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According and Oregonian
According to a November 2008 article in The Oregonian, a " huge data center linked to Amazon. com is under construction " at the Port of Morrow along the Columbia River near Boardman.
According to an article in the Oregonian in 1959, he named his home Troutdale because it had a " small dale near his house where it had a fish pond which he stocked with trout.
According to The Oregonian, " Hawke does a good job as young Jack, being both physically robust but still boyishly naive.
According to The Oregonian in its June 22, 1997 edition, Coast To Coast AM with Art Bell was on 460 stations.
According to one source, " When his father refused to give him a summer job at his newspaper Oregon Journal, believing that his son should find work on his own, Buck went to the rival Oregonian, where he worked the night shift tabulating sports scores and every morning ran home the full seven miles.

According and is
According to Katherine Litz, `` the becoming, the process of realization, is the dance ''.
According to the official interpretation of the Charter, a member cannot be penalized by not having the right to vote in the General Assembly for nonpayment of financial obligations to the `` special '' United Nations' budgets, and of course cannot be expelled from the Organization ( which you suggested in your editorial ), due to the fact that there is no provision in the Charter for expulsion.
According to Friends, the unit was organized by John Snook, a former World War 2, commando who is vice president and general manager of the telephone company.
According to Philippoff, the recoverable shear S is given by Af where **yc is the angle of extinction.
According to Whipple ( 1955 ), cometary debris is sufficient to replenish the material spiraling into the sun, maintaining a fairly steady state.
According to the theory proposed, this is a consequence of the severe condition of perceived threat that persists unabated for the anxious child in an ambiguous sort of school environment.
According to the theory underlying odd-lot indices, the trader who trades odd lots is most likely a small trader, one who can't afford to trade round lots.
According to Dr. Ellis, the average 20-year-old American woman is capable of far greater sexual arousal than her partner.
According to a newspaper report of the 1961 statistics of the Church of England, the `` total of confirmed members is 9,748,000, but only 2,887,671 are registered on the parochial church rolls '', and `` over 27 million people in England are baptized into the Church of England, but roughly only a tenth of them continue ''.
According to the fossil record, Lissamphibia, which includes all modern amphibians and is the only surviving lineage, may have branched off from the extinct groups Temnospondyli and Lepospondyli at some period between the Late Carboniferous and the Early Triassic.
According to Cauchy's functional equation theorem, the logarithm is the only continuous transformation that transforms real multiplication to addition.
According to the definition by IUPAC, the former two are alkanes, whereas the third group is called cycloalkanes.
According to adventurer André Malraux, in his La Condition Humaine ( 1933 ), " If a man is not ready to risk his life, where is his dignity ?".
According to the Catholic Encyclopedia, an Allocution is a solemn form of address or speech from the throne employed by the Pope on certain occasions.
According to Richard Dawkins, a distinction between agnosticism and atheism is unwieldy and depends on how close to zero we are willing to rate the probability of existence for any given god-like entity.
According to Tillich, the last of these three types of existential anxiety, i. e. spiritual anxiety, is predominant in modern times while the others were predominant in earlier periods.
According to Viktor Frankl, the author of Man's Search for Meaning, when a person is faced with extreme mortal dangers, the most basic of all human wishes is to find a meaning of life to combat the " trauma of nonbeing " as death is near.
According to one analyst, Armenia's economic system is anticompetitive due to the structure of the economy being a type of " monopoly or oligopoly ".
According to the estimate of a former prime minister, Hrant Bagratian, 55 percent of Armenia's GDP is controlled by 44 families.
According to the Central Bank of Armenia, in 2005, cash remittances from Armenians working abroad reached a record-high level of $ 1 billion, which is worth more than one fifth of the country ’ s 2005 Gross Domestic Product.
According to the ROA National Statistical Service, the average monthly salary during January-June 2008 is 86, 850 drams ( about $ 287 at the time ).

According and hardest
According to the OECD ( www. oecd. org ) report, in 2004 Poles were one of the hardest working nations in Europe.
According to this account, the water contained material which settled out of suspension in a process of sedimentation to form the core of the planet and the continents as a series of layers, the oldest and hardest being granite while newer layers showed an increasing number of fossils.
According to The Twilight Zone Companion this was one of the hardest episodes technically to put on film.
According to Paul Cook, in the few months between joining the band and meeting Spungen, Vicious was a dedicated worker and tried his hardest to learn to play ; indeed, this period was Cook's favourite in the band.
According to Rediff. com, " character is one of the hardest to essay, as she goes through love and awe, fear and bewilderment, defiance to her father and submission to her man.
According to Nee, The balance of the meeting was spent forming an alliance, and by far the hardest part was deciding whom to protect.
According to Kirzinger, the hardest thing he went through for performing as Jason in Freddy vs. Jason ( 2003 ), was sinking into the lake.
According to the American Heart Association, " Nicotine addiction has historically been one of the hardest addictions to break.

