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Other and Muslim
Other Muslim sects, like the Xidaotang and Sufi brotherhoods like Jahriyya and Khuffiya were also supported by his regime.
Other early versions of mechanical devices used to perform one or another type of calculations include the planisphere and other mechanical computing devices invented by Abū Rayhān al-Bīrūnī ( c. AD 1000 ); the equatorium and universal latitude-independent astrolabe by Abū Ishāq Ibrāhīm al-Zarqālī ( c. AD 1015 ); the astronomical analog computers of other medieval Muslim astronomers and engineers ; and the astronomical clock tower of Su Song ( c. AD 1090 ) during the Song Dynasty.
Other medical innovations first introduced by Muslim physicians include the discovery of the immune system, the use of animal testing, and the combination of medicine with other sciences ( including agriculture, botany, chemistry, and pharmacology ), the first drugstores in Baghdad ( 754 ), the distinction between medicine and pharmacy by the 12th century, and the discovery of at least 2, 000 medicinal and chemical substances.
Other Muslim leaders, opposed both to Jinnah and to the partition of India, lost strength.
Other Muslim sects, like the Xidaotang and Sufi brotherhoods like Jahriyya and Khuffiya were also supported by Kuomintang.
Other faiths exist in Panama by the country's tolerance and freedom of religion, there are large Protestant, Jewish, Baha, Muslim and Hindu religious groups in Panama.
Other rationales assume such rights were every person's birthright ( Muslim or non-Muslim ), and the imposition of jizya on non-Muslims similar to the imposition of zakat ( one of the Five Pillars of Islam, an obligatory wealth tax paid on certain assets which are not used productively for a period of a year ) on Muslims.
Other Visigoths, refusing to adopt the Muslim faith or live under their rule, fled north to the kingdom of the Franks, and Visigoths played key roles in the empire of Charlemagne a few generations later.
* Other significant contributions to scientific and mathematical understanding were made by Avicenna, who would later publish influential works on medicine, Persian Muslim polymath and scientist Abu Rayhan al-Biruni, Arab Egyptian Muslim mathematician and astronomer Ibn Yunus, Persian Muslim physicist and mathematician Abu Sahl al-Quhi ( Kuhi ) and Persian Muslim astronomer and mathematician, Abu-Mahmud al-Khujandi.
Other scholars, however, both Western and Muslim, argue that the text of the agreement -- whether a single document originally or several -- is possibly one of the oldest Islamic texts we possess.
Other small ethnic groups that make up the 12 % of the white population are descendants of Swiss, Italian, Syrian, Turks, Jews ( Mostly Sephardic ), and the Palestinian ( who migrated in order to escape Christian persecution from the Muslim community of the West Bank ).
Other Muslim scholars have used the Torah ( called Tawrat in Arabic ) to expand on the details of the temple.
After Muhammad's return, he called all who would believe him to join with him and be Muslim. Other Islmaic scholars believe that the Prophet ascended to the Heaven from Al-Aqsa Mosque.
Other Arabic, Persian and Muslim sources place Zoroaster around the same date ( 600 BC ).
Other modern Muslim thinkers distance themselves from democracy.
" Other commentators said the ICRC did not recognize the medical and humanitarian use of this Jewish symbol, a Red Shield, alongside the Christian cross and the Muslim crescent.
Other minority ethnic groups were also deported into internal exile in labor camps, including North Caucasian Muslim ethnic groups, Kalmyks and Crimean Tatars.
Other factors in the waning of his political strength were his decision to reverse himself and support a controversial oil drilling project near the Pacific Palisades and his reluctance to condemn Louis Farrakhan, the Black Muslim minister who made speeches in Los Angeles and elsewhere that many considered anti-Semitic.
Other faiths are active in Chubut, principally amongst the Welsh chapels as well as Lutheran and Muslim places of worship in Comodoro.
