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Page "Styrbjörn the Strong" ¶ 1
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Some Related Sentences

with and many
A Southerner married to a New Englander, I have lived for many years in a Connecticut commuting town with a high percentage of artists, writers, publicity men, and business executives of egghead tastes.
They are huge areas which have been swept by winds for so many centuries that there is no soil left, but only deep bare ridges fifty or sixty yards apart with ravines between them thirty or forty feet deep and the only thing that moves is a scuttling layer of sand.
On Fridays, the day when many Persians relax with poetry, talk, and a samovar, people do not, it is true, stream into Chehel Sotun -- a pavilion and garden built by Shah Abbas 2, in the seventeenth century -- but they do retire into hundreds of pavilions throughout the city and up the river valley, which are smaller, more humble copies of the former.
His repeated experimentation with the techniques of fiction testifies to an independence of mind and an originality of approach, but it also shows him touching at many points the stream of literary development back of him.
`` A portable companion always ready to go where you go -- a small friend weighing less than a freshborn infant -- to be shared with few or many -- just two of you in sweet meditation ''.
It seems to me now, in a long backward glance, that many of the Hetman's conceits and odd actions -- together with his grim posture when brandishing the hatchet in the name of Mr. Hearst -- were keyed with the tragedy which was to close over him one day.
Mrs. Coolidge would knit, and the President would sit reading, or playing with the many pets around them.
Modern psychiatric knowledge provides us with many keys to unlock the significance of behavior of the kind.
We are all, though many of us are snobbish enough to wish to deny it, in far closer sympathy with the art of the music-hall and picture-palace than with Chaucer and Cimabue, or even Shakespeare and Titian.
When these fields are surveyed together, important patterns of relationship emerge indicating a vast community of reciprocal influence, a continuity of thought and expression including many traditions, primarily literary, religious, and philosophical, but frequently including contact with the fine arts and even, to some extent, with science.
In much the same way, we recognize the importance of Shakespeare's familarity with Plutarch and Montaigne, of Shelley's study of Plato's dialogues, and of Coleridge's enthusiastic plundering of the writings of many philosophers and theologians from Plato to Schelling and William Godwin, through which so many abstract ideas were brought to the attention of English men of letters.
Inherently incapable of cooperating with others, he ran his own show regardless of how many party-line Democratic toes he stepped on.
But you could ( as from yourself ) tell her that you had friends who, being with the army, don't know what to do with their money and would willingly let her have one or many thousand dollars ''.
the pope was playing a dangerous game, with so many balls in the air at once that a misstep would bring them all about his ears, and his only hope was to temporize so that he could take advantage of every change in the delicate balance of European affairs.
He was unable to send any more help to his allies on the Continent, and during the next few years many of them, left to resist French pressure unaided, surrendered to the inevitable and made their peace with Philip.
Behind him lay the Low Countries, where men were still completing the cathedrals that a later Florentine would describe as `` a malediction of little tabernacles, one on top of the other, with so many pyramids and spires and leaves that it is a wonder they stand up at all, for they look as though they were made of paper instead of stone or marble '' ; ;
I had always thought of that lovable man as many years older than myself, although he was perhaps only twenty years older, and he confirmed my feeling, along with the feeling of both my sons, that teachers of the classics are invariably endearing.
The tiny hamlet of Chesterton to the north, with the fens and marshes lying on down the Ouse River, may have attracted him often, as it did many other youths of the time.
To do this successfully required great skill and a special talent for both solemn and ribald raillery, a talent not bestowed on many persons, but one with which Milton was marked as being endowed and in which, at least in this performance, he obviously reveled.
A good many pages of the first section are taken up with an account of the dogged determination of the prisoners to write to their wives and families -- even when it becomes clear that the Germans are simply allowing the letters to blow away in the wind.

with and figures
From an initial investment of $1,200 in 1943, it has grown, with no additional capital investment, to a present value estimated by some as exceeding $10,000,000 ( we don't disclose financial figures to the public ).
Already Trevelyan had begun to parallel his nineteenth-century Italian studies with several works on English figures of the same period.
Sam Rayburn is one of the greatest American public figures in the history of our country and I consider that I have been singly honored in the privilege of knowing Sam Rayburn and sharing with him the rights and obligations of a Member of the House of Representatives in the Congress of the United States.
An Advisory Council of outstanding public figures with experience in world affairs should be formed to give the program continuing guidance and to afford a focal point for public understanding.
and translate the whole into profit and loss and balance sheet figures which management can act on with some assurance??
The figures in the next-to-last column are derived with the assumption of 50 per cent shielding by the Earth ; ;
and maximum length, with confirmation or amplification of Oliver's figures.
The following summary, based on Figures 5 and 6, is an example of one way of interpreting the 42 figures constructed from onset ages and completion ages of individual children with respect to the appropriate mean age for each growth center.
In spite of the defects in this system, the figures on total population during the late 1930's and again in the early 1950's seem to have represented actual conditions in most districts with approximate fidelity.
The registration figures given in Table 2 must be interpreted with caution since the estimate for eligible electors were made without the benefit of a reliable census.
He could not see objects as unified, self-contained, and organized figures, as a person does with normal vision.
No figures were submitted with the report and no action was taken on it by the town.
The open ceiling, with allegorical and classical figures thrown in masses against the sky: the closed frieze, formally divided into historical scenes and tightly tied to the stone walls, belong in their large ordering to the line of Correggio and his Baroque followers.
One had to manage the given subjects, three diverse recent events, so as to make them part of a classical frieze, -- that is, a pattern of large figures filling the space, with not much else, against a blank background.
It is hardly accidental, therefore, that many of his most vivid figures do suggestive or eccentric things with their hands.
Authorities hesitate to quote exact figures, however, believing that any sum they come up with is only a surface manifestation -- turned up by their inevitably limited policing -- of the real loot of the medical racketeer.
Giovanni Bernini's `` Fountain of the Rivers '', in the center of the piazza, is built around a Roman obelisk from the Circus of Maxentius which rests on grottoes and rocks, with four huge figures, one at each corner, denoting four great rivers from different continents -- the Danube, the Ganges, the Nile, and the Plate.
`` Good figures should be kept in hand '', she said, and walked away with an exaggerated wiggle.
The figures on the worksheet paper in front of her were jumping and waving around so badly it was all she could do to make them out clearly enough to copy them with the typewriter.
here Kennan, operating with precise facts and figures, performs an excellent job of debunking.
When she came back Eugenia was sitting at the kitchen table with a pencil and envelope jotting down words and figures.
`` No '', said the half-man, `` a sort of eye-machine with real people doing the figures ''.
Together with Plato and Socrates ( Plato's teacher ), Aristotle is one of the most important founding figures in Western philosophy.
Animation can be made with either hand rendered art, computer generated imagery, or three-dimensional objects, e. g. puppets or clay figures, or a combination of techniques.
In the archaic pediments and friezes of the temples, the artists had a problem to fit a group of figures into an isosceles triangle with acute angles at the base.

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