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Page "Sense and reference" ¶ 27
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Some Related Sentences

So and one
So the Commission's announcements of the new Soviet shots have been confined to one or two bleak sentences, with the fission yield usually left vague.
So far as I can see, there is only one way out for the positivist.
So far these remarks, like most criticisms of Hardy, have tacitly assumed that his poetry is all of a piece, one solid mass of verse expressing a sensibility at a single stage of development.
So we may conceive the coexistence of the infinite number of universal, apparently momentary states of matter, successive one after another in consciousness, but permanent each on its own basic phase of the progressive frequencies.
So in closing, fellow retired members, I advise you to make the most of each day, enjoy each one to the n'th degree.
So, after the sitting has been held, several readings at one time are mailed, and the distant sitter ( whose name or whose communicator's name was given to the medium ) must mark each little item as Correct ( Hit ), Incorrect ( Miss ), Doubtful, or Especially Significant ( applying to him and, he feels, not to anyone else ).
So many Cubans were reported being swept into the Castro dragnet that the massive Sports Palace auditorium and at least one hotel were converted into makeshift jails.
So the Kirov will fly back to Russia, minus a Chicago engagement, a serious loss for dance fans -- and for the frustrated bookers, cancellation of one of the richest bookings in the country.
So in these pages one can share his wonder at the traditional fiesta of St. Torpetius that still persists in St. Tropez ; ;
So one week later, I surrendered to him in the little motel on Route 10.
So one has to introduce the charge conjugate antiparticle field, with its own creation and annihilation operators satisfying the relations
So many Englishmen and Gascons came to that part, that perforce they opened the king's battle, so that the Frenchmen were so mingled among their enemies that sometime there was five men upon one gentleman.
" So, to be born again means to be saved because in order to be saved one has to confess Jesus is Lord with one's mouth and believe it in one's heart.
So, Bogotá became one of the principal administrative centers of the Spanish possessions in the New World, along with Lima and Mexico City, though it remained somewhat backward compared to those two cities in several economic and logistical ways.
So in the second case cited above, it is likely that two different versions are being conflated: one version with an embassy of three people, another with just two people.
So by reducing the number of tracks used and thus capacity, it was possible to further reduce cost-in contrast to Double Density drives used e. g. in IBM PC computers of the day which saved 180 kB on one side ( by using a 40 tracks format ).
In those passages he reemphasized the concept by adding a divine postscript to the Genesis passage these words: " So, they are no longer two, but one " ( NIV ).
So to classify these groups one takes every central extension of every known finite simple group, and finds all simple groups with a centralizer of involution with this as a component.
So, due to the above mentioned, especially in the consecutive sequences of events, the Hierarchs of Alexandria were considered holding too much of power from one hand, and on the other hand, due to the conflict of the Schools of Theology, there would be an impasse and a scapegoat, i. e. Pope Dioscorus.
So " 0 " will have exactly one successor, which for convenience we can call " 1 ".
(…) So one of my motivations was to put straight a story that had been very badly told .”
So that no one would be unaware of them, they were posted on wooden tablets (-axones ), where they were preserved for almost two centuries, on steles of the shape of three-sided pyramids (-kyrbeis ).
As one article put it: " So why do we agree to a system in which we're dependent on a foreign country's whim before we can prosecute a criminal inside our own borders?
So I'm not surprised, but I was flattered and honored to be considered one of his friends and a cohort in Monkee business.
: So, after all, there was not one kind of Strife alone, but all over the earth there are two.

So and universe
So the sky is about fifty billion times darker than it would be if the universe were neither expanding nor too young to have reached equilibrium yet.
So therefore all living things on Earth are unlimited, and the Earth on which they live and the universe around it, is limited.
So, at every moment of time there exists not only a wave function, but also a well-defined configuration of the whole universe.
So the Void ( as Tolkien refers to the universe outside Arda ) becomes filled with the making of Music.
So why does a solipsist universe need a language?
So for solipsism if we assume there's only one human in the universe, no languages are private unless no theoretical second person can comprehend it.
So the three main races of the Fraggle Rock universe — Fraggles, Doozers and Gorgs — are all dependent on the radishes for different reasons.
Sir Nose ’ s machinations are undone three tracks later by the " Big Bang Theory ", which reveals that the Funk caused the creation of the universe, though the only legible clue is the ethereal backing vocal line, " So we the clones were designed.
So in IE religions there is an introducer god ( as Vedic Vâyu and Roman Janus ) and a god of ending, a nurturer goddess and a genie of fire ( as Vedic Saraswati and Agni, Avestic Armaiti, Anâitâ and Roman Vesta ) who show a sort of mutual solidarity: the concept of ' god of ending ' is defined in connexion to the human referential, i. e. the current situation of man in the universe, and not to endings as transitions, which are under the jurisdiction of the gods of beginning, owing to the ambivalent nature of the concept.
So, while stories involving hyperspace might be the most common use of the parallel universe concept in fiction, it is not the most common source of fiction about parallel universes.
So the observable universe ( the so-called particle horizon of the universe ) is the result of processes that follow some general physical laws, including quantum mechanics and general relativity.
So far, Char is the only character in the Gundam universe ( U. C.
So, therefore, this Star Fox game, and it's cancelled ( yet almost fully completed ) sequel Star Fox 2, can be considered to be taking place in an alternate universe ( or timeline ) to the current Star Fox games.
So, if Stewie had never traveled back in time, the universe would not exist.
So, escaping a battle by " jumping to lightspeed " from an arbitrary location is not possible in this universe.
: So what we were doing with that face painting was representing everyone throughout the universe, and that was expressed in the music as well.
So the Kodiak universe is, in fact, the same universe as Mim Bracca's.
So, the fact that the time-reversed version of the fluctuation theorem does not ordinarily give accurate predictions in the real world is reason to think that the nonequilibrium state of the universe at the present moment is not simply a result of a random fluctuation, and that there must be some other explanation such as the Big Bang starting the universe off in a low-entropy state ( see below ).
In December 2010, Lex shared " So many things will happen next year ... New Troll album, Razor Runner album ++, and if the universe doesn't stab us in the back ; there shall be a new The Kovenant album.
So a rough estimate of the age of the universe comes from the Hubble time, the inverse of the Hubble parameter, or.

0.698 seconds.