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Page "William Calley" ¶ 3
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number and men
By counting the number of stalls and urinals I attempted to form a loose estimate of how many men the hall would hold at one time.
The number of people acting as one body by this scheme gives a surprisingly large army of 55,987 men.
In early June ten million young men registered by name and number.
These expenditures are estimated to be $12.1 billion, an increase of $187 million over 1960, reflecting additional longevity pay of career personnel, more dependents, an increased number of men drawing proficiency pay, and social security tax increases ( effective for the full year in 1961 compared with only 6 months in 1960 ).
And, besides, there are a large number of scholars, artists, composers of music, novelists, poets, essayists, choreographers, lawyers, servants of government, and men of affairs -- hundreds, indeed -- who serve the Foundation well with the advice they give us freely and gratis out of their experience.
Actually, there are a number of individual-contributor positions in both operating departments and in the company-wide `` services '' operation that are filled by men with successful managerial experience who are currently broadening their capabilities.
One good way to cut your labor waste is to make sure you are using just the right number of men in each crew.
We found that wherever you can use two teams on a job, five men, not four, is the magic number ''.
There sit men who make moving averages of weekly volume, monthly averages of price-earnings ratios, ratios of the number of advances to the number of declines, ratios of an individual stock's performance to overall market performance, ratios of rising price volume to falling price volume, odd-lot indices, and what not.
And along Chicago's West Jackson Boulevard, La Salle Street, and around the Merchandise Mart Plaza there sit men who chart crop reports, who divide the number of reported lady-bugs by the number of reported green-bugs, and the number of hogs by the amount of corn.
The sheriff and District Attorney Mills hastily swore out a number of warrants against men who had been riding about armed, according to signed statements by Chavez and Dr. I. P. George, and ordered Deputy Barney Clark of Raton to rescue the posseman.
Furthermore, Dr. Calderone says, a certain number of docile, retiring men always have been around.
These 1750 cases were carted off in a one-night operation by the O'Banion men, who left in their stead the same number of barrels filled with water.
The spokesman said the number to be furloughed cannot be estimated since the lay-offs must be carried out in each area depending on what men are most needed on the job.
`` The ship is huge '', said Macneff, `` but the number of military men and specialists we are taking limits the linguists to one.
He managed to defeat a government force consisting of 4, 000 men near Dashtab, and continued to win a number of victories before stopping at Bam for a time.
The landowners attached to Wallingford, for example, were responsible for producing and feeding 2, 400 men, the number sufficient for maintaining of wall.
Computers reduced the number of men needed and enabled decentralisation of technical fire control to autonomous sub-battery fire units such as platoons, troops or sections, although some armies had sometimes done this with their manual methods.
Shortly after establishing the settlement at Port Jackson, on 15 February 1788, Phillip sent Lieutenant Philip Gidley King with 8 free men and a number of convicts to establish the second British colony in the Pacific at Norfolk Island.
In the pontificate of Pius II, their number, which had been fixed at twenty-four, had overgrown to such an extent as to diminish considerably the individual remuneration, and, as a consequence, able and competent men no longer sought the office, and hence the old style of writing and expediting the Bulls was no longer used, to the great injury of justice, the interested parties, and the dignity of the Holy See.
A number of harmful and undesired ( adverse ) effects have been observed, including lowered life expectancy, extrapyramidal effects on motor control – including akathisia ( an inability to sit still ), trembling, and muscle weakness – weight gain, decrease in brain volume ( although this is being debated, since schizophrenia, which is often treated with antipsychotics, also causes a shrinkage of brain volume ), enlarged breasts ( gynecomastia ) in men and milk discharge in men and women ( galactorrhea due to hyperprolactinaemia ), lowered white blood cell count ( agranulocytosis ), involuntary repetitive body movements ( tardive dyskinesia ), diabetes, sexual dysfunction, a return of psychosis requiring increasing the dosage due to cells producing more neurochemicals to compensate for the drugs ( tardive psychosis ), and a potential for permanent chemical dependence leading to psychosis worse than before treatment began, if the drug dosage is ever lowered or stopped ( tardive dysphrenia ).

number and assigned
During nighttime hours, because of the intense skywave propagation then prevailing, no large number of stations can be permitted to operate on one of these channels, if the wide area service for which these frequencies are assigned is to be rendered satisfactorily by the dominant stations which must be relied upon to render it.
The importance of this 5 can largely be explained by the natural mathematical properties of the middle number and its special relationship to all the rest of the numbers -- quite apart from any numerological considerations, which is to say, any symbolic meaning arbitrarily assigned to it.
However, prior to 1915, the word Zahl ( simply number ) was used for an element's assigned number in the periodic table.
In one example of this concern, most payphones in the United States are assigned a telephone number and can ring if the number is called.
A zone was a subdivision of the network that made sense to humans ( for example, " Accounting Department "); but while a network number had to be assigned to a topologically-contiguous section of the network, a zone could include several different discontiguous portions of the network.
In view of these considerations it becomes difficult to credit the number of the vessels that is assigned to them by Herodotus ( 30 as against 180 Athenian vessels, cf.
Since then, Clinton has been assigned a number of other diplomatic missions.
A large number of Old Testament passages were regarded as messianic by the Jews, many more than are commonly considered messianic by Christians, and various groups of Jews assigned varying degrees of significance to them.
There are also, however, a large number of idiosyncratic theories that cannot cleanly be assigned to any of these camps.
Icosahedral virus capsids are typically assigned a triangulation number ( T-number ) to describe the relation between the number of pentagons and hexagons i. e. their quasi-symmetry in the capsid shell.
( Serial number 1 was assigned to enlisted man Arthur B. Crane of Chicago in the course of his fifth enlistment period.
" Each of the 103 revelations was assigned a " section number "; however, section 66 was used twice.
* Granularity: When a continuously variable analog value is represented in digital form there is always a decision as to the number of symbols to be assigned to that value.
The board starts off with a portion of the map left blank: when players expand into the blank region, terrain hexes are drawn at random from a supply and placed in the empty space, and, if a land hex is " discovered ", a number token may be assigned.
Only the main island initially has number tokens: number tokens are assigned to the outlying islands as they are expanded.
However, in very simple projects, each activity may be assigned a weighted “ point value " which might not be a budget number.
To be assigned an Erdős number, an author must co-write a research paper with an author with a finite Erdős number.
* Open enrollment is the process of allowing parents to choose which public school their child attends instead of being assigned one ( provided the school has not reached its maximum capacity number for students ).
Since 1998, it also has a tax number assigned by the state of New Jersey.
As a part of military nomenclature, a letter is often assigned to various types of aircraft to indicate their use, along with a number to indicate the specific aircraft.

0.160 seconds.