There are approximately 113 student run clubs, including: Sports Shooting, Society of Asian Scientists and Engineers ( SASE ), Merced Pre-Law Society, Business Society, National Society of Black Engineers ( NSBE ), American Women Making A Difference, Black Student Union ( BSU ), Society of Women Engineers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Math Society, Amnesty International, American Medical Student Association, Chinese Student Association, Circle K International, Hermanas Unidas de UCM, Korean American Coalition, Hmong Student Association ( HSA ), Nikkei Student Union ( NSU ), Dance Coalition, Distinguished Ladies, Student Transfer Outreach and Mentor Program, Democrats at UC Merced, Bobcat Band, HHM ( Hip Hop Movement ), Society of Freethinkers, Intervarsity Christian Fellowship, Martial Arts Club, Muslim Student Association, NORML, Persian Student Association of UC Merced ( PSAUCM ), Pilipino American Alliance ( PAA ), Republicans at UC Merced, South Asian Student Association, Taekwondo ( TKD ), The Other Child, Rotaract, rock climbing, and bakery clubs.
Other parties winning seats were the Buddhist, Sinhala nationalist outfit Jathika Hela Urumaya ( JHU ), the pro-LTTE alliance Tamil National Alliance ( TNA ), the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress ( SLMC ) and the Eelam People's Democratic Party ( EPDP ).

Other and feminists
Other feminists have criticized these radical feminist views as being anti-men, though some radical feminists reject this portrayal of their views.
Other radical feminists have criticized Marxists ; during the 1960s in the U. S., many women became feminists because they perceived women as being excluded from, and discriminated against by, leftist political groups.
Other critics of radical feminism from the political left, including socialist feminists, strongly disagree with the radical feminist position that the oppression of women is fundamental to all other forms of oppression ; these critics hold that issues of race and of class are as important or more important than issues about gender.
He argues that the zombies ' victims symbolized the repression of " the Other " in bourgeoisie American society, namely civil rights activists, feminists, homosexuals, and counterculturalists in general.
Other feminists of her time, including Susan B. Anthony, disagreed with her tactics in pushing for women's equality.
Other feminists such as Betty Dodson went on to found the pro-sex feminist movement in response to anti-pornography campaigns.
Some of his work from the early 1980s includes ( anthologized in The Abolition of Work and Other Essays ) highlights his critiques of the nuclear freeze movement (" Anti-Nuclear Terror "), the editors of Processed World (" Circle A Deceit: A Review of Processed World "), radical feminists (" Feminism as Fascism "), and right wing libertarians (" The Libertarian As Conservative ").
Other feminists, particularly those identified with sex-positive feminism, take a different view of sexual objectification and see it as a problem when it is not counterbalanced by women's sense of their own sexual subjectivity.
Other feminists contest feminist claims about the objectification of women.
Other sex-positive feminists became involved not in opposition to other feminists but in direct response to what they saw as patriarchal control of sexuality.
Other issues important to liberal feminists include but are not limited to reproductive rights and abortion access, sexual harassment, voting, education, fair compensation for work, affordable childcare, affordable health care, and bringing to light the frequency of sexual and domestic violence against women.
Other feminists of the period referred to " voluntary motherhood ," achieved through consensual nonprocreative sexual practices, periodic or permanent sexual abstinence, or ( most importantly ) the right of a woman ( especially a wife ) to refuse sex.
Other less academic sex-positive feminists became involved not in opposition to other feminists but in direct response to what they saw as patriarchal control of sexuality.
Other feminists identify women's sexual liberation as the real motive behind the women's movement.
Other sex-positive feminists hold a range of views on prostitution, with widely varying views on prostitution as it relates to class, race, human trafficking, and many other issues.
189 ( 1990 ), it is said: " Other feminists are opposed to or ambivalent about strengthening statutory rape statutes because such protection also precludes a young woman from entering a consensual sexual relationship, to which she may be competent to consent.
Other feminists have argued that Freudian " hysteria " is jouissance distorted by patriarchal culture and claim that through jouissance is a transcendent state that represents freedom from oppressive linearities.
Other socialist feminists, notably two long-lived American organizations Radical Women and the Freedom Socialist Party, point to the classic Marxist writings of Frederick Engels ( The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State ) and August Bebel ( Woman and Socialism ) as a powerful explanation of the link between gender oppression and class exploitation.
Other topics he often speaks about include voluntary castration of pedophiles, violence toward children, incest, and he often criticizes feminists.
Other feminists have disagreed with the main idea of this work because it shows a universal female experience, which many argue does not exist.

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