According and working
According to the Central Bank of Armenia, during the first half of 2008, cash remittances sent back to Armenia by Armenians working abroad rose by 57. 5 percent and totaled $ 668. 6 million USD, equivalent to 15 percent of the country's first-half Gross Domestic Product.
According to her diaries, Volume One, 1931 – 1934, Nin abandoned formal schooling at the age of sixteen years and later began working as an artist's model.
According to Chomsky, the media and public relations industry actively shape public opinion, working to present messages in line with their economic agenda for the purposes of controlling of the ' public mind '.
According to his figures, six times as many people have died from the inflictions of people working for governments than have died in battle.
According to a forum post in December 2010, Sixense Entertainment is working on musical control with the Sixense TrueMotion motion controller.
According to the U. S. Environmental Protection Agency, " China has been working with great determination in recent years to develop, implement, and enforce a solid environmental law framework.
According to Eric S. Raymond, the Open source and Free Software hacker subculture developed in the 1960s among ‘ academic hackers ’ working on early minicomputers in computer science environments in the United States.
According to the 2001 census, around 850, 000 people in Britain were born in Ireland and much of the working class has some Irish heritage.
According to Karl Marx, industrialisation polarised society into the bourgeoisie ( those who own the means of production, the factories and the land ) and the much larger proletariat ( the working class who actually perform the labour necessary to extract something valuable from the means of production ).
According to principal architect Stephen P. Morse, this was a result of a more software centric approach than in the design of earlier Intel processors ( the designers had experience working with compiler implementations ).
According to the theory, long-term memory differs structurally and functionally from working memory or short-term memory, which ostensibly stores items for only around 20 – 30 seconds and can be recalled easily.
According to several linguists, neurocognitive research has confirmed many standards of language learning, such as: " learning engages the entire person ( cognitive, affective, and psychomotor domains ), the human brain seeks patterns in its searching for meaning, emotions affect all aspects of learning, retention and recall, past experience always affects new learning, the brain's working memory has a limited capacity, lecture usually results in the lowest degree of retention, rehearsal is essential for retention, practice does not make perfect, and each brain is unique " ( Sousa, 2006, p. 274 ).
According to the press release, " The centre will comprise a 10MW light-water reactor working on 20 %- enriched uranium-235, an activation analysis laboratory, a medical isotope production laboratory, silicon doping system, nuclear waste treatment and burial facilities ".
According to the Rybno administration most active Poles during that region included Jóżwiakowscy, Wojnowscy, Grzeszczowscy families working under the guidance of politician Leon Wojnowski who protested German attempts to remain Działdowo a part of Germany after the war ; other local pro-Polish activists were Alfred Wellenger, Paczyński, Tadeusz Bogdański, Jóźwiakowski.
According to the Masurian Institute the Masurian members of resistance against Nazi Germany who survived the war, became active in 1945 in the region, working in Olsztyn in cooperation with new state authorities in administration, education and cultural affairs
:: According to Acts, Paul began working along the traditional Jewish line of proselytizing in the various synagogues where the proselytes of the gate
According to the decree, restrictions were focused on the ' parasitic stratum ' of society, in the interest of the ' working population '.
According to William of Newburgh, in May 1198 Richard and the labourers working on the castle were drenched in a " rain of blood ".
According to Holmes, it was an encounter with the father of one of his classmates that led him to take up detection as a profession, and he spent the six years following university working as a consulting detective, before financial difficulties led him to take Watson as a roommate, at which point the narrative of the stories begins.
According to the U. S. Department of State, more than 109, 000 children were working on cocoa farms alone in Côte d ' Ivoire ( Ivory Coast ) in " the worst forms of child labor " in 2002.
According to this view, socialism from above is carried out by a centralized state run by an elite bureaucratic apparatus, whereas socialism from below represents the self-administration and self-rule of the working class.
According to his autobiography Bessemer was working with an ordinary reverbatory furnace but during a test, some pieces of pig iron were jostled off the side of the ladle, and were left above the ladle in the furnace's heat.
According to the book Piercing the Reich, the SD was infiltrated in 1944 by a Russian who was working for the Americans.

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