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Page "House of Medici" ¶ 19
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from and left
While several yards from it, still concealed by the shrubbery, she'd seen two men on her left at the pool's edge.
Piepsam tries to stop him by force, receives a push in the chest from `` Life '', and is left standing in impotent and growing rage, while a crowd begins to gather.
`` Mr. Hearst '', Lane replied as he left, `` if you ever get a telegram from me asking you to do anything, you can put the telegram down as a forgery ''.
Across the way from the apartment building is a ruined house, shot to hell that day in 1849, and left that way as a memorial.
It is the only method left for a man to escape from a woman's world.
The figure leapt from the box, almost lost its balance, the flag draped there tore in the air, the figure landed on its left leg, fell on its hands, and pressed itself up.
I raised some kale by hocking the good clothes I had left over from my respectable uptown life, but when that was gone I didn't have a cent.
She was told by the manservant who opened the door that his lordship was engaged on work from which he had left strict orders he was not to be disturbed.
The doctor's wits had not left him, however, for all his sixty-eight years, and the wails were almost immediately lost in the sound of water rushing out from the showerhead.
The two men sat for some time, savoring the pleasure of escape from peril and the relief such escape brings, before they got up and left the hotel, the doctor to go to the conference house and Alex to go to the main post office.
The number on the right of the symbol is always subtracted from the number on the left of the symbol.
When more than two figures are separated by subtraction symbols the subtraction must be carried out from the left to right if the result is to be correct.
Directly across from the Gardens I found a bus stop sign for T 4 and rode it down to the Bosphorus, with the sports center on my left just before I reached the water and the entrance to Dolmabahce Palace immediately after that.
At the beginning of the Hippodrome I saw the Kaiser's Fountain, an ugly octagonal building with a glass dome, built in 1895 by the German Emperor, and on my left, directly across from it, the tomb of Sultan Ahmet, who constructed the Blue Mosque, more properly known by his name.
( opposite page, top left ): Remove wooden design head from bowl of butter mold.
This is made up of scraps left over from the sides and bottom.
Union soldiers at times used it for sleeping quarters to escape from the rain or other inclement weather, and some of them left momentoes of their stay by carving their names and small tokens on its walls and beams.
Unless you want to make your wife a pool widow and to spend a great many of your leisure hours nursing your pool's pristine purity, its care and feeding -- from pH content to filtering and vacuuming -- is best left to a weekly or bi-monthly professional service.
If we manage to keep track of a Bombus queen after she has left her feeding place, we may discover the snug little hideout which she has fixed up for herself when she woke up from her winter sleep.
Microscopically, sections from the posterior base of the left ventricle of the heart showed several large areas of replacement of muscle by fibrous tissue.
If the vertex is at Af, and if the interior of C is on the left as one moves in the direction of increasing t, then every such corner can be found from the curve obtained by rotating C clockwise through 90-degrees about the vertex.
Starting in great force late in December, from a line stretching from East Prussia to Budapest, the Red armies had swept two hundred miles across Poland to the Oder, thirty miles from Berlin, and the Upper Danube region was being rapidly overrun, while the Western Allies had not yet occupied all of the left bank of the Rhine.
In painting a fresco, the handling of wet mortar compels one always to move from top to bottom and from left to right, not to spoil yesterday's work with today's plastering.

from and right
Back in the house a hoodlum named Red Buck, sore because Billy had been allowed to leave unscathed, jumped from a bunk and swore he was going after him to kill him right then.
In point of fact, this is a beige box with a bright red door, about one and a half feet square and hung from the wall about six feet from the door to Wisman's right.
To their leaders the Constitution was a compact made by the people of sovereign states, who therefore retained the right to secede from it.
This right of the State, its upholders contended, was essential to maintain the federal balance and protect the liberty of the people from the danger of centralizing power in the Union government.
But though the Southern States, when drafting a constitution to unite themselves, narrowed the difference to this fine point by omitting to assert the right to secede, the fact remained that by seceding from the Union they had already acted on the concept that it was composed primarily of sovereign states.
Its appeal from ballots to bullets at Fort Sumter ended by costing the Southerners their right to have slaves -- a right that was even less compatible with the sovereignty of man.
The British general moved his forces north from Philadelphia to Chestnut Hill, near the right wing of the patriot encampment.
Less respect for the legal conventions was displayed by Castro's right hand man, Che Guevara, who edified the Inter-American Economic and Social council meeting in Montevideo by reading two secret American documents purloined from the United States embassy at Caracas, Venezuela.
The facts, he adds, are hidden from public view by squeamish objections to calling bad conditions by their right name and by insistence on token integration rather than on real improvement of the schools, regardless of the color of their students.
According to the official interpretation of the Charter, a member cannot be penalized by not having the right to vote in the General Assembly for nonpayment of financial obligations to the `` special '' United Nations' budgets, and of course cannot be expelled from the Organization ( which you suggested in your editorial ), due to the fact that there is no provision in the Charter for expulsion.
Since the Connally amendment has the effect of giving the same right to the other party to a dispute with the United States, it also prevents us from using the court effectively.
What was missing in the Governor's argument, as in so many similar arguments, was a premise which would enable one to make the ethical leap from what might be militarily desirable to what is right.
Bobby Joe and two or three of the other boys declared they had never been possum-hunting, and Uncle Bill Farnworth ( from Mama Albright's side of the family ) said he would just get up from there and take them, right then.
And they couldn't have entrusted Henri to better hands because `` le professeur '' knows his muscles from the sterno-cleido mastoideus of the neck right down to the tibialis anticus of the leg and better still, he knows just what exercises work best for them and what Weider principles to combine them with for fast, fast muscle growth.
The home listener is overpowered, all right, but the experience is a far from pleasant one.
When changing from one color to another, whether working on right or wrong side, pick up the new strand from underneath dropped strand.
Out of long experience I have found that incidental figures and other objects like trees, logs, and bushes can be traced from the original sketch and moved about in the major areas on the final sheet until they occupy the right position, which I call clicking.
Spectra were obtained from a powdered sample having the shape of a right circular cylinder with a height-to-diameter ratio of 4::
But the form in which the claim must be stated need not be different from what the State exacts in the enforcement of like obligations created by it, so long as a requirement does not add to, or diminish, the right as defined by Federal law, nor burden the realization of this right in the actualities of litigation ''.

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