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Page "William King (poet)" ¶ 5
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had and already
To this effect I had already severed all connections which bound me to my former existence.
As far as I was concerned, she had already and had dandily shown what she could do.
He already had that slow pace that comes over the elderly, while she herself had all the signs of one who appreciates the joys of living.
and Robinson Roy, who had gone down this line ten minutes before to set a new depth record for the free dive, was already back on the surface.
But though the Southern States, when drafting a constitution to unite themselves, narrowed the difference to this fine point by omitting to assert the right to secede, the fact remained that by seceding from the Union they had already acted on the concept that it was composed primarily of sovereign states.
It is a weakness of Gabriel's analysis that he never seems to realize that his so-called fundamental law had already been cut loose from its foundations when it was adapted to democracy.
I fled, however, not from what might have been the natural fear of being unable to disguise from you that the things about my bridegroom -- in the sense you meant the word `` things '' -- which you had been galvanizing yourself to tell me as a painful part of your maternal duty were things which I had already insisted upon finding out for myself ( despite, I may now say, the unspeakable awkwardness of making the discovery on principle, yes, on principle, and in cold blood ) because I was resolved, as a modern woman, not to be a mollycoddle waiting for Life but to seize Life by the throat.
When May came the Caravan had already crossed the Equator.
Esther, mistaking my hesitation, assured me that the hospital expense would be taken care of by a leading merchant in Strasbourg whom she had already approached.
These chatty merchants made amusing and instructive traveling companions, for their business took them to all four corners of the globe, and Florentine gossip had already reached a high stage of development as even a cursory glance at the Inferno will prove.
Both Alfred Harcourt and Donald Brace had written him enthusiastic praise of Elmer Gantry ( any changes could be made in proof, which was already coming from the printer ) and they had ordered 140,000 copies -- the largest first printing of any book in history.
This time, added to that which I had already spent in school prior to my induction in 1954, makes a total of twenty-two ( 22 ) years of education.
It was not so much that the shot had stunned the audience, as that they had been stunned already.
The front of their column had already passed us, when another officer came riding down the side of the road, not five paces from where we were.
They had already lost most of their corn, she thought.
The news of battle on Breed's Hill had already seeped through, and New York itself was now left in the hands of the local Provincial Congress.
He had already been studying the Bible ; ;
But when I saw that it was already ten past seven, I began to wonder if something had gone wrong.
At the outset, the Government's spokesman explained that counsel for the Government and for Du Pont had already held preliminary discussions with a view to arriving at a relief plan that both sides could recommend to the court.
The experiments of Romagnosi and others have already been noted but no one had determined the cause-and-effect relationship between these two primary forces.

had and made
The silence oppressed him, made him bend low over the horse's neck as if to hide from a wind that had begun to blow far away and was twisting slowly through the darkness in its slow search.
He had spent two hours riding around the ranch that morning, and in broad daylight it was even less inviting than Judith Pierce had made it seem.
No man could have reached his spot nor held it without being ruthless, and Hague had made a virtue of ruthlessness all of his life.
Moreover, as long as the weapon was carried openly, the sheriff's office had made no previous issue of it.
Lewis was a man who had made a full-time job of cow stealing.
Rumors of the offer Tom Horn had made at the Stockgrowers' Association meeting had leaked out by then, and as a grand jury investigation of the murder got underway, the prosecuting attorney, a Colonel Baird, ordered that the tall stock detective be summoned for questioning.
He had made himself the personification of the Devil to the homesteaders.
Nor could they stop and find out about all that had happened until they made circle, tended the cattle, tethered the horses, gathered fuel, carried water, and started their cooking fires.
Even the knowledge that she was losing another boy, as a mother always does when a marriage is made, did not prevent her from having the first carefree, dreamless sleep that she had known since they dropped down the canyon and into Bear Valley, way, way back there when they were crossing those other mountains.
Mary Jane had made very little effort.
She had touched her face, truly a noble and pure face, only with a lip salve which made her lips glisten but no redder than usual.
After he had spent the first three years in New York as associate conductor, at Toscanini's invitation, of the NBC Orchestra, he made numerous guest appearances throughout the United States and Latin America.
`` I have just come from viewing a man who had made the fortune of his country, but now is working all night in order to support his family '', he reflected.
Three of these only were protected from us by stern commandment: the roses, whose petals might not be collected until they had fallen, to be made into perfume or rose-tea to drink ; ;
If a child had a single drop of Negro blood, he would revert to the ancestral line which, except as slaves under a superior race, had not made one step of progress in 3,000 years.
What irritated Miriam was that Wright had told the papers about a reasonable offer he had made, which he considered she would accept `` when she tires of publicity ''.
Accordingly the request was granted, but the Elector himself, who had not been consulted by his mother, rejected the proposal and recalled his agent Schutz, whose impolitic handling of the affair had caused the Hanoverian interest to suffer and had made Oxford's dismissal more likely than ever.
When he remembered that he might have not signed the check, Mercer made out another for the same amount, instructing the bank to destroy the other -- especially if he had happened to have absent-mindedly signed both of them.
As the field on which my tent was pitched was a favorite natural playground for the kids of the neighborhood, I had made many friends among them, taking part in their after-school games and trying desperately to translate Grimm's Fairy Tales into an understandable French as we gathered around the fire in front of the tent.

