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Page "Permanent Court of International Justice" ¶ 4
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idea and international
The senior policy officer may be moved to think hard about a problem by any of an infinite variety of stimuli: an idea in his own head, the suggestions of a colleague, a question from the Secretary or the President, a proposal by another department, a communication from a foreign government or an American ambassador abroad, the filing of an item for the agenda of the United Nations or of any other of dozens of international bodies, a news item read at the breakfast table, a question to the President or the Secretary at a news conference, a speech by a Senator or Congressman, an article in a periodical, a resolution from a national organization, a request for assistance from some private American interests abroad, et cetera, ad infinitum.
In presenting it to other governments and to the United Nations, we could propose that every nation consider the formation of its own peace corps and that the United Nations sponsor the idea and form an international coordinating committee.
The idea for Big Brother is said to have come during a brainstorm session at the Dutch-based international television production firm Endemol, on March 10, 1997.
The idea of an international organization for food and agriculture emerged in the late 19th and early 20th century.
Based on an idea of Takahiro Fujimoto, who is a specialist in automobile industry and a philosopher of the international competitiveness, Fujimoto and Shiozawa developed a discussion in which how the factories of the same multi-national firms compete between them across borders.
Another German diplomat commented that Ribbentrop had the strange idea to " conduct international relations through aristocrats ".
Early on, Munk was a strong opponent of the German Occupation of Denmark ( 1940 – 1945 ), although he continually opposed the idea of democracy as such, preferring the idea of a " Nordic dictator " who should unite the Nordic countries and keep them neutral during periods of international crisis.
Another important weakness grew from the contradiction between the idea of collective security that formed the basis of the League and international relations between individual states.
This idea was opposed by Leon Trotsky and his followers who declared the need for an international " permanent revolution ".
Again, impressionism was a precursor: breaking with the idea of national schools, artists and writers adopted ideas of international movements.
Bloch vigorously supported the idea of international scholarly cooperation and tried unsuccessfully to set up an international journal with American support.
Created in 1922 ( although the idea of an international court was several centuries old ), the Court was initially met with a good reaction from states and academics alike, with many cases submitted to it for its first decade of operation.
The failure of this endeavour, however, was closely followed by the development of a new idea, the revival of the ancient Olympic Games, the creation of a festival of international athleticism.
But while others had created Olympic contests within their countries, and broached the idea of international competition, it was Coubertin whose work would lead to the establishment of the International Olympic Committee and the organisation of the first modern Olympic Games.
The idea for reviving the Olympic Games as an international competition came to Coubertin in 1889, apparently independently of Brookes, and he spent the following five years organising an international meeting of athletes and sports enthusiasts that might make it happen.
This idea gained him international fame and led to the establishment of the Glacial Theory.
The idea for a router ( called " gateways " at the time ) initially came about through an international group of computer networking researchers called the International Network Working Group ( INWG ).
The party opposes foreign aid, asking that no further funds be appropriated for any kind of foreign aid program, and encourage the idea that the United States terminate its participation in international lending institutions, such as the World Bank, International Monetary Fund, and the Export-Import Bank.
France's hegemony over continental Europe was ended and the idea of a balance of power became a part of the international order.
The U. S. government encouraged the idea of an international corporation working in tandem with the World Bank to invest in private enterprises without accepting guarantees from governments, without managing those enterprises, and by collaborating with third party investors.
When the French Government first investigated the idea of overhauling their system of measurement, Talleyrand, in the late 1780s, acting on Concordet's advice, invited Riggs, a British Parliamentarian and Thomas Jefferson, the American Secretary of State to George Washington, to work with the French in producing an international standard by promoting legislation in their respective legislative bodies.

idea and court
The development of the idea that the " State " dispenses justice in a court only emerges in parallel with or after the emergence of the concept of sovereignty.
While the court was prepared to accept Mary's fiancé as king, the majority of the nobility was opposed to the idea of a female monarch and regarded her closest agnate, King Charles III of Naples, as the legitimate heir.
In United States v. Cruikshank ( 1875 ), the court ruled that the " equal rights of citizens " were inherent to the idea of a republic.
While the idea was popular with Michigan residents, the effort failed: the judges held a midnight court before quickly retreating south of the Maumee River, where Ohio forces were positioned.
Straight-in shots are normally attempted with the idea of hitting toward the area of the court the opponent cannot cover.
Schlessinger testified in court that the idea of combining the anti-EGFR antibody that his lab had developed with chemotherapy in cancer treatment was his own idea.
The idea that he was a bard at the court of King Arthur dates back at least to the tale of Culhwch and Olwen, perhaps a product of the 11th century.
Although the British judges found the emphasis on written arguments unattractive, they did like the idea of pre-reading ; that the court should read the pleadings of counsel, the case being appealed and the judgment from the lower court before delivering their judgment.
The idea is that it is more efficient to force all parties to fully litigate all relevant issues of fact before the trial court.
From 1976 to 1985, General Mills went to court as the parent company of Parker Brothers, which held the rights on the brand name and gaming idea of the board game Monopoly, claiming that the so called Anti-Monopoly game of an economics professor infringed their trademark.
When Madeleine of France was married to James V of Scotland, Ronsard was attached as a page in the Scottish court, where he was encouraged in the idea of making French vernacular translations of classical authors.
He also advanced the bold idea of gathering together Maimonides ' defenders and opponents in Alexandria, in order to bring the controversy before a court of Babylonian rabbis, whose decision would be binding on both factions.
" I love fashion and the idea that I am using my design education to actually create clothing and footwear that I will wear on and off the tennis court is a dream come true for me.
According to Cyril Elgood ( PP. 41, 110 ) it was in India where the physician Hakim Abu ’ l-Fath Gilani ( d. 1588 ), at the court of the Mughal emperor Akbar I ( 1542-1605 AD ) invented the idea.
Sprengtporten was haunted by the fixed idea that the " jeunesse dorée " of the court was in league with his old enemies to traduce and supplant him, and not all the forbearance of the king could open his eyes.
Despite significant opposition, Hutchinson successfully navigated a bill implementing the idea through the assembly's general court in 1749 ; it received the agreement of the Governor's Council, and also the signature of Governor William Shirley.
In the English decision of Donoghue v. Allied Newspapers Limited ( 1938 ) Ch 106, the court illustrated the concept by stating that " the person who has clothed the idea in form, whether by means of a picture, a play or a book " owns the copyright.
In the 17th century, the idea of a spherical earth, now considerably advanced by Western Astronomy, ultimately spread to Ming China, when Jesuit missionaries, who held high positions as astronomers at the imperial court, successfully challenged the Chinese belief that the earth was flat and square.
A New Court of Queen's Bench, an 1849 caricature by George Cruikshank, mocking the idea of women taking over the all-male world of court.
Cyrus has been known for sparing the lives of the kings whom he had defeated, an idea that is based on his treatment of King Croesus of Lydia, who was allowed to live after his defeat at King Cyrus's court as an advisor.
He was also said to be full of respect for Confucian scholars, and supported the idea of allowing masters of the Five Classics to serve in the imperial court of Cao Pi, the first emperor of the state of Cao Wei.

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