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Because and trees
Because AVL trees are more rigidly balanced, they are faster than red-black trees for lookup intensive applications.
Because Malpighi was concerned with teratology ( the scientific study of the visible conditions caused by the interruption or alteration of normal development ) he expressed grave misgivings about the view of his contemporaries that the galls of trees and herbs gave birth to insects.
Because many areas have plentiful rainfall and mild summers, the Pacific Northwest has some of North America's most lush and extensive forests, which are extensively populated with coast Douglas-fir trees, the second tallest growing evergreen conifer on earth.
Because of the abundance of trees, the city grew quickly and was incorporated in 1889.
Because of its sheltered location and proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, some Palm trees can survive with minimal winter protection.
Because trees and plants remove carbon dioxide and emit oxygen into the atmosphere, the reduction of forests contribute to about 12 % of anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions.
Because of the ban on the use of chemicals on street and park trees in the Netherlands, the University of Amsterdam developed a biological vaccine by the late 1980s.
Because of their familiarity with the genus Juglans, these early explorers referred to the nuts as nogales and nueces, the Spanish terms for " walnut trees " and " fruit of the walnut.
Because trees lose moisture through their leaves, the shedding of leaves allows trees such as teak and mountain ebony to conserve water during dry periods.
Because of cold temperatures, dry soils, high winds, and short growing seasons, the trees grow very slowly.
Because of this, many programs which use search trees extensively can only play on the smaller 9 × 9 board, rather than full 19 × 19 ones.
Because random binary search trees are known to have logarithmic height with high probability, the same is true for treaps.
Because trees remove carbon dioxide from the air as they grow, tree planting can be used as a geoengineering technique to remove
Because of its unique structure, a binomial tree of order k can be constructed from two trees of order k − 1 trivially by attaching one of them as the leftmost child of root of the other one.
Because no operation requires random access to the root nodes of the binomial trees, the roots of the binomial trees can be stored in a linked list, ordered by increasing order of the tree.
Because there was then a fashion for ruins covered in ivy, the vegetation was not removed despite its detrimental effect on the masonry, and the trees which had taken root in the courtyard were left.
Because of mineral content, ground temperature, and a general lack of soil, areas surrounding the bases of mountains are not suitable for sufficient tree growth, and most trees and shrubs do not reach full size.
Because of their greater number of species in these trees, some additional inferences can be made:
Because the park has been subjected to such dramatic changes, several landmark trees have been affected.
Because of the wood's beauty and high value, the trees yielding this wood have been heavily exploited: they are rare outside of national parks, reserves and plantations.
Because of the many gardens in the city centre and the high leafy trees alongside the sidewalks of its streets and boulevards, Kutaisi is painted in bright green in the spring and in yellow-red in the autumn.

Because and usually
Because in early Anglo-Latin writing, paterfamilias (" head of a family, householder ") usually referred to a ceorl, Donald A. Bullough suggests that Alcuin's family was of cierlisc status: i. e., free but subordinate to a noble lord, and that Alcuin and other members of his family rose to prominence through beneficial connections with the aristocracy.
Because letters usually stand for consonants, it is classified as an abjad.
Because of this, is usually a more effective choice under these operating systems ; sensitivity for these two combinations can be enhanced by the CONFIG. SYS statement.
Because a server usually does not know how a document is encoded — especially if documents are created on different platforms or in different regions — many servers simply do not include a reference to the "" in the header, thus avoiding making false promises.
Because of statistical probability and restrictions on the relative diameters of the individual tubes, one of the shells, and thus the whole MWNT, is usually a zero-gap metal.
Because of its large size, Cs < sup >+</ sup > usually adopts coordination numbers greater than six-coordination, which is typical for the lighter alkali metal cations.
Because of the complex shape of this space, it is usually measured directly rather than calculated.
Because this cocoa mass usually is liquefied then molded with or without other ingredients, it is called chocolate liquor.
Because the number of " words " that can be formed is vastly larger than in standard English, the board usually ends up tightly packed in places, and necessarily quite empty in others.
Because these paired books had to fit a fixed total page length, one or both were usually abridged to fit, and Wollheim often made other editorial alterations — as witness the differences between Poul Anderson's Ace novel War of the Wing-Men and its definitive revised edition, The Man Who Counts.
Because forest canopies are usually higher than this, rain drops can often regain terminal velocity even after striking the canopy.
* Because the device is never shut off completely there is no " turn on " time, little problem with charge storage, and generally better high frequency performance and feedback loop stability ( and usually fewer high-order harmonics ).
Because the output pulses have a fixed amplitude, the switching elements ( usually MOSFETs, but valves ( vacuum tubes ) and bipolar transistors were once used ) are switched either completely on or completely off, rather than operated in linear mode.
Because of these and other side-effects, it is usually reserved for patients having exhausted other treatment options.
Because of the incompleteness of the fossil record, there is usually no way to know exactly how close a transitional fossil is to the point of divergence.
Because of the softness of pure ( 24k ) gold, it is usually alloyed with base metals for use in jewelry, altering its hardness and ductility, melting point, color and other properties.
Because of their size, eyesight and powerful kicks, adult giraffes are usually not subject to predation.
Because thyroid tissue usually contains a substantial reserve of thyroid hormone, thyrostatics can take weeks to become effective, and the dose often needs to be carefully titrated over a period of months, with regular doctor visits and blood tests to monitor results.
Because it is usually more convenient to work with unrestricted integrals than restricted ones, we have chosen our normalizing constant to reflect this.
Because of its high reactivity, lithium never occurs freely in nature, and instead, only appears in compounds, which are usually ionic.
Because of its reactivity with water, lithium is usually stored under cover of a viscous hydrocarbon, often petroleum jelly.
Because of this, these devices are usually operated between crossed polarizers such that they appear bright with no voltage ( the eye is much more sensitive to variations in the dark state than the bright state ).
Because a compound word is composed of established lexeme they are usually easier to acquire than loan words or neologisms.
Because of this, a conjure hand is also considered a hoodoo bag ; usually made by a respected community conjure doctor.
Because a mole of molecules may contain a variety of molecular masses due to natural isotopes, the average mass is usually not identical to the mass of any single molecule.

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