had and some
It could be some kind of trick Budd had thought up.
Already some of the pain had gone from Amelia's death.
I had for some time been hoping, in vain, for one of the dim figures to pass between the fan vents and myself.
She had to move in some direction -- any direction that would take her away from this evil place.
He seemed very pleased with himself, as though some intricate scheme was working out exactly as he had planned.
This time Lewis had his own rifle in his hands, and he threw some answering fire back at the mysterious far-off shot, then spent most of the day searching out the area.
I found a trooper once the Apache had spread-eagled on an ant hill, and another time we ran across some teamsters they'd caught, tied upside down on their own wagon wheels over little fires until their brains was exploded right out o' their skulls.
Sometimes I wondered vaguely what he did about women for my Aunt, by blood, had died some years ago, but neither of us said anything.
In those days poems often told a story in verse and those boys had some corkers to tell ; ;
The code, which had probably something to do with sex or some other interest, Nicolas was determined to find out and put to use.
Besides, terror had sapped some of Frayne's vitality and will.
The fear had not entirely gone from her face, but there were some other emotions now, crowding into her eyes and the lines of her mouth.
I persuaded an Australian friend who had lived `` outback '' for years to take me to see some aborigines living in the bush.
Yet often fear persists because, even with the most rigid ritual, one is never quite free from the uneasy feeling that one might make some mistake or that in every previous execution one had been unaware of the really decisive act.
Then suddenly we found ourselves in the middle of another fight, an irrational, an indecent, an undeclared and immoral war with our strongest ( and some had thought noblest ) ally.
He opens his discourse, however, with a review of the Eisenhower inaugural festivities at which a sympathetic press had assembled its massive talents, all primed to catch some revelation of the emerging new age.
If he had been `` liquidated '' in some way, he would have become a martyr, a rallying point for people who shared his ideas.
During the 1920's the Abstractionists, the German Bauhaus group of industrial designers, and the new architects all had the dream of some well ordered utopia, or welfare state, in which their neat and logical constructions might find their proper place.
`` We were possessed by visions of a new civilization to come, very pure and elevated '', he has said, `` in fact some ideal form of socialism such as we had dreamed of since the war of 1914-1918 ''.
and, `` I do think that families are the most beautiful things in all the world '', burst out Jo some five hundred pages later in that popular story of the March family, which had first appeared when Henrietta was eight ; ;
You probably would not remember, since you never seemed to remember even the same moments as I, much less their intensity, one sunny midday on Fifth Avenue when you had set out with me for some final shopping less than a week before the wedding you staged for me with such reluctance at the Farm.
Victor Berger, the panjandrum of Wisconsin Socialism and member of Congress, had asked Paula Steichen to translate some of his German editorials into English.
I had known him for some years, when I was a delegate and before, and this manner had never been his ''.
In the same way he coupled Molesworth and Wharton in a letter to Archbishop King, and he had earlier described him as `` the worst of them '' in some `` Observations '' on the Irish Privy Council submitted to Oxford.

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