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Page "Geography of Bangladesh" ¶ 34
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many and people
Although it was dark as usual I could see that the hall had only recently contained a great many people.
After another long pause he asked, `` How many people know who they are ''??
Too many people think that the primary purpose of a higher education is to help you make a living ; ;
And no doubt many people in states like the Carolinas and Georgia, which were among the most Tory in sentiment in the eighteenth century, bitterly regretted the revolt against the Crown.
Isfahan became more of a legend than a place, and now it is for many people simply a name to which they attach their notions of old Persia and sometimes of the East.
On Fridays, the day when many Persians relax with poetry, talk, and a samovar, people do not, it is true, stream into Chehel Sotun -- a pavilion and garden built by Shah Abbas 2, in the seventeenth century -- but they do retire into hundreds of pavilions throughout the city and up the river valley, which are smaller, more humble copies of the former.
The fact that the Americans who upheld the sovereignty of their states did this in order to keep many of their people more securely in slavery -- the antithesis of individual liberty -- made the conflict grimmer, and the greater.
This combined experience, on a foundation of very average, I assure you, intelligence and background, has helped me do things many well-informed people would bet heavily against.
Studying The Merchant Of Venice in high school and college has given many young people their notions about Jews.
Mr. Freeman said that in many of the countries he visited on a recent world trade trip people were more awed by America's capacity to produce food surpluses than by our industrial production -- or even by the Soviet's successes in space.
Certainly, most continue to lack a certain warmth in communication with other people, but many adjust to school, even college, to jobs and even to marriage and parenthood.
Too many people were afraid if the GOP won, they'd have to spend all their time praying.
Then it added: `` It is not possible to determine how extensive these ill effects will be -- nor how many people will be affected ''.
The two in the bed knew each other as old people know the partners with whom they have shared the same bed for many years, and they needed to say no more.
I did so because I agree with so many here today, that he is the beloved Speaker of all the people of the United States.
The Federal Government is aiding local governments in several places to survey residential, commercial and industrial buildings to determine what fallout protection they would provide, and for how many people.
I am not easily persuaded that a rule accepted by so many people for so many centuries can be so lightly dismissed.
The idea of a Peace Corps has captured the imagination of a great many people.
I like to make a seedbed right in the open, though many people start them successfully in cold frames.
This is the point on which so many people have written off the aircraft in favor of the missile.
And this helps explain why so many people are now going camping.
The argument against this last approach is comparable to that which rejects stories about hoop snakes, about snakes that break themselves into many pieces and join up again, or even of ghosts that chase people out of graveyards ; ;
In there aren't many young people in the neighborhood the modifier young takes dominant stress away from its head people: the fact that the young creatures of interest are people seems rather obvious.

many and are
There are of course many Souths ; ;
Nobody knows how many Southerners there are in this category.
their fears now are of miscegenation and Negro political control in many counties.
and I have heard many say that they are content to earn a half or a third as much as they could up North because they so much prefer the quieter habits of their home town.
Now let us imagine a wing of B-52's, on alert near their `` positive control ( or fail-safe ) points '', the spots on the map, many miles from Soviet territory, beyond which they are forbidden to fly without specific orders to proceed to their targets.
They are huge areas which have been swept by winds for so many centuries that there is no soil left, but only deep bare ridges fifty or sixty yards apart with ravines between them thirty or forty feet deep and the only thing that moves is a scuttling layer of sand.
Here in an evening Persians enjoy many of the things which are important to them: poetry, water, the moon, a beautiful face.
There are many domains in which understanding has brought about widespread and quite appropriate reduction in ritual and fear.
Southern Liberals ( there are a good many ) -- especially if they're rich -- often exhibit blithe insouciance.
The same command is repeated as many times as there are levels in rank from general to corporal.
He and also Mr. Cowley and Mr. Warren have fallen to the temptation which besets many of us to read into our authors -- Nathaniel Hawthorne, for example, and Herman Melville -- protests against modernism, material progress, and science which are genuine protests of our own but may not have been theirs.
There is evidence to suggest, in fact, that many authors of the humorous sketches were prompted to write them -- or to make them as indelicate as they are -- by way of protesting against the artificial refinements which had come to dominate the polite letters of the South.
The men who speculate on these institutions have, for the most part, come to at least one common conclusion: that many of the great enterprises and associations around which our democracy is formed are in themselves autocratic in nature, and possessed of power which can be used to frustrate the citizen who is trying to assert his individuality in the modern world ''.
Some are fishing, some driving the team, and many are sitting indolently on the banks of the river.
Since the recognition of Israel as a nation state, claims are made in many cases which identify the claimant as a member of the new body politic.
We are all, though many of us are snobbish enough to wish to deny it, in far closer sympathy with the art of the music-hall and picture-palace than with Chaucer and Cimabue, or even Shakespeare and Titian.
This understanding, of course, may in its turn take many forms and some of these -- especially those most interesting to the student of comparative literature -- are essentially historical.
When these fields are surveyed together, important patterns of relationship emerge indicating a vast community of reciprocal influence, a continuity of thought and expression including many traditions, primarily literary, religious, and philosophical, but frequently including contact with the fine arts and even, to some extent, with science.
Still, we must remember that we cannot construct and justify generalizations of this sort unless we are ready to consider many special instances of influence moving between such areas as theology, philosophy, political thought, and literature.
those of 1788 were going to prove decisive, though many of their details are obscure.
Furthermore, many reluctant recruits are yielding to social demands, or compromising in the face of their own limitations of opportunity, or of ability and performance.

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