both in their objectives of non-discrimination and of social progress they have had ranged against them the Southerners who are called Bourbons.
When I question them as to what they mean by concepts like liberty and democracy, I find that they fall into two categories: the simpler ones who have simply accepted the shibboleths of their faith without analysis ; ;
Among Bourbons the racial issue may have less to do with their remaining unreconstructed than other factors.
Or else the North really believes that all Southerners except a few quaint old characters have come around to realizing the errors of their past, and are now at heart sharers of the American Dream, like everybody else.
Regardless of rights and wrongs, a population and an area appropriate to a pre-World-War- 1 great power have been, following conquest, ruled against their will by a neighboring people, and have had imposed upon them social and economic controls they dislike.
Had the situation been reversed, had, for instance, England been the enemy in 1898 because of issues of concern chiefly to New England, there is little doubt that large numbers of Southerners would have happily put on their old Confederate uniforms to fight as allies of Britain.
and I have heard many say that they are content to earn a half or a third as much as they could up North because they so much prefer the quieter habits of their home town.
However, just as all the buildings have not fallen and flowed back to their original mud, so the values which wanted them and saw that they were built have not all disappeared.
In the meantime, while the South has been undergoing this phenomenal modernization that is so disappointing to the curious Yankee, Southern writers have certainly done little to reflect and promote their region's progress.
Most avant-garde creators, true to their interest in the self-sufficiency of pure movement, have tended to dress their dancers in simple lines and solid colors ( often black ) and to give them a bare cyclorama for a setting.
But, since they have rejected both narrative and emotional continuity, how are they to unify the impressive array of materials at their disposal??
Avant-garde choreographers, seeking new forms of continuity for their new vocabulary of movements, have turned to similar approaches.
The 140,414 Americans who gave `` the last full measure of devotion '' to prevent disunion, preserved individual freedom in the United States from the dangers of anarchy, inherent in confederations, which throughout history have proved fatal in the end to all associations composed primarily of sovereign states, and to the liberties of their people.
Its appeal from ballots to bullets at Fort Sumter ended by costing the Southerners their right to have slaves -- a right that was even less compatible with the sovereignty of man.
The lives so many of them gave, to forestall what they believed would be a fatal encroachment by the Union on the powers reserved to their states have continued ever since to safeguard all Americans against freedom's other foe.
We are forced, in our behavior towards others, to adopt empirically successful patterns in toto because we have such a minimal understanding of their essential elements.
The consciousness it mirrors may have come earlier to Europe than to America, but it is the consciousness that most `` mature '' societies arrive at when their successes in technological and economic systematization propel them into a time of examining the not-strictly-practical ends of culture.
The style of life chosen by the beat generation, the rhythm and ritual they have adopted as uniquely their own, is designed to enhance the value of the sexual experience.
I have no picture in my mind of the garden as a whole -- that I could not see -- but certain aspects of certain corners linger in the memory: wind-blown, frost-bitten, white chrysanthemums beneath a window, with their brittle brown leaves and their sharp scent of November ; ;

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